Amare v. Platinum

Shill harder.
Lol! Really. Have you seen the name of the thread? Maybe it would be better if only people that never used the product got to speak of the product? I know I wouldn't want that input. Especially w/ fixture in question being different then your basic DIY build. So called questionable options!
I say they're legit!
Go to the other thread and hit "reply" like you are going to quote. Copy then paste it in this thread and reply.

Thank you!

Amare SP400(Pro4): MSRP$895($2.23/w) with RIU -25% pricing: $671.25($1.67/w)
COB: 3 x top-bin CXB-3590 Mono's: 30 x XP-G3/XP-E2
Driver: Meanwell
Wattage: 400w

Go Green LED 200w 4 COB CXB3070 Grow Light
: MSRP$599($3/w) on sale@$420($2.10/w)
COB: 4 x CXB3070(no bin listed) (80cri)
Drivers: generic
Wattage: 200w

Johnson's CX- 4: MSRP$549($2.38/w) Estimated with top-bin CXB3590 MSRP~$629($2.74/w)
COB: 4 x Top Bin Citizen CLU048 (90cri)
Drivers: generic
Wattage: 230w

PLC CXP-250: COB top-bin CXB-3590 (90cri) Drivers: LSD Wattage: 273w

Tasty T3-V484: MSRP$515($2.62)
COB: top-bin 4 x Vero29C (80cri) Driver:
Meanwell Wattage: 196w

Timber 300w Cree CXB3590 Linear Framework: MSRP$569($1.89/w)
COB: top-bin CXB-3590 (90cri)
Wattage: 300w[/QUOTE]
Lol! Really. Have you seen the name of the thread? Maybe it would be better if only people that never used the product got to speak of the product? I know I wouldn't want that input. Especially w/ fixture in question being different then your basic DIY build. So called questionable options!
I say they're legit!
The op obviously didn't know much about led tech when he posted the thread, which is why he presented the 2 options.

Shill harder.
Timber 300w Cree CXB3590 Linear Framework: MSRP$569($1.89/w)
COB: top-bin CXB-3590 (90cri)
Wattage: 300w

Why are you using the older, more expensive framework to compare the best deal on lights from different websites?

400w Vero 29 Timber = $579(1.45$/w)
Amare SP400(Pro4): $895($2.23/w) with RIU -25% pricing: $671.25($1.67/w)

If you're one of the few people who are aware of the hidden 25% discount from Amare, congratulations, you still haven't gotten the best deal for your money.

And the SP400, while equal at 400w drawn from the wall (approx) will not be getting nearly as much light on your plants because they are a fair bit less efficient. So not only is the Timber light $100 cheaper, it's going to feed your plants considerably more photons. It's also going to run passively and silent (fan noise adds up) while offering better safety features since you don't have to worry about a fan failing and your house burning down.
Why are you using the older, more expensive framework to compare the best deal on lights from different websites?

400w Vero 29 Timber = $579(1.45$/w)
Amare SP400(Pro4): $895($2.23/w) with RIU -25% pricing: $671.25($1.67/w)

If you're one of the few people who are aware of the hidden 25% discount from Amare, congratulations, you still haven't gotten the best deal for your money.

That 20 cents means shit to me or to most others who want what they want. It nearly shows Amare is not the most expensive, offers more then other chassis cob lights, & is in the price range of Timber while costing more to produce. So, you can't say they don't offer very fair pricing for what they are.
Hidden discount? It was plastered all overthr bill-boards here & well talked about for 2 years prior. Especially the last year.
25% is just a touch of what they offer.
Prices were compared to what was available for info.
Again, splitting hairs.
Every person here jerked off to CXB-3590's just 2 months ago. N now they made a cob slightly more efficient (if that) n cheaper by a few bucks. ADuhh! Isn't that what technologies about.
Funny part is, many of those who built w/ 3590's, creaming their pants, now feel they need to upgrade when they planned on having them for years to come. All over minor shit. Again, redic.
Maybe he's waiting On the new Cree, maybe he's using Veros on his new builds.
Who knows. Well I know a little but you'll all see soon enough.

The Timber 300w CXB-3590 is $589.
Seeing how we should be comparing CXB to CXB until the new model comes out in all fairness.
Amare Pro-4 using 3590's & Ex-G3 & E2 monos.
$1.67/w & just about equally as efficient. Add in the reflectors & option to contain phitons to only the canopy via lens, up to 40% more efficient at keeping all the light on the canopy if so chose.

Again I will say, both are top-choices I'd imagine. I've never held a Timber to compare. For all I know, there could be a wire mess, flimsy framework (not that I'm saying there is) just that I don't know just as many of you don't know about the Amare build quality, how well they perform or even much of anything apparently, but only through selective hearing as its all been stated repeatedly. Even direct quotes via e-mails. But still some choose to ignore the facts & post false speculations of what they think is wrong w/ a light only to be wrong most times & post false info so to try and shine w/ their recommendation.

The LEDs/cobs used in all Amare fixtures were of the very best & first utilized by a cob light comp. And are still considered amongst the best to this day.
Now, we'll see what's next.
I am willing to betchu anything, they're onto of it.

