Active Member
Man I've done the handwarmer method many times, a couple years ago I put 2 warmers on either side of the bottle, checked the temp with a thermometer before I went in and it was fucking over 105...2 handwarmers are overkill. I cooled it down via cold defrost in my car and passed but I was using real, clean urine. Had a nurse friend tell me he used quick fix 6.1 and passed just recently.yes works, great,, i purchased the leg strap , i purchased addition hand warmers from ebay,
I practiced using the hand warmers and the strap, replace the 6.1 liquid with water and practice, over and over, so you can do it in your sleep,, then put the quick fix back in the bottle and carry the strap the bottle and a couple of handwarmers with you if its random and your always ready