Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

Stuck in a rigid mode of thinking. Are you alt-right most of the time and not right often?
In your world where does money come from? What happens to people when there are less jobs. There aren't enough paying jobs for eveyone to make a living wage as it is. The jobs for the poor are becoming automated for one thing. I bet you also think to feed the world we need GMO. How indoctrinated are you? Do you think? Do you believe climate change is a serious issue and real?
im in the middle dude, so save the cnn labels. i dont even have cable. we can squabble over disagreements all day. how bout this tho- what would a country look like where everyone thought the same? as much as i despise the liberal left and the far right, both are important to the success of the country. IMO, if we all agree, or have no choice but to agree, how is that different than north korea? or cuba? or any other communist country. im open to examples showing 100% agreement in a democracy, show me please.

you guys take it all personal that i rip your thoughts, but im an equal opportunity criticizer. if someone cant hold themselves to the same standard they demand from others, their words have less weight. therefore, nearly all on far left and far right is ignored. obama was a horrible deal maker, he couldnt do anything after he lost majorities in 2010. trump sells himself as the best ever, but he's learning the same lessons obama did, congress is a bitch to work with. so, we'll find out real soon if trump can maintain the standard he set for himself. if he fails, he'll be voted out in 2020, that simple. and on and on we go.

dont be such a pansy esh! fuckin A. no one is going to take care of you except you and your family. Believing a politician saying different is a pipe dream. We dont even agree 100% with our family members, yet in politics its automatically assumed someone agrees 100% with whatever side they are on. The thought process, or lackthereof, when it comes to politics is very interesting, so emotionally charged
im in the middle dude, so save the cnn labels. i dont even have cable. we can squabble over disagreements all day. how bout this tho- what would a country look like where everyone thought the same? as much as i despise the liberal left and the far right, both are important to the success of the country. IMO, if we all agree, or have no choice but to agree, how is that different than north korea? or cuba? or any other communist country. im open to examples showing 100% agreement in a democracy, show me please.

you guys take it all personal that i rip your thoughts, but im an equal opportunity criticizer. if someone cant hold themselves to the same standard they demand from others, their words have less weight. therefore, nearly all on far left and far right is ignored. obama was a horrible deal maker, he couldnt do anything after he lost majorities in 2010. trump sells himself as the best ever, but he's learning the same lessons obama did, congress is a bitch to work with. so, we'll find out real soon if trump can maintain the standard he set for himself. if he fails, he'll be voted out in 2020, that simple. and on and on we go.

dont be such a pansy esh! fuckin A. no one is going to take care of you except you and your family. Believing a politician saying different is a pipe dream. We dont even agree 100% with our family members, yet in politics its automatically assumed someone agrees 100% with whatever side they are on. The thought process, or lackthereof, when it comes to politics is very interesting, so emotionally charged
Ok. I see more where you are coming from. It makes your coments make more sense with that context. We disagree for sure if you are in the middle on the somewhat official american political scale. I thought i would be in the middle.. the actual center.. the actual center is left of the line. I am left of that. Judging by how you write/talk and by what you are saying you are american center (edit right of center in fact)not actual center. So you believe in compromise.. better than a facist . Better than a leftist. Cool cool. So are you an independent? I have not taken anything you said "personally" but i respond sometimes to bullshit. I take issue with the idea of a dog eat dog world. I take issue when people say that's how it should be or has to be. If you believe that's how it has to be you will never support making it better. Not everone will always agree but a truely educated people can agree on alot and will not be biased towards oppressive ideas.
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Ok. I see more where you are coming from. It makes your coments make more sense with that context. We disagree for sure if you are in the middle on the somewhat official american political scale. I thought i would be in the middle.. the actual center.. the actual center is left of the line. I am left of that. Judging by how you write/talk and by what you are saying you are american center (edit right of center in fact)not actual center. So you believe in compromise.. better than a facist . Better than a leftist. Cool cool. So are you an independent? I have not taken anything you said "personally" but i respond sometimes to bullshit. I take issue with the idea of a dog eat dog world. I take issue when people say that's how it should be or has to be. If you believe that's how it has to be you will never support making it better. Not everone will always agree but a truely educated people can agree on alot and will not be biased towards oppressive ideas.
i can work with this! definitely believe in compromise, that is the how this country is designed to operate, IMO. not everyone is right, and not everyone is wrong. right now, the extreme opposites and the all or none take on everything does the country at large a disservice, whichever angle someone comes from. there is 7 billion people on this planet, answers are going to be very complicated, and anyone saying otherwise is spewing bs. so lets all cut everyone some slack, take a deep breath, and figure this shit out. in my state, i have to choose a party to vote for a candidate in primaries, so an independent would limit me to only independent candidates, or i would. im registered repub, but im in ca so it doesnt matter, and only vote for ones i like or i skip it.

