What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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It's not a good thing it keeps the little man down..
History of unregulated meat: adulterated meat, falsely labeled meat, shit in everything, rat shit too and a few human body parts if there were an accident on the line. If only we had unregulated meat we'd be free.

Basically you are talking about the collapse of the meat industry because nobody would trust the product. Regulations enforce a standard that enables inter-state trading as well as international. Witness the horrors that have recently gone down in the Chinese market. You live in a lie.
Lol show me any administration that "could lie right". You can't, and I don't care what party they belong to.

This is part of the problem. Politicians think they should lie. I have always been best served by honesty.
FDR spoke truth to power.

You should read up on him and what he did for America after the Crash of '29 and how he led the country back from the Great Depression.

We badly need another leader like him.

Even more than that, we need to stand up as a people and demand that our country respect us, stop stealing from the rest to enrich the few and stop being such a murderous imperialist power around the world.

If We the People made ourselves heard, our politicians would fall all over themselves to do our bidding.
Capitalism would be just fine if it wasn't for unfair taxes and regulations. Thanks to our government we have Socialism/Fascism and corruption fucking us out of a true free capitalist society.

I know how to make morphine and some antibiotics and can do so for very cheap but I'm not allowed to freely enter the market so everyone has to pay what big pharma charges. The farming industry basically the same problem and timber well I don't have millions to buy thousands of acres.

Wall street loves it but it don't help the little man trying to come up.
Without government regulations, there would be no capitalism. Just monopolies and price gouging.
I'm sorry if it was over your head.

I'll try to keep it simple for you next time ;-)
It is up to us to demand that our political system and those in speak the truth and end corruption. It won't happen until we demand it. It won't happen unless we demand it.

And once we do demand it, we will be irresistible.

Look at South Korea; the People entered the streets and demanded their government impeach, remove, indict and imprison the Prime Minister for corruption- and kept it up until their government did it.

I can only imagine what would happen to the American political scene if people did something similar here!
Fuck your miserable excuse for morality that favors profit over the well being of my fellow American citizens.

You've revealed yourself to be a thoughtless, witless, selfish asshole with no thought for the needs of others.

Don't you dare try a moralistic argument with me ever again.
too funny that you once called it "honey". (snicker)

Sorry man but you have to wear that now.

Hey, @undercovergrow , How do you expect a single mother of three who makes the national median income of about $35,000 to pay $20,000 plus out of pocket costs for health care coverage?

FWIW, the average cost of individual coverage on today's market is $5,615
too funny that you once called it "honey". (snicker)

Sorry man but you have to wear that now.

Hey, @undercovergrow , How do you expect a single mother of three who makes the national median income of about $35,000 to pay $20,000 plus out of pocket costs for health care coverage?

FWIW, the average cost of individual coverage on today's market is $5,615
I corrected it! I did, I did!

Better late than never?