How bad would it have to get before Trump voters realize they were wrong?

No matter how badly Trump is doing, his "base" seems content in their choice. I find it amazing. While the Democratic voters seek some sort of sainted purity, Trump voters seem content to see the President flounder his way through his Presidential honeymoon and violate pretty much every "principle" he espoused during the campaign and yet still seem to be behind him.

Watching Trump voters being interviewed on why they support him is one of the most painful things I can recall. Their ideas about politics are so utterly misguided and childish that it is hard not to think that we have reached the end of the road as a legitimate nation. A week ago I read some redneck moron talking about how happy he is that America has started to bomb things because, in his view, America has gotten "flabby" and needed to "flex it's muscles again". Is projecting force what made this country great? I find this echoed over and over again and it is leading me to the conclusion that as long as Trump continues to court international conflicts (for whatever reason) and ineptly play brinkmanship with domestic politics he can count on the support of knowledgeable and misguided 36% of the population.

Where is the bottom? Is there one?

The reason we still support Trump is the same reason we elected him in the first fucking place: because Hussein Obama moved this country too far left during his 8-year reign of terror.

Trump is contradictory, repulsive, and probably smells bad as well. But he's getting tough with China and North Korea, unlike the fucking pussy Hussein Obama. And Iran is next, thank goodness.

The polls that show eroding confidence in Trump are the same that showed him behind Hillary by 10 percentage points just a week before the election. You may be intellectually challenged enough to believe that, as your liberal media intended. But we weren't fooled. We showed up at the polls and defeated the Hill bitch anyway.
The reason we still support Trump is the same reason we elected him in the first fucking place: because Hussein Obama moved this country too far left during his 8-year reign of terror.

Trump is contradictory, repulsive, and probably smells bad as well. But he's getting tough with China and North Korea, unlike the fucking pussy Hussein Obama. And Iran is next, thank goodness.

The polls that show eroding confidence in Trump are the same that showed him behind Hillary by 10 percentage points just a week before the election. You may be intellectually challenged enough to believe that, as your liberal media intended. But we weren't fooled. We showed up at the polls and defeated the Hill bitch anyway.
Well I read that and wasted my time. Why you are you so frightened tbone? I thrived with Obama in office. I got 0 complaints. I'm not afraid of north Korea who can't even afford to feed their people. And if you think getting tough with China is a good idea youre dense as fuck.
Just because you're afraid of people that aren't the same color as you. Does not make trump a good president. Sorry tbone
The reason we still support Trump is the same reason we elected him in the first fucking place: because Hussein Obama moved this country too far left during his 8-year reign of terror.

Trump is contradictory, repulsive, and probably smells bad as well. But he's getting tough with China and North Korea, unlike the fucking pussy Hussein Obama. And Iran is next, thank goodness.

The polls that show eroding confidence in Trump are the same that showed him behind Hillary by 10 percentage points just a week before the election. You may be intellectually challenged enough to believe that, as your liberal media intended. But we weren't fooled. We showed up at the polls and defeated the Hill bitch anyway.
Trump isn't even moving us far right. He's moving us bowlegged, cross-eyed, and snaggle-toothed.
Well I read that and wasted my time. Why you are you so frightened tbone? I thrived with Obama in office. I got 0 complaints. I'm not afraid of north Korea who can't even afford to feed their people. And if you think getting tough with China is a good idea youre dense as fuck.
Just because you're afraid of people that aren't the same color as you. Does not make trump a good president. Sorry tbone

I'm not frightened at all. Because now we have a president who is not a fucking radical-Muslim sympathizing pussy.
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The reason we still support Trump is the same reason we elected him in the first fucking place: because Hussein Obama moved this country too far left during his 8-year reign of terror.

I'm not frightened at all. Because now we have a president who is not a fucking redical-Muslim sympathizing pussy.

Pancreatic cancer will get you yet, tbone. You sad old thing, have you considered a suicide pact with O'Reilly, maybe save us taxpayers a few bucks?
Well I read that and wasted my time. Why you are you so frightened tbone? I thrived with Obama in office. I got 0 complaints. I'm not afraid of north Korea who can't even afford to feed their people. And if you think getting tough with China is a good idea youre dense as fuck.
Just because you're afraid of people that aren't the same color as you. Does not make trump a good president. Sorry tbone

He doesn't deserve/merit a considerate reply. Just another inbred cretin.
Pancreatic cancer will get you yet, tbone. You sad old thing, have you considered a suicide pact with O'Reilly, maybe save us taxpayers a few bucks?

Oh no, Lou. My family has two very consistent health traits:

1. We don't get cancer.
2. We don't have heart problems.

I'm 54, and I have 3 grand parents, and both parents, still alive.