Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

Death boards for one. There is a reason many people in countries with universal healthcare have to come to the States for treatment.
Death boards for one. There is a reason many people in countries with universal healthcare have to come to the States for treatment.

Death boards, dude.

Cost is just way out of control. Health Care is almost 20% GDP currently, ObamaCare costs are spiraling out of control, having the Government take over something I don't think will make it more effective or less expensive.
so you are against saving millions of lives and billions of dollars because if you are actaully brain dead, the government can withdraw care. Note: you could still take your loved one to a private facility and pay for their care - no difference except all the other medical expenses up to that point are paid for. there are many cases you can pay extra to get better or faster service.
so you are against saving millions of lives and billions of dollars because if you are actaully brain dead, the government can withdraw care. Note: you could still take your loved one to a private facility and pay for their care - no difference except all the other medical expenses up to that point are paid for. there are many cases you can pay extra to get better or faster service.
Yea they come to America............
Yea they come to America............

Death boards for one. There is a reason many people in countries with universal healthcare have to come to the States for treatment.


We spend twice as much for half of the care here in the US. How could non-profit government be less efficient than insurance that make so much profit they have billions to pour into DC?
American slips and breaks an ankle, goes to hospital, maxes out credit cards to pay for xrays, casts etc. sues the city and local businesses to make up for shortfall. total cost including lawyers fees $25k
Canadian slips and break an ankle - has a cool story and cast the next day at work.