Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

And they worked most of their way through. I believe in teaching ethics. Working on the grandkids now. We retired to a farm. We have tons of wildflowers, skinks on the back deck. My closest neighbor is a mile away. I started with zip in the Air Force. No complaining just learning and working. I will until I die. Life is not worth living if you are not moving forward in some way. ymmv My parents had nothing because they had little self esteem. It's earned btw. Respect and self esteem. Confidence is next. I can help if you like. I've seen a lot. I've rendered lard as a boy. Shot my first squirrel at 7. I feed them now. 50 pound of sunflower seeds a week. I have worked on tube electronics to the newest additive manufacturing processes. In a top 5 company. They had confidence in me or they would not have trusted me on equipment worth millions making parts worth hundreds of thousands. Trump didn't earn his and gets very little respect from those that do. I came here to learn. I'm not trying to get respect from growers cause I'm not very good. Yet. But I sure wouldn't talk about them in their ivory towers. They grow, breed and earn respect. Most people who don't respect what others do don't respect themselves and are failures. I am sorry.
When you say stuff like :No my wife does. You and yours are one of the pain in the butts my wife has to deal with. I'm glad I'm retired. Pension and healthcare. She works one day a week. She said if it goes back to block grants she's done. She's tired of helping leaches.

It kinda contradicts what you just said .
You are kidding. She or he is a goof.

No i have to wait until the deeding process of my house finishes before i can withdraw from it. Honestly it will be the first time i will have real money in my life. My sister and brother just bought a 5 acre farm in Oregon and have invited my family to join them. They just bought 2 grow driod containers. Im looking at possibly buying a couple and moving there to join them. Nothing is set in stone but we will see
When you say stuff like :No my wife does. You and yours are one of the pain in the butts my wife has to deal with. I'm glad I'm retired. Pension and healthcare. She works one day a week. She said if it goes back to block grants she's done. She's tired of helping leaches.

It kinda contradicts what you just said .
if i was unemployed and collecting wellfare and food stamps.. id lie and say i retired also
No i have to wait until the deeding process of my house finishes before i can withdraw from it. Honestly it will be the first time i will have real money in my life. My sister and brother just bought a 5 acre farm in Oregon and have invited my family to join them. They just bought 2 grow driod containers. Im looking at possibly buying a couple and moving there to join them. Nothing is set in stone but we will see

you should use all that money to repay all the free food stamps, health care, and welfare checks you shamelessly mooched.
Can you please explain to me why you oppose universal healthcare?
because, in a nutshell, quality will be forced to drop for all(longer wait times, less qualified physicians, cheaper drugs, etc) because supply and demand is mixed with politics. the demand will skyrocket, but the supply wont, not to mention the cost? Obamacare was supposed to save the average family $2500, and keep your doctor, but it didnt work out anything like that.

i pay about $250 month for coverage from work. There is no way i would get the same coverage from the federal government for the same amount, nothing the feds do is efficient or cost effective.

the question is, why should someone be forced into worse and more costly coverage in the name of equality?
American slips and breaks an ankle, goes to hospital, maxes out credit cards to pay for xrays, casts etc. sues the city and local businesses to make up for shortfall. total cost including lawyers fees $25k
Canadian slips and break an ankle - has a cool story and cast the next day at work.
how do you say it... source? lol
because, in a nutshell, quality will be forced to drop for all(longer wait times, less qualified physicians, cheaper drugs, etc) because supply and demand is mixed with politics. the demand will skyrocket, but the supply wont, not to mention the cost? Obamacare was supposed to save the average family $2500, and keep your doctor, but it didnt work out anything like that.

i pay about $250 month for coverage from work. There is no way i would get the same coverage from the federal government for the same amount, nothing the feds do is efficient or cost effective.

the question is, why should someone be forced into worse and more costly coverage in the name of equality?
holy shit. youre still crying?
because, in a nutshell, quality will be forced to drop for all(longer wait times, less qualified physicians, cheaper drugs, etc) because supply and demand is mixed with politics. the demand will skyrocket, but the supply wont, not to mention the cost? Obamacare was supposed to save the average family $2500, and keep your doctor, but it didnt work out anything like that.

i pay about $250 month for coverage from work. There is no way i would get the same coverage from the federal government for the same amount, nothing the feds do is efficient or cost effective.

the question is, why should someone be forced into worse and more costly coverage in the name of equality?
Why does every other modern nation on Earth provide better quality healthcare at a cheaper price than America?

Why is America the only modern country on Earth where someone can go bankrupt paying for medical costs?

Why do the 10 happiest nations on Earth have universal healthcare, while America ranks in at number 14?

In countries with universal coverage, they ration it based on necessity, so if you want to get liposuction, you might have to wait a while because the guy who needs a heart transplant takes priority. In America, we prioritize coverage based on ability to pay, so it doesn't matter if you need a new heart if you can't pay for it, the guy who can afford his liposuction takes priority. Do you actually believe that's a better system? If so, please explain why.