Do you trust mainstream media?

Do you trust mainstream media?

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So you believe watching Fox News makes people dumb, yet you also believe they do a good job. And "they're factual"! Haha!

Seemingly, two contradictory opinions if you believe the job of news organizations is to inform the public with objective information

So, could you explain?

yes their opinion shows and pieces deceive and lead people to believe dumb stuff.

even their news segments are full of plenty of lies and retractions compared to other networks that are more responsible.

and the "news" they do choose to cover, like the 'OMGZ political correctness on college campuses' stuff is dumb and agenda-driven.

and let's not forget that they just choose not to cover certain news items which do not fit their agenda.

all those addendums aside, their actual news is fairly objectively true.

they are fairly credible as far as news organizations go.
Savage as fuck
And that's why I like, respect and trust Ted Koppel's opinions more than any other news commentator today.

He's polite about it, but he calls them like he sees them and when you go back through the clip you see that he hasn't pulled any punches at all.

It's called 'credibility' and I see previous little evidence of it anywhere in the mainstream media today.

Why not? Because they're owned by the same giant conglomerates that are paying our politicians to enact legislation that's wrecking our country in the service of ever greater corporate profits.
The Nazi regime prided itself on meticulous record keeping, and the numbers of Jews sent to concentration camps was no exception. Only at the end of the war, with Allied forces closing in, were there any attempts to destroy these records.

Some few records were indeed destroyed, but so much remained that the number given is an accurate estimate of the exact figure.

Your arguments are clearly apologist in tone and therefore despicable.

Whatever atrocities Churchill and the Allies committed change that not one iota. What America did in Vietnam is utterly irrelevant.

You're a worthless race baiting shit bag and nothing you say will be considered credible ever again without independent verification. Therefore the less you speak, the better.

It was is more of an estimate than you try to make out, more was destroyed than you say. You should also understand who the party's involved in making the estimates were. With that, you can not guarantee it was impartial. It's like asking Hillary to audit Trump.

You are giving me a angle that I do not hold.. I've already stated I was totally against Hitlers actions, just as much as I was against Churchill bombings and Roose dropping nukes. I have no sympathy what so ever for Nazis or Hitler, I have a shared hate for him, church and roos but this somehow makes me racist against Jews?. I do see the charismatic side of all three, they didn't lead country's for nothing. I do have sympathy for normal German civilians, as with other nations civilians including Jews living both in Germany and neighboring country's. What I do have is massive contempt for historians and all others involved who continually highlighted the Jewish holocaust to the point most other deaths and atrocity's (some equally or greater) during and after the war have been forgotten or over looked, just a foot note. I have no contempt at all for the millions of Jewish people who were caught up in the Nazi machine in any shape or form. If that by your measure makes me a racist nazi sympathetic then check your logic.

The atrocities committed by the allies do not change what Hitler did, I agree and never stated otherwise. How those events are played down historically and the lack of public disgust around them is the difference, they do mater, including Vietnam. If stood close enough, they called Bob Marley the tree that blocked the woods, the woods being all the other reggae musicians of his era. Western history has made the Jewish holocaust such a tree, blocking many other atrocities including it's own.

No race baiting here. You are the intelligent type of person who knows it's better to stick to the easy opinions in order to avoid ridicule. You think and have conflicting opinions of your own but don't have the balls to voice them on risky topics. That makes you worse than the out right ignorant.

I do not lie. On a grey topic like this it is more than possible to acquire miss information and conclusion and if that were true then that would be the case, quite different to out right deceit.

A lie would be to come here and tell you the holocaust never happened at all, knowing it did. I have not made any counter claims to any of the other facts surrounding the holocaust (because I believe them to be true) aside from the figure. I hold that opinion due to the below.

Typed in google ''How many jews died in the holocaust''. The first site states between 5 and 6 million, the rest claim up to or exactly 6 million, point is the number is a constant.

Watch this / Yes it is a YouTube vid but it shows live evidence of actual newspapers, rather than me linking you to some paraphrased website. Now it's either a huge coincidence that 6 million is the figure used in those separate events in the papers and so happened to be the WW2 holocaust figure or it is a fabrication. When you take into account the constant use of that number and the party's involved in counting the death toll after WW2 I lean towards fabrication.
Again I fail to see how this makes me racist or sympathetic. I dispute one point alone due to the above... because it is genuinely iffy. If in-fact 6 million did die I am very sorry to God and those who suffered. The standing point was the tree that blocked the woods. Look at how offended everybody is getting for questioning part of that tree and focusing only on that.. while down playing the other atrocities I've mentioned. Only goes to show..
It was is more of an estimate than you try to make out, more was destroyed than you say. You should also understand who the party's involved in making the estimates were. With that, you can not guarantee it was impartial. It's like asking Hillary to audit Trump.