i can understand how the dog eat dog world flavor is tough to chew, but sometimes the truth does hurt. visiting foreign countries that arent first world reminds us how easy we have it here in the US, and provides perspective. but, not everyone can travel, i know.

agree on taking issue with people saying this is how it has to be, but thats all i hear from the left (global warming, lgbt stuff, min wage, healthcare) and the right (anti abortion, privatize everything, trickle down economics). but politicians will be politicians, its their job to not agree. its our job to understand the answer will likely be somewhere in the middle
i can work with this! definitely believe in compromise, that is the how this country is designed to operate, IMO. not everyone is right, and not everyone is wrong. right now, the extreme opposites and the all or none take on everything does the country at large a disservice, whichever angle someone comes from. there is 7 billion people on this planet, answers are going to be very complicated, and anyone saying otherwise is spewing bs. so lets all cut everyone some slack, take a deep breath, and figure this shit out. in my state, i have to choose a party to vote for a candidate in primaries, so an independent would limit me to only independent candidates, or i would. im registered repub, but im in ca so it doesnt matter, and only vote for ones i like or i skip it.

i can understand how the dog eat dog world flavor is tough to chew, but sometimes the truth does hurt. visiting foreign countries that arent first world reminds us how easy we have it here in the US, and provides perspective. but, not everyone can travel, i know.

agree on taking issue with people saying this is how it has to be, but thats all i hear from the left (global warming, lgbt stuff, min wage, healthcare) and the right (anti abortion, privatize everything, trickle down economics). but politicians will be politicians, its their job to not agree. its our job to understand the answer will likely be somewhere in the middle
By saying the truth hurts you are being complisit in the dog eat dog game.
When i see the third world and tge first world it reminds me who keeps the world that way.
You don't vote for progress so it doesn't matter how you are registered. I almost said independent or Republican but i hedged. I mean if you where n the middle you would be independent or democrat but you don't vote for democrats and in our life time there haven't been any Republican candidates that wheren't against most of the American values i am for. I'm sure you and i could work together to draft some decent legislation . But we are not in office. It's your opinion politicians should not agree and people should not agree and rebublicans should be in charge. The poor need the rich not the other way around. I reject that.

I may be Kelly-Anne stupid, don't have the links to refute that statement, but that bitch still has more power, money, and more of a voice than you or I so I suppose I get to keep talking. :D
If Ginger root worked, don't you think they'd have found a way to refine it, put it in a tablet and sell it to billionaires who'd literally pay anything to save their life?

If "profit" was the motive they'd monetize it, not try hide it.
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If Ginger root worked, don't you think they'd have found a way to refine it, put it in a tablet and sell it to billionaires who'd literally pay anything to save their life?

If "profit" was the motive they'd monetize it, not try hide it.

