What should I name my new seed company

solo cup pheno hunt, blurple for that je ne sais quoi

exhibit A, (keeper)
View attachment 3933980 View attachment 3933982

exhibit B
lmao not keeping this one..shit.. its a maleView attachment 3933983
exhibit C,
eh ok ill keepView attachment 3933984
exhibit D
View attachment 3933985
exhibit E
keeperView attachment 3933986
exhibit F
keeper maleView attachment 3933988

exhibit G
garbage maleView attachment 3933989

and last exhibit
another keeper male
View attachment 3933987

That's a lot of exhibits, I thought it was a TV court room drama for a second.
I did last year. Made a seed company out of it too. I named it garysbuttholeseedsarebetterthantheop.com!
Been selling out every "drop"
i bet they are "real pieces of shit"
that should be like a CS-GO skin xD
I had a friend decades ago, that really did travel to Oaxaca looking for weed/seeds.

Unfortunately, the Mexican police caught him and things went a lot like that Midnight Express movie for the next month.

Long story short, daddy had to spring for $25K. Half to a nice Mexican lawyer, the other half to the police, and he was allowed to leave Mexico. That was in the late '70's. Now days, he might just get slaughtered by an angry cartel member.

Side note: 1970's Mexican police were kind of mean. They told him, while in custody, that only gay people smoke that shit and that real men drink tequila. (true story.)

You don't just wander into a foreign country looking for seeds, you damn well better have people you trust there first.
i dont know but i think there could be more strains in to the wild :weed:
They literally hang people for drug violations in some Asian countries. And anything ending in stan may have actual live terrorists, not the made up kind Trump talks about deporting. I would hate to get my head cut off on YouTube looking for seeds.

But you can do what you want.
well thats a hard work i say all that b cuz i see the strain hunters videos