Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Obstruction of investigation. That's what did Nixon in. That and a bipartisan disgust at how the WH was being run. Not to mention other actions that never made it to the light of day.

Notes made by former FBI director Comey say Trump pressured him to end Flynn probe

President Trump asked the FBI to drop its probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn and urged former FBI director James B. Comey instead to pursue reporters in leak cases, according to associates of Comey who have seen private notes he wrote recounting the conversation.
Obstruction of investigation. That's what did Nixon in. That and a bipartisan disgust at how the WH was being run. Not to mention other actions that never made it to the light of day.

Notes made by former FBI director Comey say Trump pressured him to end Flynn probe

President Trump asked the FBI to drop its probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn and urged former FBI director James B. Comey instead to pursue reporters in leak cases, according to associates of Comey who have seen private notes he wrote recounting the conversation.

this is only one of about a dozen smoking guns too. comey was just sitting on it too. he had bigger fish to fry.