You're the snitch AND ex-convict, as well as now being a police informant. Home address and the rest. How good a shot are you?
*calls me a snitch, demands all my personal info*
You're the snitch AND ex-convict, as well as now being a police informant. Home address and the rest. How good a shot are you?
*calls me a snitch, demands all my personal info*
No one is even talking to you..I mean REALLY not talking to you.
If you think you can prove it, be my guest.You're a pretty obvious sock account
Socks are against site rules, so, you should be banned
I don't need to. Every post you've made is hateful. That alone is enough to get you banned. Watch the door on your way out.If you think you can prove it, be my guest.
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche 1878
Still here, private Pyle.I don't need to. Every post you've made is hateful. That alone is enough to get you banned. Watch the door on your way out.
For most Americans, bumper stickers are as profound as it gets.How profound.
For most Americans, bumper stickers are as profound as it gets.
Every post you've made is hateful. That alone is enough to get you banned.
Whaaaa? Are you familiar with daveyskunk? That creature regularly promotes everything from nazism to the kkk to the wholesale slaughter of children, and it's still permitted to post here. Months ago, when I used to read his 'posts', it was obvious that his sole intention here is to troll folks for attention. He adds nothing, is nothing, yet here he remains.
A literal cop hiding in plain site. This was a mystery to me, but the veil has since been lifted.
Just sayin'.
this one burned you John CandySee now there's one of your many problems.
The Tories, as much as i despise them, aren't a single issue party.
My friend may vote Tory but he treats people with more respect than you do.
you can't take the moral high ground when you behave how you do.
Poor, poor Adolf. Is this the best you can do? 0/10.Still going on with your lectures, pussy?
So the KKK was founded on the idea of dead Republicans........and now here you are. Good job.
He's a cop.KKK was founded by conservative southerners like you.
KKK now endorses republicans like you.
you don't even grow. you're just here to spam your neo-nazi crap. kill yourself, trailer boy.
Would anyone like coffee, maybe some doughy nuts?