Canadian plant restrictions coming.

Canada, 4 plant count with 100cm height restriction. What are everyone's thoughts on this? With the new legislation being introduced sometime during next week, we will know for sure, but I personally think we will be allowed 6.
whats the point of this Thread. It was always Illegal to Grow Plants.

Second The medical program and recreational program are to remain seperate... Meaning med growers already have high plant counts.

So whats the big fuss for.. Like come on people use your brains. It is not that serious.

Use your brains. That is what there for..:confused::???::-?

Get you a 10 gram a day script 15 day script 20 ect. Like come on now really, wow. Perhaps im the only looking at the big picture.
whats the point of this Thread. It was always Illegal to Grow Plants.

Second The medical program and recreational program are to remain seperate... Meaning med growers already have high plant counts.

So whats the big fuss for.. Like come on people use your brains. It is not that serious.

Use your brains. That is what there for..:confused::???::-?

Get you a 10 gram a day script 15 day script 20 ect. Like come on now really, wow. Perhaps im the only looking at the big picture.
I'm talking about the new recreational law that was presented yesterday. Use YOUR brain.
I'm talking about the new recreational law that was presented yesterday. Use YOUR brain.

And most People who Really want to grow are doing it NOW. I wont sit down here and say "Everyone knows" there is a medical program, but most growers online and offline and through the biggest city In Canada Toronto, the circles Im in are growing 100 plus plant Counts.

Now What Jack....

Dont act like you dont know there has been an MMAR program for almost 20 years now..

Like you would really have to be on the lower side of thinking, given everyone can grow. Getting a liscense Legit is easy aswell.

Guess it's just you worrying about 4 plants.

At 1 gram a day you are given 5 plants.

Again the Programs are to Remain Seperate..
so go ahead be legal with four plants Lmao...

Nothing that can be rebutled to what I just pointed out...
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I dont care what people are/have been/will be doing. The purpose of this thread was to get feedback and start a discussion on how people feel about the new law and the limits on plant count and height that are being imposed. Ive been growing for a great many years and will continue to do so for many more. Ive also went to prison for a few of those years for cannabis. You mentioned that getting a license is easy.... Not for someone who doesn't like to cheat or use their health as an excuse to get stoned. I prefer to say "i smoke cannabis because i like it!". Now please take your negative attitude to another thread and kindly fuck off.
The people that are already growing, most everyone on this site will continue on. Legal or not. In trying to figure out what they mean by 4 plants, only goverment approved cnnabis, it sounds like they are proposing a system of selling clones from dispensaries.

So if they have new people interested in growing, they can buy 4 shwag clones from a dispensary every 10 weeks and throw em under a light at home. Gotta present id and growing address at time of pickup. Taxed heavily for the goverments cut.
The people that are already growing, most everyone on this site will continue on. Legal or not. In trying to figure out what they mean by 4 plants, only goverment approved cnnabis, it sounds like they are proposing a system of selling clones from dispensaries.

So if they have new people interested in growing, they can buy 4 shwag clones from a dispensary every 10 weeks and throw em under a light at home. Gotta present id and growing address at time of pickup. Taxed heavily for the goverments cut.

Yeah. That's the feeling I got from reading the bill also. They keep using the term "illicit cannabis".
I dont care what people are/have been/will be doing. The purpose of this thread was to get feedback and start a discussion on how people feel about the new law and the limits on plant count and height that are being imposed. Ive been growing for a great many years and will continue to do so for many more. Ive also went to prison for a few of those years for cannabis. You mentioned that getting a license is easy.... Not for someone who doesn't like to cheat or use their health as an excuse to get stoned. I prefer to say "i smoke cannabis because i like it!". Now please take your negative attitude to another thread and kindly fuck off.
I choose to stay!

Btw cheat, please it takes a certain amount of plants to make a good stream of oils if you do. Plants in veg and flower and not mention spare clones if something messes up.

The new Rec program Is Bullshit! If people want to have only four plants and height restrictions as you have stated more power to them too.
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whats the point of this Thread. It was always Illegal to Grow Plants.

Second The medical program and recreational program are to remain seperate... Meaning med growers already have high plant counts.

So whats the big fuss for.. Like come on people use your brains. It is not that serious.

Use your brains. That is what there for..:confused::???::-?

Get you a 10 gram a day script 15 day script 20 ect. Like come on now really, wow. Perhaps im the only looking at the big picture.
Perhaps your the only one that's not looking at the big picture. The 4 plant count won't work for me, never has unless I'm doing perpetual harvest, which needs more than 4 and no I don't want to purchase mine at $10 a gram thank you. Is it a step in the right direction? Yes but there needs to be more thought put into the growing aspect and yup I'll be making some seeds this summer lol.
I choose to stay!

Btw cheat, please it takes a certain amount of plants to make a good stream of oils if you do. Plants in veg and flower and not mention spare clones if something messes up.

The new Rec program Is Bullshit! If people want to have only four plants and height restrictions as you have stated more power to them too.

