Does PHup and PH down only work temporarily? PH reverts to original.


New Member
I got PH down and up and it works fine and dandy, but If I PH 1 gallon of water to 6.0 (from 7.0), come back in like 4-5 hours and shake it up REAL GOOD, the PH is still back to 7.

What the dealio?


Well-Known Member
Try stirring the pH up/down in very well before you take your pH measurement. If you add some pH down to your gallon and don't mix it in well you may have a pH gradient in the bucket, with the lowest pH nearest to where you added the pH down. If this is the case it would make sense that when you come back 4-5 hours later and stir it very well that you would equalize the gradient and your measured pH would be higher than when you first measured.


Well-Known Member
a buffer will have a continuous effect on the PH, driving it upward. Now I don't know what you have in there so its just speculation, but are you using tap water or bottled, RO? Distilled? What are you using for PH down?


New Member
Thats what I figured. Maybe im not mixing it enough, but I seriously leave a good amount of air in there cause I shake the shit out of it. Ima try again, but ive noticed this twice already, and I do shake the shit out of that bottle. Im just going to do this right now. Results in a few hours

Try stirring the pH up/down in very well before you take your pH measurement. If you add some pH down to your gallon and don't mix it in well you may have a pH gradient in the bucket, with the lowest pH nearest to where you added the pH down. If this is the case it would make sense that when you come back 4-5 hours later and stir it very well that you would equalize the gradient and your measured pH would be higher than when you first measured.


New Member
Distilled water. Using the stuff thats just called "PH Down" by General Hydroponics. No nutes yet... Although some of them should be....

a buffer will have a continuous effect on the PH, driving it upward. Now I don't know what you have in there so its just speculation, but are you using tap water or bottled, RO? Distilled? What are you using for PH down?


New Member
Ok so when I went to do this, I fucked up. So then I did it again, then forgot to update this thread lol. Yeah I PH'd to 6.5, came back, shook the shit out of that thing, and it was at 7 again even less time later, id say an hour and a half. Im at a loss. Has noone else seen this?


Well-Known Member
My guess is you are throwing you ph out of equilibrium, with no nutrients in the water. Water + ph down, isnt very stable.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's seen in aquaria all the time. Someone above mentioned buffering, this is the ability of the source water to resist pH shift. In other words, water that resists pH shift (up or down) is well-buffered, or alkaline, which is confusing since high pH is also referred to as alkaline.

Those products that shift pH usually only do it temporarily. O2/CO2 levels actually affect pH, especially that of water with a low TDS, rather dramatically. We have to pay close attention with fish and aquatics because even a tenth of a point can kill pretty quickly.

If you want to find a way to keep it shifted downward, dosing with CO2 will do that, as might filtering through peat moss. The peat moss will color the water. It's just so ODD that this is happening as an upward shift in the pH of distilled water. I'm not so sure it's distilled, to tell you the truth.


New Member
Its distilled, I distilled it. I guess since the PH is right at the time I water the plants im fine. Just cant let it sit I guess.


Well-Known Member
I tested my water in a tube with the drops, yes the cheap one, and forgot about the solution being in the tube, when I left the pH was about 7.2, and when I came back it was 6.2, and was only gone a matter of maybe 30 mins, so when you pH your water, you have to water right then, you can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Its distilled, I distilled it. I guess since the PH is right at the time I water the plants im fine. Just cant let it sit I guess.
So, being distilled water it should have a neutral pH, right? Shouldn't be acidic, shouldn't be base. However, again being distilled, it's not well-buffered. So, I'm wondering if the products you're using are acting as the buffering agents. I would try passing it through peat moss to get it buffered downward. Also, be sure to stir it really vigorously, make sure it's got its full compliment of dissolved oxygen and has outgassed as much CO2 as it's going to before testing.


Active Member
Go to the store, buy some reverse osmosis water and you wont have this problem. I had the same problem until I bought a RO setup from ebay, no ph problems no more.


Well-Known Member
R.O. can't do what distillation does, so in my honest opinion that is not a solution. He'd still have a problem with pH bounce I think.


New Member
Im doing a fluoride-free grow. lol. RO doesnt get all of it out.
I don't want retarded plants with great teeth now do I. ha


Well-Known Member
Many of the RO systems out there for residential use also have pre and post filtering in combination with the Membrane. Your getting pretty much as pure of water as your going to get without getting into major expensive systems. Go to the hardware/spa/pool/lowes/Home de' Potstore and get some PH down used for hot tubs.

try it and see if it works.


New Member
Water distiller: 100 dollars.

Many of the RO systems out there for residential use also have pre and post filtering in combination with the Membrane. Your getting pretty much as pure of water as your going to get without getting into major expensive systems. Go to the hardware/spa/pool/lowes/Home de' Potstore and get some PH down used for hot tubs.

try it and see if it works.


Well-Known Member
Yea, RO water won't change dick here.. Seamaiden, and S0high are correct.. Clean water has nothing 'in it to busy up the H+'s, and OH-'s, so any addition of those will affect the hydronium concentration rather than be consumed in a different reaction..
Peat is a good idea.. Its organically complex so you'll end up with an assortment of acid/base congugates dissolved in the water that will serve to busy up those radicals, it will get more stable when you start your nutes..


Well-Known Member
I have learned my water, that's for sure. ;) The peat trick works surprisingly well, but really is best if it's placed in a filter, not just set in the water.
Water distiller: 100 dollars.
Really? I've been doing a bit of research into solar stills so that I might be able to purify my water (something that can only be claimed for distillation, not any other method of filtration such as reverse osmosis). Got a pic? I'd be interested to know a bit more about it. Like how it operates, is it expensive to operate? How much water do you get from it in a given amount of time? Thanks. :)


New Member
I got mine from Their site looks shitty, but I got my product (and it does have some engrish on it). I think 4-5 hours for a gallon if you filled it with hot water. Works great with two people that only drink water and cook with it and water plants with it. Add a third person and not so good. Its a small price to avoid the biological weapon known as sodium fluoride.

I have learned my water, that's for sure. ;) The peat trick works surprisingly well, but really is best if it's placed in a filter, not just set in the water.

Really? I've been doing a bit of research into solar stills so that I might be able to purify my water (something that can only be claimed for distillation, not any other method of filtration such as reverse osmosis). Got a pic? I'd be interested to know a bit more about it. Like how it operates, is it expensive to operate? How much water do you get from it in a given amount of time? Thanks. :)


Well-Known Member
We're on well water in an area known for its gold and mining operations. HARD only begins to describe what we pull up and pass through our faucets.