What did you accomplish today?

Is that our resident ninga ( neo )

One bad MF.
Fuck no, neosapiens dick would have shattered the rear windshield as well. He packs a pretty big tool for a smaller guy.

A simple case of mistaken identity.

Note to self look for larger penis, ok got it.
Thanks @ Mr Sunshine that would have been awkward.

I would have been like" hey my favorite ninga" and then, "ohh wait a minute you have a tiny penis" .
Your just jealous .......and I have a safety harness anchored to his slightly smaller left testicle ...

(( Tiny ninja bow)) for speaking about a ninjas testicles.

I wish I had ninga testicles, the last time I got kicked in my junk they folded up like origumi.
Fire alarm/evacuation at work today because some dumb motherfucker tried to make TOAST.

Reminds me of a story my friend told me of when he was staying with relatives during a family reunion.

It's real early in the morning and most everyone is asleep except for a few of them watching tv with the volume way down. His little cousin comes in and asks each of them one at a time "do you want some tooaasstt??" and everyone is like no thanks maybe later etc.

Then about 15 minutes go by and he hears his uncle go "who the fuck put jelly in the toaster?"
Couldn't quite tell, your almonds are a darker green than the ones down here; spacing is close, 30x30 vs 25x25
We do have lots of walnuts as well ....il take pics of a freakin gorgeous walnut orchard my neighbor has....it's amazing.....me and little Inda always get an invite when they shake to go fill buckets ....and we do.

Lots of blackberry bushes to ((yum))
We do have lots of walnuts as well ....il take pics of a freakin gorgeous walnut orchard my neighbor has....it's amazing.....me and little Inda always get an invite when they shake to go fill buckets ....and we do.

Lots of blackberry bushes to ((yum))

When I was little indas age I actually got to spend what seemed like normal time with my dad , he would take us to the river or Creek and Tell us to pic black berries , I eat so many they would take my bucket but I didn't care I was still eating all I could get my lips around. Same thing with plums , muscadines
Was told at the end of the day yesterday that I was being flown out to San Diego tomorrow to install two rudders I made on a cup boat for a race on Friday.. Obviously I was pumped, did a bunch of running around to get ready for the trip. Got a call today the boat didn't pass inspection something cheating wise with the hull not sure on the specifics... So now I don't get a free trip to Cali.

So I cleaned my room out of spite.. That's how broken of a man I was

'K' was blown away I actually had a floor that's how bad it was


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So an older lady who loves my banana OG tomatoes came by to swoop some .....she's disabled and has been out for two days due to vacation .....she text and asked if she could swing by ....I'm up so I said ....fuck no you crazy bitch..kiss my ass .....not really but now I have your attention .....so I said ya sure....so I'm masterba....umb...doing paperwork in my office when she texts and says she's here ....so I walk out my side door to meet her out front ......these fucking possums have ruined another pair of my underwear ....scared me again ....fuckin things ....walking down the side of the house towards the front ...and as soon as the motion light clicked ....BAM!!! Cluster fuck of possums rite next to me going crazy ...especially momma possum ((UGLY)) and hissed when I startled her .......thought the devil was in my yard .....I almost got a video of her rounding up the small ones and heading out .....but I had shit my pants and by the time it got my phone she was gone .......I will get a pic of that dirty snaggle toothed bitch on my phone ......maybe even the possums to ...((couldn't resist))

K time to get stoned and sleep


Nite guys/gals

And fuck rats


Bolted a Six Shooter and a Cider jug from the Port Adelaide markets together. Paint job is all auto paint except for the glow in the dark stuff. 1495098363924-715142293.jpg

Hose bit is just there hold the metal stem in place. I made the hole about a 1mm too large.

Cone piece pulls forwards half a cm to gut it. Then rotate to next cone. And hand to next in line.
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