How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I had my first killing frost this week. It got all the flowers and most of the tomato and pepper plants that were still hanging about. I did get a good picking of tomatoes before the frosts. We also went to the tomato fields and got ten gallons. I think they have gone up to $8 a bucket this year. Still a good deal. The wife made a couple of tomato pies this week. Yum.
Yes that frost puts a stop to everything.
Got my pelargoniums/geraniums pots wrapped in polystyrene... fingers crossed lol.
8 plants at about £10 each.... it makes sense!
I've still a dozen apples left on a tree.
Indoor gardening only now till spring.
Ive planted about 200 daffodils 200 tulips a dozen aliums, loads of snow drops, crocuses and anemone Got them in a few weeks ago.
I still need to pick the few oranges on my Chinese orange trees. I plan on planting most of the seeds in the spring. I only had one seedling make it this year.

I just got about a dozen oranges {for the seeds} from a tree down in Wewahitchka Fl. I get a little colder than they do in the swamps down there, so I may have to protect them some.
I've bought a few plants and started some seeds. There was a frost on the cars this morning. Hope it didn't touch up my garden plants. {or my Spring crop, for that matter}

The two tomatoes in the bigger pots are Cherokee Purple. One of them got nipped a couple weeks ago by a frost, but looks like it is going to live. I bought a 6 pack of Heirloom Homestead and got 11 plants out of it. Also 2 jumbo Jalapeno.

Spring hasn't quite sprung here just yet but the crocus and daffodils have made an appearance.
The Pelargoniums/Geraniums I wrapped in polystyrene to overwinter look terrible.
Might be able to 20170305_114138.jpg 20170305_114154.jpg save a couple of them.
I got some Russian tomatoes seeds for a Christmas pressie, all the way from St Petersburg . Should be interesting. Pop them in a week or so hopefully.