Do you trust mainstream media?

Do you trust mainstream media?

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Well-Known Member
Why/why not?

I don't trust the information I get from mainstream media sources because I know they operate as a business, their goal is ratings which equates to advertisement revenue, not objective information.

I think it's evident FOX represents the Republican party, MSNBC represents the Democratic party and CNN holds a neutrality bias, which means they act like both sides [Democrats & Republicans] are equal, and they leave you, the viewer to make up your own mind.

I believe the media has a responsibility to hold elected officials accountable. At this, they have failed.
Mainstream media should be objective in their reporting. Meaning if the overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts climate change as fact, it should be the responsibility of the news to report that. They should hold elected officials accountable for their voting history and public statements.

On all of these, they have failed subservient to viewers and ratings. Ask yourself why? Who allowed this to happen?
Why/why not?

I don't trust the information I get from mainstream media sources because I know they operate as a business, their goal is ratings which equates to advertisement revenue, not objective information.

I think it's evident FOX represents the Republican party, MSNBC represents the Democratic party and CNN holds a neutrality bias, which means they act like both sides [Democrats & Republicans] are equal, and they leave you, the viewer to make up your own mind.

I believe the media has a responsibility to hold elected officials accountable. At this, they have failed.

What about CBS, aljazeera, PBS or BBC? I don't feel you're are giving some of these journalist a fair shake. They are literally the only front line for accountability of this adminstration, and many of them are doing a damn fine job of it. Who have you been watching besides tyt (the young trumps)? Who seem to be interested more in degrading the dnc than holding the GOP responsible for anything. Im not saying that accountability should be a partisan issue either.
Mainstream media should be objective in their reporting. Meaning if the overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts climate change as fact, it should be the responsibility of the news to report that. They should hold elected officials accountable for their voting history and public statements.

On all of these, they have failed subservient to viewers and ratings. Ask yourself why? Who allowed this to happen?
You want msm to report more on climate change to sway the opinion of a minority of ignorant voters? Alot of these conservative belts vote on faith alone, wether they believe in climate change or not, but they seem to go together. With your logic, they might be better off reporting on biblical lies as well.
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The mainstream media has an agenda to get ratings. They've discovered that actually finding news to report on is expensive, so now they don't try very hard.

Bad News by Tom Fenton, former CBS News Senior Correspondent, is a prescient read about what we've by now come to expect from our 'news' outlets.

The Big 6 control some 90% of the media in this country. The bias comes from their ownership; where once they were mostly independent, now they're all an arm of some larger corporation or a conglomerate themselves. This changes their focus from gathering, analysing and presenting events in an informative context to merely shouting to get eyeballs and attention.

Sometimes they report news, often they slant it and just as often they don't report what's important.

It's still possible to get the product of good news reporting and analysis but now it's the responsibility of the reader to hunt for data and put it together in order to see a bigger picture.

YouTube has its place but it's just one piece of the puzzle. Smaller or more focused sites like are helpful but again don't provide a larger context.

Worse, there's a takeover of opinion in primetime that many now mistake for news. It can be hard to drill down past the rhetoric and spin to get to hard facts at all.

There's more data and more sites, but ever less actual information than we used to enjoy.
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What about CBS, aljazeera, PBS or BBC? I don't feel you're are giving some of these journalist a fair shake. They are literally the only front line for accountability of this adminstration, and many of them are doing a damn fine job of it. Who have you been watching besides tyt (the young trumps)? Who seem to be interested more in degrading the dnc than holding the GOP responsible for anything. Im not saying that accountability should be a partisan issue either.
I watch all those and many more. Many just repeat each other. You have to dig deep for details or the scoop. A lot of available sites does not translate into being better informed.
You want msm to report more on climate change to sway the opinion of a minority of ignorant voters? Alot of these conservative belts vote on faith alone, wether they believe in climate change or not, but they seem to go together. With your logic, they might be better off reporting on the biblical lies as well.
Few news organizations have overseas bureaus anymore, it's cheaper to just get it second hand. This means that far fewer journalists are hunting for the truth and it's easier for the corrupt to operate.
Mainstream media should be objective in their reporting. Meaning if the overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts climate change as fact, it should be the responsibility of the news to report that. They should hold elected officials accountable for their voting history and public statements.

On all of these, they have failed subservient to viewers and ratings. Ask yourself why? Who allowed this to happen?

John Cook, really? 12 - 13k papers were analyzed.....................................
Agreed... they moved outta Eastern Europe and are now squatting in Palestine ... they've help move their ISIS soliders from all over the Arab world right into Syria.. they are experts of exporting terrorism via 9/11
do you even grow, or do you just spam us with your neo-nazi bullshit?

I grow and copblock. Realizing how John Cook came to his consensus is hardly neo-nazi territory. Oh wait, forgot that is just a general blanket term you use. Proceed.
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Squatters? They're among, if not the hardest working motherfuckers on earth...more than the Chinese in Southeast Asia, Armenians of the Ottoman Empire and the Ibos in Nigeria even.
I've suspected since the day the news broke about the gas attack in Syria (April 2017) that it was bullshit. Mr Assad did NOT use chemical munitions but rather it was a false flag attack.

There seems to be a gathering consensus about this;


Their mendacity is well known and they no longer seek to inform, merely to influence the average American citizen.

Fascism at work.