If any of you generous folks want to donate to the San Diego seed share, I will gladly give you my address. I will guarantee that all donated seeds will be given away for free. Or maybe you can start a seed share event in your area.

Thank you!


Hey, amigo...just a couple of questions: who are the seeds given to? Are these people vetted in some way, so as to know of their neediness? What's the criteria?

Some folks know I'm no tight wad w/ beans, but if I were on the south west coast, I'd be tempted to show up for some Honeybee F [something]. I wouldn't, of course [probably :rolleyes: ], but it does make me wonder. When it comes to the costs of a grow, it seems to me that seeds would be one of the least expensive components. Indoors, at least. Anyway, just stoned and curious here. I appreciate the work all you groovy cats do on RIU.
Hey, amigo...just a couple of questions: who are the seeds given to? Are these people vetted in some way, so as to know of their neediness? What's the criteria?

Some folks know I'm no tight wad w/ beans, but if I were on the south west coast, I'd be tempted to show up for some Honeybee F [something]. I wouldn't, of course [probably :rolleyes: ], but it does make me wonder. When it comes to the costs of a grow, it seems to me that seeds would be one of the least expensive components. Indoors, at least. Anyway, just stoned and curious here. I appreciate the work all you groovy cats do on RIU.

The seeds are given to anyone who wants them. There is no registration, so no vetting, and no curiosity about the recipient. The only requirement is that you would like some free seeds. Hopefully you will grow them. Here's the original:


In San Diego, we have the largest Earth Day event in the U.S. This year we will have a Cannabis Village which will be a separate area solely for Cannabis companies, and there will be a stage for speakers and presentations. Earth Day here typically has over 50,000 people attending.

Since cannabis is legal in California for all adults, and the State legislature has said that it is legal for people to share seeds, these type of sharing events will help to spread seeds to everyone.

The seeds are given to anyone who wants them. There is no registration, so no vetting, and no curiosity about the recipient. The only requirement is that you would like some free seeds.

Are they labelled as to what they are? Do the recipients get to choose, and is there a limit on how many free beans they can get? I'm all about sharing the wealth with those in need, but theoretically, with that high body count at a cannabis village, doesn't that potentially do some serious sales damage to the folks that have made available great [sometimes] genetics through breeding and sales? Where would we be w/o those cats?

OK...just kidding on the 2nd paragraph......[ edited out] - but seriously wondering about these questions in the first...and no offense intended. It started off sounding like a help event for the needy, but I suspect the area seed 'collectors' [ formerly known as purchasers] will be the biggest slice of the recipients.
I understand what you are saying, and a seed share is not meant to horn in on a seed dealers business. We are just trying to help people get started. San Diego actually has a seed dealer, The Seed Vault of California, and I've know the owner for over 10 years. They usually have a booth at cannabis cups and other functions, and they give away little zip locks that have 3 seeds in them. They may be in the Earth Day Cannabis Village doing that again, or they may donate to the seed share effort. And yes, they label the baggies with the strain.

It's similar to growing a plant using a seed that you found in a bag. When I was growing in the 70's and 80's that's all that anyone did, got seeds in a "bag of really good shit." Now there are no seeds in the bud we buy, so we must get them somewhere else. A seed share is just an easy way to spread the herb far and wide.

Cool....I reckon. :confused: Maybe you could help me get started on some fem Honeybees when Genuity's package arrives, eh amigo? :-D
seriously gonna be some lucky san diagites...san diagers..diagoans...very pleased Whales Vagina.
just dont send em all the cherry puff f2's @genuity ! :P

stay classy