How bad would it have to get before Trump voters realize they were wrong?

he has most of the slack jaws so enthralled, he could order a Jonestown mass suicide and they would make and drink the cyanide koolaid. Any attempt to stop the fools would be met with FAKE NEWS scare quotes. Once their bodies were racked with pain and they were in their death throes, some may think - Maybe Trump was wrong this one time.
I guess it was because I grew up North of the Mason-Dixon line.

There was an episode of Mike Rowes "Dirty Jobs", where he was in New York city with some folks doing it. All different kinds of people, even women go ratting with their dogs, it's mostly terriers that do it. It was a cool episode.
No matter how badly Trump is doing, his "base" seems content in their choice. I find it amazing. While the Democratic voters seek some sort of sainted purity, Trump voters seem content to see the President flounder his way through his Presidential honeymoon and violate pretty much every "principle" he espoused during the campaign and yet still seem to be behind him.

Watching Trump voters being interviewed on why they support him is one of the most painful things I can recall. Their ideas about politics are so utterly misguided and childish that it is hard not to think that we have reached the end of the road as a legitimate nation. A week ago I read some redneck moron talking about how happy he is that America has started to bomb things because, in his view, America has gotten "flabby" and needed to "flex it's muscles again". Is projecting force what made this country great? I find this echoed over and over again and it is leading me to the conclusion that as long as Trump continues to court international conflicts (for whatever reason) and ineptly play brinkmanship with domestic politics he can count on the support of knowledgeable and misguided 36% of the population.

Where is the bottom? Is there one?

He's reality TV come to life, his depth is 140 characters; he's our steak well done with ketchup.

It's a culture war and nothing more..polls showing Obama just one month later are doubled for Trump..'do you feel you are paying the right amount of tax?' 30s for Obama 50s for Trump.
I think we saw the same piece. People on land that is now covered with dead trees from the rising salt and even have pictures of themselves as children in the same place with growing, healthy trees. No, water isn't rising because of climate change. The Gulf is just getting old and saggy. Or maybe it just wants to see the St. Louis arch.

It seemed to me that they were prideful about their ridiculous opinions, like they are either invested in thinking that way to avoid the reality of the situation or they were just old and don't give a fuck anymore.

It reminded me of the multi-generational fishermen who have their grand dad's old scrap book with amazing catches of large fish 10 or 20 times larger than their puny catches of today and all they can do is deride the gub'mint for not letting them catch as much or whatever they want because they want their kids to take over their business. They are not angry at the lack of fish, just the limitations that are intended to bring the fishing stocks back.
"I'll be the last Salmon Man!"
Off topic, did you ever see anyone bring/let their dogs kill the rats?

It's called ratting, it's pretty cool to watch those dogs get down to business

I have terriers. It's what they live for. They work as a coordinated team. Basically looks like fur-covered scissors darting faster than the eye can see.
A bit like the animated Tasmanian Devil, as well, when they really get going.
Hell yeah Lou

I'm going to get a pair of Patterdale Terriers when the this old dog I have right now passes away. She's an old (13 yrs) A.P.B.T, she's terrible animal aggressive, so I can't have her around any other dogs.

When I get my Patterdales, I'm hoping to talk to some farmers and they'll let me bring my dogs in their barns to catch/kill some racoons. I don't know if you've ever heard of Patterdales before, but they're bad ass little dogs. It's more of a southern thing, but some people also use them as catch dogs for wild feral pigs, they are aggressive tenacious dogs, fierce hunters
I'd vote for him again :)
No matter how badly Trump is doing, his "base" seems content in their choice. I find it amazing. While the Democratic voters seek some sort of sainted purity, Trump voters seem content to see the President flounder his way through his Presidential honeymoon and violate pretty much every "principle" he espoused during the campaign and yet still seem to be behind him.

Watching Trump voters being interviewed on why they support him is one of the most painful things I can recall. Their ideas about politics are so utterly misguided and childish that it is hard not to think that we have reached the end of the road as a legitimate nation. A week ago I read some redneck moron talking about how happy he is that America has started to bomb things because, in his view, America has gotten "flabby" and needed to "flex it's muscles again". Is projecting force what made this country great? I find this echoed over and over again and it is leading me to the conclusion that as long as Trump continues to court international conflicts (for whatever reason) and ineptly play brinkmanship with domestic politics he can count on the support of knowledgeable and misguided 36% of the population.

Where is the bottom? Is there one?
sainted purity