SST (sprouted seed tea) do's and donts?

How much alfalfa SST is recommended per gallon? Mendo dope boys mentioned on round table that it is a lot stronger than popcorn tea. Wondering how high of cytokinin levels alfalfa has relative to popcorn tea. It should have the same apical dominance suppression effect--possibly/likely to a greater degree... So all buds act like the main/terminal bud...

Anyone ever used alfalfa SST. I think MendoDope boys said to use it at about 1/4 the rate of popcorn because it is so strong. They also said something about not brewing it in a tea for more than a day... supposedly become toxic to plants if left longer--they said something of that nature during the growtube...

Check out my DIY IG channel @growersluv @craginrock on youtube
I've only ever used barley, alfalfa, and chia seeds. The chia seeds were a bit of a pain in the nut-sack. They sprout, but turn in to a jellied mess almost like tapioca balls. I do believe the wheatgrass will be great. According to another grower who is very knowledgeable on the topic grass seeds are excellent to use.
What's your barley recipe if you don't mind me asking? And how and when do you use it?
What's your barley recipe if you don't mind me asking? And how and when do you use it?
I aerate it in a 5gal bucket and I use( 2 row roasted barley). At least 24hrs , plus I add some cocoa nut water( not the can) but the water in the rectangular box for when I don't want to sprout corn. Your gonna love how your ladies respond to the barley tea.

If I don't fly imma die anyway
I aerate it in a 5gal bucket and I use( 2 row roasted barley). At least 24hrs , plus I add some cocoa nut water( not the can) but the water in the rectangular box for when I don't want to sprout corn. Your gonna love how your ladies respond to the barley tea.
What's 2 row roasted barley? And how much do you use? And what's coconut water not in a can? That's the only coconut water I know haha

If I don't fly imma die anyway
Check out the barley on Amazon and I use 3/4 to 1 cup of barley that I grind up in my ninja grinder and add it to my 5gal bucket to aerate for 24 to 48 hrs. Cocoa nut water in the box that is all organic. Not with additives. You can add 1 cup of cocoa nut water to 5gal water or you can add with the barley tea

If I don't fly imma die anyway
Check out the barley on Amazon and I use 3/4 to 1 cup of barley that I grind up in my ninja grinder and add it to my 5gal bucket to aerate for 24 to 48 hrs. Cocoa nut water in the box that is all organic. Not with additives. You can add 1 cup of cocoa nut water to 5gal water or you can add with the barley tea

If I don't fly imma die anyway
I work at a grain terminal that ships barley. I'll check out the one youre talking about though
Check out the barley on Amazon and I use 3/4 to 1 cup of barley that I grind up in my ninja grinder and add it to my 5gal bucket to aerate for 24 to 48 hrs. Cocoa nut water in the box that is all organic. Not with additives. You can add 1 cup of cocoa nut water to 5gal water or you can add with the barley tea

If I don't fly imma die anyway
My next question... is it okay for veg? And what is different then my current tea with ewc and molasses