Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

trump is not near the top 1% but he is wealthy enough to benefit from supporting the upper-class. Life is beautiful. The bitch of it is that the upper-class have rigged a game that destroys the world and made it so that if people don't play they lose in real life.
it's tough . if you are lucky you only have to be a slave part of your life if you don't mind living simply.
if you support the current system with your heart and faith, you have agreed to be it's bitch Just please don't preach to me about conforming or about struggle. you have given in to a system that does not respect you.

fuck Jerry Brown and that meaningless non sequitur quote.
how do you really feel? lol
you know, personal emotions and world history is separate things right? you seem confused
there ya go, insulate your thoughts...excellent display of critical thinking.

thats the whole point rob was making, we dont get to choose that tax money is spent on loser fucks that make poor choices, and it costs a lot! and you guys want more?! if it wasnt for the "mean rich people" the gov (and therefore the country) wouldnt survive. minimum wage employees do not make the world go round, sorry.

dont bite the hand that feeds. if you dont like it, work hard, and get money. money is freedom.

from marketwatch...data from last tax year

The top 1% of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6% of all the federal individual income tax in the U.S.; the top 0.1% — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20% of it.Apr 18, 2016
So how the fuck would anyone get rich without labor? Labor makes the world go around.
I see Kansas is pushing Medicaid expansion. The governor doesn't want it but Democrats and moderate repubs are working to make sure the bill has enough votes to overide his veto. Yes they are now working against the teanuts. It's going to be a hilarious 4 years if he stays out of jail. I predict some national healthcare plan will be welcomed by the majority eventually. trump is a failure...Trumpcar.jpg
didnt know healthcare protects us from folks that want to hurt our country? but to answer your question, no, im not upset the military has a substantial budget. no one wants to pick a fight with US forces. perhaps im partial to that? close family friend was in vietnam, and my brother in law is in navy reserves.

they protect us all, including the ones that spit on them when they returned home...

now, if you want to talk about the contracting system the US operates by in the military, and any other contract the gov offers, there is plenty of topics there. its my position there is a considerable amount of fraud in these systems, and although some efforts have been made, I want more. Accountability is also nonexistent, because bureaucrats run these programs. Like union employees, which most fed gov employees are anyway, its nearly impossible to fire them for poor performance. Miss a few shifts at McDonalds and see what happens. This is why Fed's suck at running things!

Yet, people are asking for more of this stuff. I dont get it
Well it should would be a lot easier for all those bad people, wanting to hurt us, to kill us if we are all sick and weak, you're own logic fails you.
So how the fuck would anyone get rich without labor? Labor makes the world go around.