Archive Seed Bank

I am not trying to start something with ya so please don't take this as a pot shot. Rather than asking legitimate questions to perhaps dig into how he operates people made a series of assumptions, threw around accusations and quite frankly didn't appear to care enought about how he really operates.

This was not a healthy discussion and that's why he is pissed off. He started this thread a while ago and then went on hiatus. People started the shit slinging and he came in red hot, understandably so.

That's my 2 cents.

This ^. The discussion should have stayed on the economics of things and straightforward questions with no accusatory tones. The slandering and accusatory stuff needs to stay out of the thread. It is fine to question, but it's not what was being done for the most part.

It comes down to this is an offering, If you want it buy, if not Kick rocks.

Yup. State your dissatisfaction with pricing and move on. It never hurts to complain about things and tell your logic as to why you will be spending your money elsewhere in a tactful manner, but droning on is a waste of time and toxic. $200 bucks a pack too much for you? Go buy 4 of Bodhi's (or whatever your into) and get 4 free on top of that for just tad bit more...It's really as simple as that. If what you are wanting you absolutely cannot do without and cannot find an alternative you are just as happy to grow out, then spend it on Archive.

I just spent $600.00 on Archive Lemon Heads because I couldn't do without it...There really was no other alternative for me when looking for pure lemon zest. @$200 bucks a pack it was the first time since Heaven's Stair Way first dropped Bro's Grim gear that I spent more than 100 bucks on a pack of seeds. I bought C99 and Apollo 11 back then for 150$ a pack. This was around 2000. People are spoiled with cheaper seeds because the way they are produced. You will notice the real breeder's like Sensi, DP, and many more who do long term work on land race lines charge 150+ for their packs. This is the cost of actually working lines...I can respect his answers in that respect having actually done a lot of that type of work.

Anyways keep respect in this thread and don't let go the way of Gagegreen or some of these other just awful threads...
This ^. The discussion should have stayed on the economics of things and straightforward questions with no accusatory tones. The slandering and accusatory stuff needs to stay out of the thread. It is fine to question, but it's not what was being done for the most part.

Yup. State your dissatisfaction with pricing and move on. It never hurts to complain about things and tell your logic as to why you will be spending your money elsewhere in a tactful manner, but droning on is a waste of time and toxic. $200 bucks a pack too much for you? Go buy 4 of Bodhi's (or whatever your into) and get 4 free on top of that for just tad bit more...It's really as simple as that. If what you are wanting you absolutely cannot do without and cannot find an alternative you are just as happy to grow out, then spend it on Archive.

I just spent $600.00 on Archive Lemon Heads because I couldn't do without it...There really was no other alternative for me when looking for pure lemon zest. @$200 bucks a pack it was the first time since Heaven's Stair Way first dropped Bro's Grim gear that I spent more than 100 bucks on a pack of seeds. I bought C99 and Apollo 11 back then for 150$ a pack. This was around 2000. People are spoiled with cheaper seeds because the way they are produced. You will notice the real breeder's like Sensi, DP, and many more who do long term work on land race lines charge 150+ for their packs. This is the cost of actually working lines...I can respect his answers in that respect having actually done a lot of that type of work.

Anyways keep respect in this thread and don't let go the way of Gagegreen or some of these other just awful threads...

Thats all old news now we're all one big happy family
Coo coo. I was just catching up on it and hoping people had some pictures to post so it was fresh to me. I should have some pics to offer up on here and the mag come September of 2 packs of poly mints, junior mint, and 3 lemonheads. If anyone has some info on these I would love it. I am looking for straight lemon zest in the lemonheads and the others are just a sampling to see how legitimate the work is as I really have no interest int he cookie x og stuff but it will give me a damn good idea on how his cuts and face off breed out.
I have some bubble bags but havent used them much or ever for rosin. Do you like a certain bag for rosin? If you dont mind me asking
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Bro your missing my point I never said he wasn't putting in the work cus I know he has always talked of testing offspring and stress testing males and stuff. I have told people about him doing this so it was just on the new Dosidos crosses I wanted to know about. I understand just cus someone doesn't let the world know what they are doing doing mean he isn't doing it but when your selling a product I as the consumer should have the right to know about the product your selling.

Think of Apple when new products come out for them you can find all the info about them weeks before you can buy. I'm not saying let the whole world know your plans before you get to working on the idea but once it's a done deal and product is gonna be sold I want info on it period. Nobody is wrong for wanting that info and in buying quality seeds it should come with it. I'm not even going deep as the brother on here breaking it down wanting to know selections and how many was in the pool and all lol but just some basic info on said cross and maybe a few pics is good enough for me. Let me know that you know about what your selling me and not just cus you know the parents.

