Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

That was my thought.

He came in a couple months ago acting like a complete angry douchebag, but Baldrick 'assured' several of us that he was on the level, even though he himself didn't seem so sure. (GC import)
I've personally given several chances and listened to several earfuls of teen-rage bullshit, so I guess we'll see how things go from now on. Shame, really...

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She was WHINING about thread creep. It's an interwebz fact of life, going all the way back to around the time you were born (1997) and Usenet. I miss usenet. No moderators. Just Dodge City.

I was so hoping you'd decided not to be a limp-wristed pussy, but despite your politics, you're useless to anyone but the Nazis.

A post or two off topic is acceptable, NOT a page or's rude.
Shut up, bitch. 'WAAAAA, you talked about amplifiers and those don't interest me AND it's MY MY MY thread and I can tell you what to talk about and I'M A GIRL AND YOU HAVE TO OBEY ME!!! YOU can't talk about amps because I don't care about them. ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT I WANT!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA

See what you started @big lou?
He came in a couple months ago acting like a complete angry douchebag, but Baldrick 'assured' several of us that he was on the level, even though he himself didn't seem to sure. (GC import)
I've personally given several chances and listened to several earfuls of teen-rage bullshit, so I guess we'll see how things go from now on. Shame, really...

View attachment 3943544

How's that any different from now?

Why is he so angry?
Why is he so angry?
Because I hate people like you, who think who think they can control others with whiny peer pressure. I do NOT respond well to any form of peer pressure, and I will react to it any way I please. So next time you want to complain about amp talk, you can bring it, but you will get the exact same reaction. If you don't like it, just skip over it, and fucking live with it. No candy for YOU!!!
So funny, they look just like trichomes..they're clear, so it has some time to go:wink:
I've read that if you harvest and dry slowly when the first trics start turning cloudy, then they'll almost all be cloudy by cure time.

Of course I can't confirm the veracity of these claims because marijuana, illegal, etc.
Lol that guys funny but if the wiki is correct someone born in 80 could be a millenial. I always thought late 90s and up but in 80 some would be 37 now. I wouldnt count that as a millenial personaly but who decides these facts anyway?
It was my understanding that anyone who "grew up" through out the 00's was a millenial (so born in the 90's)...

EDIT: You killed my joke btw... :(
Wow thats actualy neat Lou have you had one before real question not mocking you wander wat makes them so crystal alot of suger? And please dont say meth its getting old ;)

It's your mom's crusted pussy juices that help the shiny crystals form!

Ok, ok, seriously.....these crystalline fruits/veggies only have two ingredients - the fruit itself and sugar - so yes, the candying (sugar) is the source of the crystals.
This weekend I'll grab some others so you can see the various textures/crystal formations. (The place I visit usually offers berries, melon, oranges, pineapple, plums, pumpkin, etc.etc.)