What did you accomplish today?

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
And to think it's only gonna get worse. It was very fun while it lasted. Lived a great life because of it thats for sure.

The gold rush was over when everyone found out there was a gold rush :-(
The ONE thing we have going for us still is quality. The state is flooded with so much mid shelf/outdoor garbage its crazy.

There will always be a demand for high quality, properly cured/trimmed shit.

I think. Lol


Well-Known Member
The son of a bitch power company fucking killed my trees. Took a bunch of shade from my house. All they gave me was 6 thousand dollars. How the fuck you supposed to replace these old ass trees for 6 thousand motha fuckin dolla?
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That's a shame. Maybe hundreds of years old and a home to thousands. :(

I've got an old bastard out back, filled with squirrels, snakes, birds, and skinks.....it's roughly the width of a van.


Well-Known Member
That's a shame. Maybe hundreds of years old and a home to thousands. :(

I've got an old bastard out back, filled with squirrels, snakes, birds, and skinks.....it's roughly the width of a van.
That cedar was 100+, provided lots of shade that I'll never get back, such a bumber. Guess what though? The power company will get even more money from me every summer month now. Works great for them. They suck


Well-Known Member
Long day getting my tomato garden ready for when they decide to come out and play .......got the snap and the CRACKle ....now I'm just waiting for the pop . Pretty excited about this years different varieties for my katsup.

Hope you all had a good day ....got the boys and momma all tucked into bed for the night ....time to go smoke with my sis and get some Z's myself .....hoping for some suprises in the morning ((will see)) so far so good ......if I don't come back on after my session ...Good Night

And. PENIS!!!!!!!!!