As for a male not being a winner on every female and vice here's I would think that's pretty common sense nature wise as with anything that reproduces. All genes are not gonna pair well several people have said the Oregon Lemons wasn't that great when they grow it but you don't hear people complaining about Dosidos or Rudeboi. Not saying Oregon Lemons can't produce something good but it's obvious it's not on the level of the Dosidos. I really won't question anymore cus I figured anyways he tested cus he talks of it royally but this is why I don't have have every breeder in stash cus I know I'm not getting to work put in as others. I will continue to get Archive gear

Exactly!! The man can breed/chuck however he see's fit. I just remember when I bought my 1st pack of Archive it had a nice description & all on the website. Now mfers can't even tell you how many weeks the plants flower smdh!

For example I want to know the difference between the dogshit crosses, dosi male vs the faceoff male. I'm not worried about the money but we all know the dosi cross will be priced over $100. Same with the other clones that got hit with the faceoff male. That's why this new drop isn't interesting to me unless it's the F2's but Im all cookied out at this point after Sin City restocks.

Hmmmm....Can I look at Instagram without signing up? I'm just not into social media outside of this forum!

Yes but its's annoying following pages unless you make bookmarks in your browser. Than again if it's a private page you won't be able to see anything.
If I could delete my handle here I would and wouldn't ever come back, but I'd like to try to help a few of the people in here if I can. I'll try to answer pertinent questions that have had thought put into them, not baseless opinionated ramblings only verbalized due to inexperience.

Of course I'm salty... This industry and community has become a complete and utter shit show. Just wait til legalization hits your state. Best of luck guys! It's because of shit like this I'm considering retiring and taking a back seat this next year. I don't particularly enjoy a lot of the aspects of this "industry" anymore. There ain't a community left at all. It's literally the polar opposite of what it was a decade plus ago. It used to be we were all in the same illegal boat , risking our freedom, and there was a code of conduct and hard work that was ingrained into anyone operating in this sphere. Now, it's just any asshole that smoked weed once in their life involved in the industry, not community. From the top side it's lenders, regulation, city attorneys, etc.. on the bottom side, people that wouldn't ever have grown until the laws came to their favor. No backbone, johnny come latelys.. done..
#TRUTH, i was thinking the exact same shit!
props to Docta for throwing down some decent info. I respect his thoughts on things and agree with many of it, especially cannabis culture after all these green rush fucks have invaded it. When it hits your state, it will spin you out also... I know its getting ugly in Michigan. The culture I know from overgrow and pre overgrow days is gone. It is up to the old outlaws to be a strong voice in the community so I tip my hat to the good Docta for being a warrior. Blessings dude.
props to Docta for throwing down some decent info. I respect his thoughts on things and agree with many of it, especially cannabis culture after all these green rush fucks have invaded it. When it hits your state, it will spin you out also... I know its getting ugly in Michigan. The culture I know from overgrow and pre overgrow days is gone. It is up to the old outlaws to be a strong voice in the community so I tip my hat to the good Docta for being a warrior. Blessings dude.

Yeah MI is getting bad. I just moved here to get legal and I'm already planning an exit out west... Seems they're preparing for corporate takeover here.
I really hope the same bullshit doesn't hit Australia when it's legalised, all this tough nut, my dick's bigger horseshit is annoying as fuck. Seems everyone's just there to call out other people and make up pissweak memes. I don't blame TheDocta for wanting to retire, I would too, the whole industry sounds like a PITA!
Even in the legal states, I get the feeling that people are just starting to go back and do their own thing again. All the regulations and threats of lost investments...It's just getting too complex and too much of a headache. In many ways, maybe the black market guys are more legit than the legal guys are -what with all these stupid strain names and fake test results for THC content and shit like that. It makes it hard to get high at all because it stops being about the quality and flavor of the smoke and the high and more about some numbers game. Sure, I got some ditchweed every now and then....but I also got some real tasty, potent stuff from time-to-time, too.

I grew up with strains that might have topped at around 10% THC...but I never had to put my nose into a jar in order to smell what the strain smelled like, either, -because I could smell it from across the room whenever anyone who had it on his pocket would walk in! No shaking the jar to disperse some terpenes into the air...It wasn't like that! And I got higher on that old-school, unnamed skunk-smelling weed than I have gotten on any 30+% THC strain. Even I can't believe how that could be possible...but it absolutely is. Modern marijuana has succeeded in many ways and failed in many ways...and flavor and smell have been a BIG failure for the most part....I mean in comparison to flavors and smells of old landrace stuff.

