Iris and Sadie


Well-Known Member
Houma? Seriously? I have an aunt in Houma. Unfortunately, she's a little peaked in the head and got some wild idea that this part of the family is trying to do "something" to her and she went off on my dad a few months ago. No one's been able to get in touch with her since.

Hey, I'm eating the last of my grits right now. :D


Well-Known Member
That's alright, grits ain't for everybody. Maybe even an acquired taste. I have the taste. I know what you mean about texture, when I was a kid I could not STAND cottage cheese or strawberries. The taste was fine, but cottage cheese felt "screaky" on my teeth (and curdled), and eating strawberries always felt like I was eating dirt. :lol:

My sister says the favorite food texture of Japanese is mushy. I think she's right (she did live there for over 10yrs).


Well-Known Member
isn't that what cottage cheese is?
and wow, grits look scary to me
wait, isn't that the stuff that black people are supposed to be known for eating?


Well-Known Member
Southerners. It's a southern food, not particular to black, white, or mulatto. I think technically all cheese is spoiled milk, yeah? I like the creamy kind of cottage cheese.


Well-Known Member
dried guppies?
It's a Japanese thing. That and Whaley-snacks. They STINK! :lol: I have a sister who lived in Tokyo for quite a while and she came back to the U.S. once to visit, bringing us all of these little tokens of everyday Japanese life. One was a common snack to be found in vending machines at train stations and the like. Slivered blanched almonds and tiny little dried fish. It was one of the most rank things I have EVER tasted, and I like fish.

Oh, and I brought up the Vegemite because it's the only food that inspired a gag and regurgitate reflex for my husband. The moment it hit his tongue.