You are giving me a angle that I do not hold.. I've already stated I was totally against Hitlers actions, just as much as I was against Churchill bombings and Roose dropping nukes. I have no sympathy what so ever for Nazis or Hitler, I have a shared hate for him, church and roos but this somehow makes me racist against Jews?. I do see the charismatic side of all three, they didn't lead country's for nothing. I do have sympathy for normal German civilians, as with other nations civilians including Jews living both in Germany and neighboring country's. What I do have is massive contempt for historians and all others involved who continually highlighted the Jewish holocaust to the point most other deaths and atrocity's (some equally or greater) during and after the war have been forgotten or over looked, just a foot note. I have no contempt at all for the millions of Jewish people who were caught up in the Nazi machine in any shape or form. If that by your measure makes me a racist nazi sympathetic then check your logic.

The atrocities committed by the allies do not change what Hitler did, I agree and never stated otherwise. How those events are played down historically and the lack of public disgust around them is the difference, they do mater, including Vietnam. If stood close enough, they called Bob Marley the tree that blocked the woods, the woods being all the other reggae musicians of his era. Western history has made the Jewish holocaust such a tree, blocking many other atrocities including it's own.

No race baiting here. You are the intelligent type of person who knows it's better to stick to the easy opinions in order to avoid ridicule. You think and have conflicting opinions of your own but don't have the balls to voice them on risky topics. That makes you worse than the out right ignorant.

I do not lie. On a grey topic like this it is more than possible to acquire miss information and conclusion and if that were true then that would be the case, quite different to out right deceit.

A lie would be to come here and tell you the holocaust never happened at all, knowing it did. I have not made any counter claims to any of the other facts surrounding the holocaust (because I believe them to be true) aside from the figure. I hold that opinion due to the below.

Typed in google ''How many jews died in the holocaust''. The first site states between 5 and 6 million, the rest claim up to or exactly 6 million, point is the number is a constant.

Watch this / Yes it is a YouTube vid but it shows live evidence of actual newspapers, rather than me linking you to some paraphrased website. Now it's either a huge coincidence that 6 million is the figure used in those separate events in the papers and so happened to be the WW2 holocaust figure or it is a fabrication. When you take into account the constant use of that number and the party's involved in counting the death toll after WW2 I lean towards fabrication.

Again I fail to see how this makes me racist or sympathetic. I dispute one point alone due to the above... because it is genuinely iffy. If in-fact 6 million did die I am very sorry to God and those who suffered. The standing point was the tree that blocked the woods. Look at how offended everybody is getting for questioning part of that tree and focusing only on that.. while down playing the other atrocities I've mentioned. Only goes to show..
I take plenty of controversial positions.

One especially relevant opinion to this conversation is my ongoing opposition to American support of the state of Israel based on its apartheid behavior against the Palestinian people, even those who hold Israeli citizenship.

Yitzhak Rabin was a peacemaker who tried to bridge the divide- and was in fact murdered by a Jewish Israeli extremist for his trouble.

It may be that people are responding badly to your tone, and I agree this can be difficult to manage in written form.

Whether the tally of Jews lost in the Holocaust reached 6 million or not, it remains an awful chapter in human affairs. An exact number changes nothing from our perspective in history. That said, it does not stand in the way of our knowledge of understanding of many other acts of genocide. One need only consult Google to read a grisly and all too lengthy litany of man's inhumanity to man.
I have never said 1 bad thing about JEWS... ZIonist... thats not a JEW..

Thats an evil part of Humanity that is responsible for all world Problems ... Again Zionist can burn in Hell... Jews are normal people like everyone else...
Turn on the TV and look at the Middle East... Your Zionist buddies are Genocidal Nutt Jobs .... Poor Arab Human beings are being Mass Murdered in the name of Talmudic Rabbis .... Fuck that

Lets cry about fake history and ignore Israels war Crimes... BDS BDS BDS
We cant speak again Isreal, oh no.
Holocaust denial is an absolute tell. You ooze antisemitism like a syphilis victim weeps puss.

Reported for doxxing @choomer.

what does hitler's dick taste like?

Pooey's feces.
I honestly thought that the 'budman' junkie got the axe! Huh. It went on a weeks-long antisemitic tear/meltdown.
The staff seem to be taking it easy on the nazi inbreeders as of late....allowing for repopulation before another swift purge, maybe?
I don't care to see them get the ax. This is something we need to know about.
I don't care to see them get the ax. This is something we need to know about.

I actually agree (for a change). The thing is, though, if too many are permitted to congregate/spray venom, RIU runs the risk of being viewed as a haven for the filth, along the lines of breitbart and stormfront.

They should be allowed to pollute the site/propagate (in limited numbers), but they should also be aware that they'll be lambasted for their vileness, not encouraged or celebrated.