Well, like I say...I'm hoping to find my way back to that old stuff...somehow! My nose will be the test from here on out. If it doesn't smell strong, then I don't care about it. Don't care about the cool names...Don't care about the exotic stories......Don't care about the test results...been through all that and none of it ever once mattered or succeeded to get me any higher! The emperor has no clothes! There...I said it! :)
Appreciate the love everyone. Yea I figured his cross would be fire being as the Topanga mom is a fire clone only itself. Which we knew more about it but not too much info on it except it goes by many names. I think my pheno is def more Pure Kush dom I would think the FO bx1 phenos would have better yield. Nonetheless this cross is fire and I plan to pop more found this lady in 3 beans
The reason it was scarce was because I was working the line, not RELEASING untested seeds. But like I said, if you want cheap, untested, tent made gear for $80, I can do that all day and release seeds 5 times a year. Is that what you want? Or since you think everyone can do whatever they want with someone elses work, than how about I make just fems, and do wedding cake, meatbreath, etc hybrids? Sound appealing, sure would save me a lot of time and work just capitalizing off someone else's shit. That's what amsterdam did because of canadian ripoffs like marc emery back in the day. Who wins from that model? Me, and the customer and genepool lose, nice logic there. Y'all really have poor logic and it just tells anyone with a brain how inexperienced you are. Some of y'all just need to leave this thread, y'all ain't contributing anything worthwile but an uneducated inexperienced opinion based on your ASSumptions, Anyone else I'll be happy to try and answer except for these peabrains.
hey I have a few phenos of the sweeties going and want to know what I should be looking for in keepers right now my C pheno is phenomenal in every way except smell but it's only the end of week 3 so it seems like it going to turn a light purple (calyxes are changing at the tips ) and stretched nice and looks like it could stack up nice with the right pruning does this sound like a possible keeper what should I look for in the days and weeks to come IMG_0422.JPGI think this is day 19 give or take
looking forward to the new archive drop.
hoping seedbank for humanity gets some, i dig those guys.

i ran rude boi before, gotta say, the terpenes levels were very strong, super flavorful flowers-that classic kushy earthy funky lemon schtink. quite mouth watering, it was my go-to in a harvest of chocolate oranges, foo fighter, sour sunsets.
so sticky.

i then grew out some french toast and was equally as pleased w/ that strain.
super buttery sweet gassy lemon OG goodness.
both made great ice wax as well.

those experiences have led me to pop some samoas. i look forward to seeing how hey develop. sitting on some rocket fuel as well.

the dosidos #9 looks awesome, i may have to grab some:) doc saying how the #22 fills the room w/ the ogkb incense stink makes me smile-i love that shit. the tiramisu i grew out did the same thing. smells so delicious.

overall i dig doc's gear, a lot. thanks for all of your contributions.
come to vermont man, haha. hoping this tiny state keeps it local when they go green, perfect state to do so and teach the rest of the country what's up!
Pretty bothered by SHN right now. Was there @12 for the Archive drop, grabbed what I wanted right away, went to checkout, logged in, and there was already some bs in my cart (1'st item in the list, "Sweeties"). I never viewed Sweeties, but they were in my cart, and so I could not checkout because they were out of stock (again, I did not add them to my cart, can't add out of stock items anyway). Tried to remove it from my cart, got an error stating that "This Item Cannot Be Removed From Cart" (seriously). Tried to change total number to "0" and update cart, still there. Finally hit "Wishlist" and it was removed. Cool, now I'm free to checkout, only, everything that I wanted that I had in my cart was now "Out of Stock". What the fuck.

I was pretty pissed, so was going to say F SHN for good (they have stopped taking a certain cc, which isn't cool either).

The silver lining, I went back through and found one that I had forgotten about, "In Stock", got it. Stoked.

I had suspected that fees/charge offs had something to due with the change in acceptable payment methods. Seems I was right. Anyone check out the sweet little "outtro" confirmation page. If you haven't, it's truly something to behold. I don't blame them, gotta do your best to avoid the rippers/scammers, but threatening to rat you out... ?! I really dug the SHN vibe before, not going back after seeing that.
If I could delete my handle here I would and wouldn't ever come back, but I'd like to try to help a few of the people in here if I can. I'll try to answer pertinent questions that have had thought put into them, not baseless opinionated ramblings only verbalized due to inexperience.

Of course I'm salty... This industry and community has become a complete and utter shit show. Just wait til legalization hits your state. Best of luck guys! It's because of shit like this I'm considering retiring and taking a back seat this next year. I don't particularly enjoy a lot of the aspects of this "industry" anymore. There ain't a community left at all. It's literally the polar opposite of what it was a decade plus ago. It used to be we were all in the same illegal boat , risking our freedom, and there was a code of conduct and hard work that was ingrained into anyone operating in this sphere. Now, it's just any asshole that smoked weed once in their life involved in the industry, not community. From the top side it's lenders, regulation, city attorneys, etc.. on the bottom side, people that wouldn't ever have grown until the laws came to their favor. No backbone, johnny come latelys.. done..

You said it bro!!
Things just seemed to go south since that happened.
Worst part, the pioneer's get left out!
All the real hard work, and no reward.