Truly incredible Trump lovers


Well-Known Member
What is DJ Trump's appeal? Why do you guys love him so much? What's so great about DJ Trump?

That is what I really want to know. I live in Louisiana, where there's a MAGA sign in just about every yard. Just about every car has a trump sticker on it. What's so great about this pussy grabbing ass wipe?

And trump mostly speaks in adverbs and adjectives

"Well, the American people are going to be truly grateful for the incredible leadership of my administration. We're going to have the best people in my great administration, and it's going to be truly incredible and truly great for the American people. I'm going to, you know, have the best people, and we're going to do truly great things for America. Only the very great and truly wonderful things is what we, you know, will be working on. And the people, they are the best. And we are going to have the best people...the best blacks, and the best women, and the American people are going to thank me for it as we truly make American great again."

Are 60 million some odd Trump voters so motherfucking stupid that they believe the speaking points quoted above makes any sense whatsoever? Are Americans so motherfucking stupid that they fall for a guy who says "truly," "best," and "incredible" a lot? Do Americans just want folks to speak in superlatives all the time? Does that persuade the average American?
To any Trumper on here,you support Trump then you support A.G.sessions and the war he wants to fully pursue against weed,legal and medicinal,yet you're on a pro weed site???Trumpers are truly ignorant continuing to support policies that conflict with their own self interests.


Well-Known Member
To any Trumper on here,you support Trump then you support A.G.sessions and the war he wants to fully pursue against weed,legal and medicinal,yet you're on a pro weed site???Trumpers are truly ignorant continuing to support policies that conflict with their own self interests.
Drumpf drones are mentally retarded, what did you expect?

Designated trash thread...begin dumping....

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Well-Known Member
So you're willing to go out with an "annoying" Christian, so long as she has s willing to "fuck" . you're a whacko, and probably belong where you work.
It depends is she a real Christian or a fake Christian?you know,like the Christians that support Trump,Fake.If she's a fake Christian I'll long dick her down and make her scream hail Satan,hail Trump and then blow my load in the form of a swastika on her back.


Well-Known Member
I like your take on Christians.

Christians annoy me, but I live in North Louisiana. I recently split with my atheistic, anti-pot GF. Would it be wrong of me to go to church here to find dates? Some smokin' hot women go to church here, and from what I hear, they're looking for somebody to fuck.

From wikipedia. North Louisiana is shaded in brown. LOL

Depends on which church. A southern baptist? umm, you know, sometimes you have to actually talk to them, you know, just saying. What could you possibly talk about around the kitchen table? True, there are quite a few positions to discuss.


Well-Known Member
To any Trumper on here,you support Trump then you support A.G.sessions and the war he wants to fully pursue against weed,legal and medicinal,yet you're on a pro weed site???Trumpers are truly ignorant continuing to support policies that conflict with their own self interests.
Everything is black and white to you idiots, there are many things going on right now that us Trump voters disagree with. Let me simplify for the stupid. I voted for Obama the second time he ran. I don't agree with hardly any of his policies and believe he should be considered for the top 5 worse presidents ever. However, I disagree with Romney even more and could in no way see him as good for the country, so that election I voted Democrat, (I'm registered as independent).

New just replace the names with Trump and Hillary. That's really all there is to it. So now the only thing left to do is offer support to the person I picked instead of making it impossible to do his job.

Sorry but in my OPINION you had he shittiest candidate of the two. I won't justify my opinion so don't ask, I don't owe anyone that.


Well-Known Member
Everything is black and white to you idiots, there are many things going on right now that us Trump voters disagree with. Let me simplify for the stupid. I voted for Obama the second time he ran. I don't agree with hardly any of his policies and believe he should be considered for the top 5 worse presidents ever. However, I disagree with Romney even more and could in no way see him as good for the country, so that election I voted Democrat, (I'm registered as independent).

New just replace the names with Trump and Hillary. That's really all there is to it. So now the only thing left to do is offer support to the person I picked instead of making it impossible to do his job.

Sorry but in my OPINION you had he shittiest candidate of the two. I won't justify my opinion so don't ask, I don't owe anyone that.
too many words. didn't simplify. Let me paraphrase

"I was confused so I went with my gut"


Well-Known Member
Everything is black and white to you idiots, there are many things going on right now that us Trump voters disagree with. Let me simplify for the stupid. I voted for Obama the second time he ran. I don't agree with hardly any of his policies and believe he should be considered for the top 5 worse presidents ever. However, I disagree with Romney even more and could in no way see him as good for the country, so that election I voted Democrat, (I'm registered as independent).

New just replace the names with Trump and Hillary. That's really all there is to it. So now the only thing left to do is offer support to the person I picked instead of making it impossible to do his job.

Sorry but in my OPINION you had he shittiest candidate of the two. I won't justify my opinion so don't ask, I don't owe anyone that.


Well-Known Member
SIMPLE,1 a career con man from New York who over the years continuously fucked over sub contractors on his buildings fucking small business owners over,Carpenters,HVAC guys,electricians,when he couldn't pay his bills and declared bankruptcy guess who got fucked,not Don the con but all the workers who were owed money.Nothing changed now that he's potus.Drains the swamp by appointing former CEO of Exxon Mobil as Secretary of State,2 former Goldman Sachs appointees.Not a clue on foriegn policy ,inept, unqualified.They were both unpopular canidates but Hillary was prepared to do the job.I'll take status quo over ineptness any day of the week.So I take it your ok with the little elfin biggot sessions coming war with weed,since we are on a weed site?Guess this serves your interests.


Well-Known Member
It depends is she a real Christian or a fake Christian?you know,like the Christians that support Trump,Fake.If she's a fake Christian I'll long dick her down and make her scream hail Satan,hail Trump and then blow my load in the form of a swastika on her back.
You'd better hope you don't spill any in her vagina, cause she'll get pregnant, refuse to abort, and stick you with child support for 18 years, not to mention the prenatal and maternity care you'll have to pay for since Trumpcare doesn't cover that.


Well-Known Member
So now the only thing left to do is offer support to the person I picked instead of making it impossible to do his job.
What does that mean? Will you still support Trump for the things you disagree with him doing?
Sorry but in my OPINION you had he shittiest candidate of the two.
Why do you believe Clinton was worse than Trump?


Well-Known Member

From wikipedia. North Louisiana is shaded in brown. LOL

Depends on which church. A southern baptist? umm, you know, sometimes you have to actually talk to them, you know, just saying. What could you possibly talk about around the kitchen table? True, there are quite a few positions to discuss.
From what I'm seeing down here dinner discussion revolves around vegetables and who is swapping partners that night.


Well-Known Member
Everything is black and white to you idiots, there are many things going on right now that us Trump voters disagree with. Let me simplify for the stupid. I voted for Obama the second time he ran. I don't agree with hardly any of his policies and believe he should be considered for the top 5 worse presidents ever. However, I disagree with Romney even more and could in no way see him as good for the country, so that election I voted Democrat, (I'm registered as independent).

New just replace the names with Trump and Hillary. That's really all there is to it. So now the only thing left to do is offer support to the person I picked instead of making it impossible to do his job.

Sorry but in my OPINION you had he shittiest candidate of the two. I won't justify my opinion so don't ask, I don't owe anyone that.
So you voted for a traitor instead of a capitalist in sheep's clothing?