My First Grow - White Label White Widow


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely be checkin out your grow.

I dont think it was heat stress only because it hasn't gotten hot in that room. Its been no warmer then 78 in there the whole time.

Though that's going to chance once the 600 MH gets turned on. But I've got an AC unit to control that issue.


Well-Known Member
For sure. I was really scratchin my head when I saw them and considering my luck with WW at the time I was really expecting the worst. Only germ'd two and they both sprout into what you see. Very strong, fast growing plants so far. Now I'm just hoping they are both ladies!!! :hump:

Peedy - thanks for checkin in. I do appreciate that someone is keepin tabs on me!!! +Rep to you for the time spent on my thread


Well-Known Member
I managed to misplace my camera again so no updated pics tonight. However if I dont find it tomorrow I'll be taking pics with my camera phone and posting them up. The two Thai Haze X skunk have really taken off. The others are coming along nicely.


Well-Known Member
leaf edges were curling which I believe to be from the lights being to close and the heat associated with that even though the room isn't hot and the fan is constantly blowing accross the plants. I've been misting them a few times a day and moved the lights a little further away yesterday. Seems to be helping.


Well-Known Member
Found my camera... well my friend did. Some how ended up in their stuff when we were camping last weekend. Oh well. I'll have it back in the next day or two. I'll post updated pictures then.

Thai Haze x Skunk are doing very good. Still have some curling issues on the leaves that were affected but since raising the light the newer leaves seem unaffected. Hopefully that corrected the issue. IF I read right the curling wont go away on the old leaves... it just wont be on the new ones. We shall see.

WW seedlings are coming along. Got one set of leaves... tiny 2nd set of leaves on 2 of them. The 3rd sprouted but didn't pop out of the seed till today. The first set of (coatyles... whatever their called lol) hasn't even opened up yet but the first "true" leaves are starting to poke out the sides. Hopefull it'll catch up soon.

I'm going to try to push off giving the thai haze x skunk any nutes (unless it shows it wants it) as long as possible and start topping them once the grow some more. I need them to slow down so my WW can catch up. I'll be trying to give them very weakened nutes asap so they can hopefully grow a little faster. I only have a bin and a closet to grow in so I need to flower everything at the same time. Its going to be hard to keep the lighting even and get the plants the same height but I figure I can move into LST with the thai haze x skunk if I still have problems with plant height difference and light penetration.

If anyone has any thoughts, comments and concerns - please chime in. I'm just a noob thinking outloud!!


Well-Known Member
So... hooked up the AC in the room today. Works great.

Note to self. When leaving the house for a supply run... do not.. under any circumstances leave the plants unattended with the cats. You will come how and want to tie them by their tails to the ceiling fan... on HIGH.

Damn cats chewed my leaves. Still growing good... just doesn't look good and its pissing me off to no end. Mainly that I was dumb enough to leave them out for them to get at them. Oh well... live and learn, right?

Here are the pics. Going to post one of them in the newbie forum. I think I have female preflowers but I'm not sure. Please chime in if you know!

The seedlings are the White Widow. The last pic are what I believe to be the female preflowers. This is a pic of the one plant but I see these on both plants, multiple nodes.



Well-Known Member
Found my camera... well my friend did.!!

I think you need to get a GPS hooked into that camera ;-)

Thai Haze x Skunk are doing very good.
I'm going to try to push off giving the thai haze x skunk any nutes (unless it shows it wants it) as long as possible and start topping them once the grow some more.
yea, good idea. Most the research I've done warns about over fertizing (common mistake) and feeding nutrients to such young plants.
I need them to slow down so my WW can catch up.
maybe just keep the top of the plants at the same height by raising the shorter ones.
but I figure I can move into LST with the thai haze x skunk if I still have problems with plant height difference and light penetration.
That's a good idea too. There's lots of excellent posts at RIU showing the LST method working just great.

Ya, I'll pull up a chair n visit, watch your project grow. Good growing to you !!


Well-Known Member
So... hooked up the AC in the room today. Works great.

Damn cats chewed my leaves. Still growing good... just doesn't look good and its pissing me off to no end. Mainly that I was dumb enough to leave them out for them to get at them. Oh well... live and learn, right?
I caught my cat Nimbus nibbling on my buds a few times. Before I saw him actually do it I thought my kids were swiping some of Dad's pot ;-)

Keep the photos coming.


Well-Known Member
nice looking grow going, but i spot some nute burns there.
and i growing original green house seed's White Widow One And Only :)
got 2 WW's feminized on my room and there is also another strains too
: Purple Bud, Aurora Indica and fwe automatic strains

then i borrow nice growbox and there i got 5 auto plants and strains are : LowRyder "2, Auto Ak47
in grow box i got 9 energy saving lights and every light is 30watts, one light give 1900 lumens if i remember right.

and in my growroom i got 250w hps and 250w mh light. i plan to vege for long like 1.6-2months and then flower, because i do the autos first, but if im not get females from autos then i flower earlier.. but let's see.

if someone is intrested im going to make some journal : GreenHouse White Widow & Auto Growing + growbox.

but i have to wait till i can borrow a camera and take pic's

and i wanna see this journal till end.. how much you get with WW's and so on... keep it comin'!


Well-Known Member
If its nute burn its only from the soil (FF Happy Frog) because I haven't fed them any nutes yet. My friend gave me miracle grow stuff (lots of different kinds) to use but as you can see in the pic the only good use I found for it is getting the seedling a little closer to the light. :) If your looking at some of the lower leaves its probably just the leaf curling I was dealing with at first. I had the CFL's a little to close so they were getting to warm without the AC in there. That's been corrected now.

I have some advanced nutrients on the way with some super thrive and Nirvana. Some other small trinckets as well... Hana PH/EC/TDS meter - etc.

Also yesterday I upgraded one of the CFL's from a 2700k to a 3500k to see if that helps at all. The other is a daylight specturm (5 or 6500k if I remember right)

Since Forest Gimp (When I got him he had a broken hind leg) nibbled on my plants yesterday I didn't notice as much growth last night so hopefully they will resume their rapid growth here in a day or two. Though in the end I wanted to slow them down so the WW could catch up... maybe the cat did me a favor!!! lol

Thanks a lot for stopping by guys, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
More pics... Also have a shipment of stuff coming tomorrow. PH/EC/TDS meter... Advanced Nutrients nutes... some nirvana... superthrive.. etc. Can't wait to see the difference that stuff makes.

Thai Haze X Skunk finally starting growing again after being molested by my cat!! :P



Well-Known Member

The last pic are what I believe to be the female preflowers. This is a pic of the one plant but I see these on both plants, multiple nodes.
those are stipules, not preflowers.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude. I should have updated that part. I got a little excited and went and posted in the newbie forum. Someone there enlightened me that I was just an anxious newb!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Damn i havent been on for a while and thought id check up on some grows....these got big since i last seen em....good work