What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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no, your view is all wrong. you're focusing on the propaganda, but it is the corruption that is killing this country not capitalism. as soon as Wilson allowed the Federal Reserve to be created and Nixon took us off the gold standard, corruption has been running rampant in this country and we are being run by an oligarchy of men.
our capitalism is inherently corrupt.
from it's roots in and throughout history to what is currently taught in business school. sure they teach ethics but they preach against letting personal and emotional connection get in your way.
socialism doesn't require communism. and vis versa
How can you be sure you wouldn't prefer an ideal communist or socialist society to this capitalist one.
While Socialism and Communism look good on paper, these two seem far more susceptible to corruption than other forms of government.

If not for the corruption, they might succeed pretty well, even if you lose some freedoms (generally) in order to live with these types of government.
While Socialism and Communism look good on paper, these two seem far more susceptible to corruption than other forms of government.

If not for the corruption, they might succeed pretty well, even if you lose some freedoms (generally) in order to live with these types of government.
"...look good on paper" is what people in the west say about Communism when they dismiss it out of hand and have no original thought on the subject.
what freedoms do you lose? Keeping in mind that neither communism nor socialism is necessarily a form of government. both are actually economic models as in capitalism.
Oh yeah, you are rich!! (Not speaking monetarily either)

Try reading the Federalist Papers, anti-Federalist Papers, and the many letters of correspondence that the Founding Fathers have written.

The vast majority of the Constitution is pretty darn clear once you have read those. VERY LITTLE needs "interpretation". The Constitution is in English, mostly clarified with a good dictionary.
trouble is , no matter how clear it is, all that matters is interpretation. we would have more rights and freedom if it wasn't for the courts "interpretations".
socialism doesn't require communism. and vis versa
How can you be sure you wouldn't prefer an ideal communist or socialist society to this capitalist one.
Capitalism would be just fine if it wasn't for unfair taxes and regulations. Thanks to our government we have Socialism/Fascism and corruption fucking us out of a true free capitalist society.

I know how to make morphine and some antibiotics and can do so for very cheap but I'm not allowed to freely enter the market so everyone has to pay what big pharma charges. The farming industry basically the same problem and timber well I don't have millions to buy thousands of acres.

Wall street loves it but it don't help the little man trying to come up.
Capitalism would be just fine if it wasn't for unfair taxes and regulations. Thanks to our government we have Socialism/Fascism and corruption fucking us out of a true free capitalist society.

I know how to make morphine and some antibiotics and can do so for very cheap but I'm not allowed to freely enter the market so everyone has to pay what big pharma charges. The farming industry basically the same problem and timber well I don't have millions to buy thousands of acres.

Wall street loves it but it don't help the little man trying to come up.
how to make morphine. pm me if your not lieing. do you synthesize or extract? you are misinformed.. but what elements of socialism do we even have now? where do you live? do you mean socialist welfare (witch it's not) and fascist tax? or are you saying you are restricted from clear cutting so that's fascist?
how to make morphine. pm me if your not lieing. do you synthesize or extract? you are misinformed.. but what elements of socialism do we even have now? where do you live? do you mean socialist welfare (witch it's not) and fascist tax? or are you saying you are restricted from clear cutting so that's fascist?
Socialism with generous safety nets for the rich owners of mega corporations and capitalism with no safety nets for everyone else.

Stir over time, with aggressive policing for the discontents (guess who they are!) and voila! ARISTOCRACY with corporate led FASCISM.

Our Founding Fathers fought against exactly such a system and died for the chance for their sons and daughters to live free of it.

So what do we do in the 'modern' era? Allow the very same system to be recreated!

Americans are stupid.
I'd settle for 1/2 an FDR and a good congress.

Just get us going forward again. This current regime in turmoil can't even lie right.
Lol show me any administration that "could lie right". You can't, and I don't care what party they belong to.

This is part of the problem. Politicians think they should lie. I have always been best served by honesty.