DIY with Quantum Boards

I would like to wire 4 288 boards together in series. Im eyeballing the 135 watt kits but would like to limit the number of drivers/plugs. Do you stock a driver that can power all 4 in series that can be wired up for 120v plug? Or am i better off buying the boards /heatsinks from you and purchasing the tidbits and driver elsewhere?
so whats the best way to wire a setup like this to get full power from the driver,series x 2 and parallel ? and does it work better with the qb304 or better with the qb288 or no difference ?
Ok, where do I get that driver? Or what would be next best looking for drivers that someone has in stock.

We will have them eventually lol. They are new but awesome..... I'll get back after while and let you know if we can get you one.