Yeah, it is total bullshit. They keep mentioning "illicit cannabis" in the bill. I'm thinking that they are going to be coming around with their noses up our asses alot more now. And the thing is.... Harsher penalties for almost all offenses except possession under 30 grams.
I could see limiting the amount of FLOWERING CANNABIS at 4 plants, but have 5 NON FLOWERING plants excluding clones. That way, it is still keeping things small, but allowing for problems and a perpetual garden. And there is no way I'm going to throw out my sensi skunk seeds. It seems like they are banning seeds from outside the country also.
I could see limiting the amount of FLOWERING CANNABIS at 4 plants, but have 5 NON FLOWERING plants excluding clones. That way, it is still keeping things small, but allowing for problems and a perpetual garden. And there is no way I'm going to throw out my sensi skunk seeds. It seems like they are banning seeds from outside the country also.

wow they want a Monopoly. The government probably has contractors. Hope someone can find a company linked to anyone planning out the new recs...
I could see limiting the amount of FLOWERING CANNABIS at 4 plants, but have 5 NON FLOWERING plants excluding clones. That way, it is still keeping things small, but allowing for problems and a perpetual garden. And there is no way I'm going to throw out my sensi skunk seeds. It seems like they are banning seeds from outside the country also.
I'm going to have to read the whole thing in detail. As for seeds, for the first time I'm going to have to mail order, the seed store in my town just got busted and all their inventory seized :(. I figure they were sending shit to the States as the CBA was involved in the raid but that's only speculation. This spring is going to be the first for a few things for me as I defiantly grow my 10-15 plants lol. And yup differentiate between flowering and budding would be nice. I could probably live with 4 and 4. The inspection thing is more geared toward licensed growers I hope. Pretty hard to monitor rec growing I would think.
4 plants sucks but it's better than what we can grow now, legally. With training you can get 8-12 zips per plant outdoor and keep them under the limit so technically it's enough if all you want is your own smoke.

imo, the trick will be to just stay under the radar if you want to grow more, breed, etc. There's nothing in the legislation that I can see where you'll have to register to grow within the limit - federally. That said, I think there will be at least the odd province who may choose not to allow home grows or even municipal level governments restricting it so much it wouldn't be worthwhile. So again, keep things under the radar, don't grow outdoor, make your own seeds.

Reason I keep saying stay under the radar is what they won't be able to do unless they impose it provincially (which would be shot down by the courts at first challenge under the constitution) would be to enter/inspect your residence unannounced or at minimum without your permission. That is clear in the proposed legislation under Part 7 (Inspections), section 6 & 7. That essentially states that they cannot enter your dwelling without permission or a warrant if you refuse permission.

In addition, it would be impractical for them to have everyone register to grow (there's no indication of registration for rec legal in the legislation that I can see), whether indoor or outdoor. It would cost too much and be a cluster f*ck, just not seeing it.

So, just like many of us do now and some of us have done for many years. Continue growing, don't tell anyone other than maybe your significant other and if anything it'll be easier than it is today. With many more people growing rec + registered medical growers, law enforcement will be busy enough and have many more easy targets to bother with someone who as far as anyone else knows, doesn't even smoke pot, never mind grow it.

As far as the questions around legal ways to obtain "starting materials" being clones or seeds. That's not looking good in the legislation. Meaning that federally as they control the sourcing which means LP's only and you can't make your own seeds. It's looking like it will be imposed/restricted to LP crap and looks like they'll be at least trying to clamp down on seed distribution. e.g. Part 1, section 13 (1) where it says: "It is prohibited to possess, produce, sell, distribute or import anything with the intention that it will be used to produce, sell or distribute illicit cannabis". The pretty well says it all :(
4 plants sucks but it's better than what we can grow now, legally. With training you can get 8-12 zips per plant outdoor and keep them under the limit so technically it's enough if all you want is your own smoke.

imo, the trick will be to just stay under the radar if you want to grow more, breed, etc. There's nothing in the legislation that I can see where you'll have to register to grow within the limit - federally. That said, I think there will be at least the odd province who may choose not to allow home grows or even municipal level governments restricting it so much it wouldn't be worthwhile. So again, keep things under the radar, don't grow outdoor, make your own seeds.

Reason I keep saying stay under the radar is what they won't be able to do unless they impose it provincially (which would be shot down by the courts at first challenge under the constitution) would be to enter/inspect your residence unannounced or at minimum without your permission. That is clear in the proposed legislation under Part 7 (Inspections), section 6 & 7. That essentially states that they cannot enter your dwelling without permission or a warrant if you refuse permission.

In addition, it would be impractical for them to have everyone register to grow (there's no indication of registration for rec legal in the legislation that I can see), whether indoor or outdoor. It would cost too much and be a cluster f*ck, just not seeing it.

So, just like many of us do now and some of us have done for many years. Continue growing, don't tell anyone other than maybe your significant other and if anything it'll be easier than it is today. With many more people growing rec + registered medical growers, law enforcement will be busy enough and have many more easy targets to bother with someone who as far as anyone else knows, doesn't even smoke pot, never mind grow it.

As far as the questions around legal ways to obtain "starting materials" being clones or seeds. That's not looking good in the legislation. Meaning that federally as they control the sourcing which means LP's only and you can't make your own seeds. It's looking like it will be imposed/restricted to LP crap and looks like they'll be at least trying to clamp down on seed distribution. e.g. Part 1, section 13 (1) where it says: "It is prohibited to possess, produce, sell, distribute or import anything with the intention that it will be used to produce, sell or distribute illicit cannabis". The pretty well says it all :(

I did read somewhere in the final report that was released alongside the bill that the ability for provinces and whatnot to be able to impose a registry or such. I'll have to re read it when I have a chance.

The part about the seeds is what really gets my goat. I guess it's back to being an outlaw.
I think what they are going to do is have a registry of people "allowed" to do a home grow. All starting materials and information about the grow will be tied into that. Then they will make you sign a waiver allowing them to inspect without notice. So this will be put into the agreement. Don't sign and you will be considered "illicit CANNABIS"