What did you accomplish today?

OK yah check this out, Saturday I started a project at one of the local hospitals. I framed up some walls with a door and two reception windows, hung 22 4x12x5/8 pieces of firerock ,taped and beded ever thing using 20 minute mud . took me 14 hrs to pic up , deliver, and install on the second floor ,all by my lonesome. Sunday I go by and skimmed it . Monday I hang the door and install some counter tops, run the base ( after my regular job and after they quit seeing patients for the day ) another 14 hr day. Tuesday I call to request payment, and they add more shit to the to do list, Tuesday night I go back and take care of the new list. Wen. they call and tell me the new clients backed out of the contract and I have to put it back like it was WTF . But I got paid coming and going so it's all good. I'm having a crazy week, today was much better, I needed some r&r so I stopped at a friends house and chewed on some srhooms , while relaxing some girls stopped by and I'm telling them about my crazy week. One girl says I know what would make you feel better ( I'm thinking Blow Job ) then she gets up and does a little dance and off goes the shirt , tits flying all over the place

The end.
OK yah check this out, Saturday I started a project at one of the local hospitals. I framed up some walls with a door and two reception windows, hung 22 4x12x5/8 pieces of firerock ,taped and beded ever thing using 20 minute mud . took me 14 hrs to pic up , deliver, and install on the second floor ,all by my lonesome. Sunday I go by and skimmed it . Monday I hang the door and install some counter tops, run the base ( after my regular job and after they quit seeing patients for the day ) another 14 hr day. Tuesday I call to request payment, and they add more shit to the to do list, Tuesday night I go back and take care of the new list. Wen. they call and tell me the new clients backed out of the contract and I have to put it back like it was WTF . But I got paid coming and going so it's all good. I'm having a crazy week, today was much better, I needed some r&r so I stopped at a friends house and chewed on some srhooms , while relaxing some girls stopped by and I'm telling them about my crazy week. One girl says I know what would make you feel better ( I'm thinking Blow Job ) then she gets up and does a little dance and off goes the shirt , tits flying all over the place

The end.
20 min hotmud? You must be good! :-)
The quickest i ever rock is 45 min, and i've been known to dabble. Do you mix up a whole bag of 20 or like 1/2?
I use it a lot , on small rush jobs. Over 30 years experience , so I can make it smooth as silk. I only mix a pan at one time , not the whole bag, I ain't that good.
Ok, right on! Lol
Real tapers on the job will hand mix 20 and apply it all, but that's tapers lol. They play with the mud everyday of their life.
I'll do 1/2 bag of 45 and usually be able to apply it all when i'm in full on taping mode.
Fucking tapers! My brother in law is a taper, thinks he's god's gift to flat wall finishes. Great guy but he's always bragging about how awesome he is.
I got lots of taper buddies, lot's of plasterer buddies too. You know which trades work i think is the trickest? Plasterers doing veneer. Those dudes have to make some serious love to the walls applying and making them walls smooth like they do. I've hung shit loads of blueboard and trimmed it out in minibead, and watched those guys do their magic. Someday i'll build me a house and have the whole interior done up like it. Killer shit imo
I got lots of taper buddies, lot's of plasterer buddies too. You know which trades work i think is the trickest? Plasterers doing veneer. Those dudes have to make some serious love to the walls applying and making them walls smooth like they do. I've hung shit loads of blueboard and trimmed it out in minibead, and watched those guys do their magic. Someday i'll build me a house and have the whole interior done up like it. Killer shit imo
I can work a hawk and trawl but I suck finish plastering or stuccos . I'm good for lath and scratch coat and then you'll need someone with real taleint
I got lots of taper buddies, lot's of plasterer buddies too. You know which trades work i think is the trickest? Plasterers doing veneer. Those dudes have to make some serious love to the walls applying and making them walls smooth like they do. I've hung shit loads of blueboard and trimmed it out in minibead, and watched those guys do their magic. Someday i'll build me a house and have the whole interior done up like it. Killer shit imo
So my brother in law he moved back here a few years ago from the Boston area, Rhoad Island to be exact, where he had to learn how to plaster, because that's what many people still want in their homes. He is mostly commercial though and has all kinds of nifty little pump powered gadgets for production finishing.
I help hang the rock for him occasionally even though I have an aversion towards drywall work.