Well-Known Member
I am not trying to start something with ya so please don't take this as a pot shot. Rather than asking legitimate questions to perhaps dig into how he operates people made a series of assumptions, threw around accusations and quite frankly didn't appear to care enought about how he really operates.
This was not a healthy discussion and that's why he is pissed off. He started this thread a while ago and then went on hiatus. People started the shit slinging and he came in red hot, understandably so.
That's my 2 cents.
This ^. The discussion should have stayed on the economics of things and straightforward questions with no accusatory tones. The slandering and accusatory stuff needs to stay out of the thread. It is fine to question, but it's not what was being done for the most part.
It comes down to this is an offering, If you want it buy, if not Kick rocks.
Yup. State your dissatisfaction with pricing and move on. It never hurts to complain about things and tell your logic as to why you will be spending your money elsewhere in a tactful manner, but droning on is a waste of time and toxic. $200 bucks a pack too much for you? Go buy 4 of Bodhi's (or whatever your into) and get 4 free on top of that for just tad bit more...It's really as simple as that. If what you are wanting you absolutely cannot do without and cannot find an alternative you are just as happy to grow out, then spend it on Archive.
I just spent $600.00 on Archive Lemon Heads because I couldn't do without it...There really was no other alternative for me when looking for pure lemon zest. @$200 bucks a pack it was the first time since Heaven's Stair Way first dropped Bro's Grim gear that I spent more than 100 bucks on a pack of seeds. I bought C99 and Apollo 11 back then for 150$ a pack. This was around 2000. People are spoiled with cheaper seeds because the way they are produced. You will notice the real breeder's like Sensi, DP, and many more who do long term work on land race lines charge 150+ for their packs. This is the cost of actually working lines...I can respect his answers in that respect having actually done a lot of that type of work.
Anyways keep respect in this thread and don't let go the way of Gagegreen or some of these other just awful threads...