Dead republicans make me happy

Would anyone like coffee, maybe some doughy nuts?
No thanks, kerosene boy. You don't even know the difference between an AN bolt and an autopilot. Bus drivers don't impress me. Land a 180 at Chamberlain Basin and you MIGHT impress me. Land and depart from a riverbed in the Snake River, and you'll make a LOT of progress.

You strike me as the type of pilot who'd have two beers, two lines of blow and a hit of meth before flying your bus mission. Typical Trump voter.
No thanks, kerosene boy. You don't even know the difference between an AN bolt and an autopilot. Bus drivers don't impress me. Land a 180 at Chamberlain Basin and you MIGHT impress me. Land and depart from a riverbed in the Snake River, and you'll make a LOT of progress.

You strike me as the type of pilot who'd have two beers, two lines of blow and a hit of meth before flying your bus mission. Typical Trump voter.

socatasmoker is racist as shit.
KKK was founded by conservative southerners like you.

KKK now endorses republicans like you.

you don't even grow. you're just here to spam your neo-nazi crap. kill yourself, trailer boy.
Nope. We were scalawags, suck it.
That's a nice defense of this fail thread there buck. You think all that shit about me, so what? Post up your buds hanging and drying over open nasty cat boxes full of kitty diarrhea and piss with brown streaks all over the lineolium again, big grower;)
Nope. We were scalawags, suck it.
That's a nice defense of this fail thread there buck. You think all that shit about me, so what? Post up your buds hanging and drying over open nasty cat boxes full of kitty diarrhea and piss with brown streaks all over the lineolium again, big grower;)

KKK was founded by conservative southerners like you.

KKK now endorses republicans like you.

you don't even grow. you're just here to spam your neo-nazi crap. kill yourself, trailer boy.
Unclebunk and fenderduper have all your personal info.

i only bother to look up the most vile racists. sometimes really dumb racists get caught up just because they're dumb.

i just googled "twostrokenut" and saw the inside of your trailer and your license plates. got all your info that easily.

fucking dumb racist.
i only bother to look up the most vile racists. sometimes really dumb racists get caught up just because they're dumb.

i just googled "twostrokenut" and saw the inside of your trailer and your license plates. got all your info that easily.

fucking dumb racist.
Oh Randy you entertain me so.
remember when you deleted all of your videos and posts that same day and denied it was you though?
Remember when you pulled quotes from there earlier in the year and I proved I haven't logged in for at least two? Youre a very respectable member that would never lie in politics about any other member you simply disagree with, especially for a bet you lost.

I think one of my outdoor plants will yield more than all your crops combined for the last year or two. Are you allowed to grow outside in your little suburban sanctuary? Or do you choose to pollute the world with evil co2 by growing outdoor plants in your basement..........then bitch about climate change.
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Remember when you pulled quotes from there earlier in the year and I proved I haven't logged in for at least two? Youre a very respectable member that would never lie in politics, especially for a bet.

i only remember you deleting all your videos and posts that same day and then denying it was you.
@Big_Lou did the same thing.

when did he deny it was him, like twopump did?

i mean, i started posting snippets here and there once i found twopump's shit, then i went and got a bite to eat, then by the time i got back everything was deleted. and he tried to claim it wasn't him who deleted everything.

kinda like desert dude flew off the handle at first before then trying to claim that i didn;t find his cop-ass.

i guess skunkdoc handled it the best when we let on that we knew it was him. he never denied it. he did deny the fact that his family were slave owners though. i guess there were just a couple hundred folks with anglicized names hanging out at his ancestor's virginia plantation the day the census guy came by.

when did he deny it was him, like twopump did?

i mean, i started posting snippets here and there once i found twopump's shit, then i went and got a bite to eat, then by the time i got back everything was deleted. and he tried to claim it wasn't him who deleted everything.

kinda like desert dude flew off the handle at first before then trying to claim that i didn;t find his cop-ass.

i guess skunkdoc handled it the best when we let on that we knew it was him. he never denied it. he did deny the fact that his family were slave owners though. i guess there were just a couple hundred folks with anglicized names hanging out at his ancestor's virginia plantation the day the census guy came by.


It was a video of him feeding a cat. He nutted up and deleted his whole channel. I'm still laughing. Then he comes in everyday and tries to make it as if he's clowning me. You lower yourself chumming up to him. Dude's as ghetto as they come. You just suck him off because of his political views though. It's one big leftie fuckfest in here these days.:hump::hump::hump:
It was a video of him feeding a cat. He nutted up and deleted his whole channel. I'm still laughing. Then he comes in everyday and tries to make it as if he's clowning me. You lower yourself chumming up to him. Dude's as ghetto as they come. You just suck him off because of his political views though. It's one big leftie fuckfest in here these days.:hump::hump::hump:

i must have missed where you showed him denying it, like all your racist buddies (including cops) did.
It was a video of him feeding a cat. He nutted up and deleted his whole channel. I'm still laughing. Then he comes in everyday and tries to make it as if he's clowning me. You lower yourself chumming up to him. Dude's as ghetto as they come. You just suck him off because of his political views though. It's one big leftie fuckfest in here these days.:hump::hump::hump:
You'd like Grasscity a LOT better. They all think like you.