You would think so my friend. Seriously though, how the fuck do you make money off of a vegetable? You can't. That is why nobody is taking the information from the lab that cancer cell lines are vulnerable to ginger (just like cannabis! Hmmm... maybe its the same damn thing that is in cannabis that kills cancer is also present in other agricultural crops?) and spending millions to prove it in human trials. It will NEVER be done because it is IMPOSSIBLE to make profit from a vegetable as a medicine. This is why big pharma spends millions and millions of dollars every year to fight marijuana legalization, we all understand that on this sight (I thought), so why is is impossible for you to believe the same may be true of other agricultural products besides cannabis?
How about turmeric?
well the Mayo clinic seems to think it might.
Look man, I'm not crazy although it may seem that way (although, maybe I am crazy...). Does ginger truly kill cancer? I don't know, its just the few people out there who are willing to ask the question are getting really incredible results. Never mind cannabis and turmeric. I have a feeling that if doctors started using ginger, cannabis, turmeric, and any number of other disease fighting vegetables in addition to chemotherapy and radiation we might have a real honest to god cure. If your care, read up on Dr. Guzman in Spain.
Anyway, your cool. I like your opinions on here and I often agree with you even. I'm just saying, this is a weed forum, a whole lot of closed minds on here. We KNOW more than anyone else that the government doesn't have our best interests at heart. Why the hell do you think the medical system does?
Susan G. Kommen uses the money volunteers all over America raise by walking, running, giving their time because we all know someone who has died from breast cancer. I've participated in a "race for the cure" myself. And they use the money to block alternative cancer research and therapies. That is a true story. Because cancer is BIG business. And a cheap cure ruins everything. Like war, we have to keep it going.
We are getting fucked collectively as a society. You can't fix the problems in our society until you correct the corruption and misinformation. And that is a bipartisan issue that must be solved first before you try to fix the problem of access to healthcare.
Oh, and I buy and consume ginger root in a tablet form everyday. Along with turmeric. Cannabis oil I make myself but I do have tablets to put it in if I want to take it that way. :)
The only thing ginger is good for is adding zing to a curry or baking some cookies.

I'll stick to chemo for cancer, thanks.

Ginger is a proven anti-inflammatory. Proven. So no, its good for everything ibuprofen is good for at the minimum. But good for you to stick to your faith that you haven't even bother to verify with a simply google search. I applaud that. Closed minds and refusal to even explore the idea that you might not have the full story is what keeps the world turning.
Ginger is a proven anti-inflammatory. Proven. So no, its good for everything ibuprofen is good for at the minimum. But good for you to stick to your faith that you haven't even bother to verify with a simply google search. I applaud that. Closed minds and refusal to even explore the idea that you might not have the full story is what keeps the world turning.
I like science.

The thing about medicine is that if it works, the scientists take it away and isolate the active ingredient and then a new medicine is born.

Do you honestly think ginger can cure cancer yet millions of people die from it worldwide every year?
lol, real original ya failed abortion. better educated? rofl. you cant come up with more than a 5 syllable response and you use gif's like a popup book. whatever you say jizzbucket
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im in the middle dude, so save the cnn labels. i dont even have cable. we can squabble over disagreements all day. how bout this tho- what would a country look like where everyone thought the same? as much as i despise the liberal left and the far right, both are important to the success of the country. IMO, if we all agree, or have no choice but to agree, how is that different than north korea? or cuba? or any other communist country. im open to examples showing 100% agreement in a democracy, show me please.

you guys take it all personal that i rip your thoughts, but im an equal opportunity criticizer. if someone cant hold themselves to the same standard they demand from others, their words have less weight. therefore, nearly all on far left and far right is ignored. obama was a horrible deal maker, he couldnt do anything after he lost majorities in 2010. trump sells himself as the best ever, but he's learning the same lessons obama did, congress is a bitch to work with. so, we'll find out real soon if trump can maintain the standard he set for himself. if he fails, he'll be voted out in 2020, that simple. and on and on we go.

dont be such a pansy esh! fuckin A. no one is going to take care of you except you and your family. Believing a politician saying different is a pipe dream. We dont even agree 100% with our family members, yet in politics its automatically assumed someone agrees 100% with whatever side they are on. The thought process, or lackthereof, when it comes to politics is very interesting, so emotionally charged
The fact that you believe you are some kind of special, non-emotional thinker is fucking adorable. You reveal your thought processes to be as rigid and emotionally charged as anyone posting here. You can barely contain how angry and unhinged you are underneath it all.