Id love to do a direct side by side.
I'm only presenting the facts here & think both companies have something special to offer. It's preference.
And the SP400, while equal at 400w drawn from the wall (approx) will not be getting nearly as much light on your plants because they are a fair bit less efficient. So not only is the Timber light $100 cheaper, it's going to feed your plants considerably more photons. It's also going to run passively and silent (fan noise adds up) while offering better safety features since you don't have to worry about a fan failing and your house burning down.
$100 cheaper, not true.
Minute electrical efficiencies negated by photosynthetic efficiencies in that 1 model (P-4). More Photons? 3%.
Can't say these same things about the SE-450 though. Or the SE-250. Both ran @ less the 1/2 power, cobs & monos.
Fan blowing, house burning down? Haha! Ok guy, reach for those straws. You're not the same shit-bag that brought down GG's grow thread w/ that BS are you? Lol! Get real. Never in the history of LEDs had this happened & will not.
$100 cheaper, not true.
Minute electrical efficiencies negated by photosynthetic efficiencies in that 1 model (P-4). More Photons? 3%.
Can't say these same things about the SE-450 though. Or the SE-250. Both ran @ less the 1/2 power, cobs & monos.
Fan blowing, house burning down? Haha! Ok guy, reach for those straws. You're not the same shit-bag that brought down GG's grow thread w/ that BS are you? Lol! Get real. Never in the history of LEDs had this happened & will not.

Hey dramaqueen, there have been dozens of recalls by led light manufacturers (yes, even Cree and Bridgelux) because of faulty led lights that cause fire hazards. I don't really give a shit if you want to believe it or not, or even spend the time looking it up for yourself. And no, I don't even know who GG is other than seeing him in the odd thread in RIU (not sure why I'm even explaining that to your overly dramatic ass).

I don't care what info you want to believe. You're just the guy that gets free Amare product for shilling yourself on forums. I respect that you know how to grow pot but you don't have a clue who I am and never will. If I ever want to talk to you I'll let you know, so don't bother wasting my/your time on RIU again.
Hey dramaqueen, there have been dozens of recalls by led light manufacturers (yes, even Cree and Bridgelux) because of faulty led lights that cause fire hazards. I don't really give a shit if you want to believe it or not, or even spend the time looking it up for yourself. And no, I don't even know who GG is other than seeing him in the odd thread in RIU (not sure why I'm even explaining that to your overly dramatic ass).

I don't care what info you want to believe. You're just the guy that gets free Amare product for shilling yourself on forums. I respect that you know how to grow pot but you don't have a clue who I am and never will. If I ever want to talk to you I'll let you know, so don't bother wasting my/your time on RIU again.
He is "advertising" Amare cause he grows and likes the results. You on the other hand trash Amare every chance you get? Should we think you are payed to trash them? Or you do it cause you have some issue? Maybe you wanted a free Amare and didn't het one?
It's easy to jump to conclusions but not that healthy.
What are you talking about? The Timber lights in question are plug and play. Their prices include the same 'labor, parts, equipment to build and test' that the Amare does. The big difference is that Timber's cob lights are tested with actual proof as opposed to Amare and their hidden results.

Why pay 30, 40 or even 50% more for an Amare when you get equal results from a pre-built cob light for way less money? No answer needed, it's self explanatory

Does anybody do research (those who liked his post) or do you just follow blindly? Now, that aside, I have no problems with people buying Timber. Show me where i ever did, but let's compare near apples... $569
Amare P 3 (300w) $695, but has ring of mono diodes surrounding each Cree CoB With RIU 25% d= $521

OR, maybe you want to compare to the P4, which uses the same Cree CoBs @ $895 BUT is 100 more watts, including 25% d=$671 or ~ $100 for an additional 100 watts= $1/w for the extra 100 w

Is any of this getting through?

And again, I am not slamming Timber in a any way. Personally I love their frame design

You however...
Show math? Timber lights are not that expensive and Amare lights are not that cheap.

Also comparing the regular price from Timber vs specific discounts from Amare is unfair because RIU is only a small fraction of the market and most people will only be aware of the 12% discount.

Clearly you ASSume. Why have someone else do YOUR math homework.... LAZY????

I actually just pulled c/p prices of Timber frame 300w v Amare P 3/P4 (before and after RIU 25% discount) on another riu thread in response to another saying Amare is 'overpriced'. But let's get real here...

Organic foods cost considerably more than non, Mercedes, Cadillac, BMW... costs considerably more than a tricked out Honda Civic. The reality is in everyday life they don't really separate themselves spec wise but obviously sell extremely well. No one needs people like you to tell them product X is overpriced (with or without discounts)

I do love Timbers Frame approach (and options), but Amare is a more technically advanced design= costs more to make. The difference will likely be made up in just the first harvest
660's is all you care about them you're a far cry from using a true full spectrum. 660's LOL!
Could you please tell me why its necessary to add any other monochromatic LED to a 3000-4000k COB
Anyone adding a blue diode for any reason other then to fill the gap in white cobs is wasting their time.
So, I see here so many still don't grasp the concept.
When did I say blue diodes should be added.
10 guys repping lights they've never used & making false speculations
10 guys , way more than 10 guys on this forum know your a shill.
I don't expect everyone to understand logic & science
What logic and science am I not understanding.
To this day I say they are the best chassis led available by far
That's like saying "this is the best Toyota available by far" . Most chassis LEDs are shit but there's a few good ones, Amare is good but would still be outperformed by a tasty.
I still choose Amare though & am loyal to that comp. as long as I believe they will continuously provide me w/ a great product & yields of dank. They are doing a fine job at satifying me w/ their line up which will only get better.
Shill talk
I choose a true full spectrum Enhanced White
more shill talk
digging their line up for versitility, coverage & True full Spec 95 CRI Enhanced.
and some more
If you guys saw my hps harvests prior to going led, you'd know I don't need nor want payment to say what I believe. Redic.
How does having good HPS harvest make you any less likely to be a shill.
Put Amare tech on a stick frame & it would be most every DIY pre-fab dream light
No it wouldn't !

Come-on man its obvious you're a shill. You have received thousands of dollars worth of Amare equipment and will continue to do so as long as your shilling continues. You continually push Amare on every new person that comes to this site, you defend them to a level that no one person would if there where just a hobbyist using Amare, but it is so obvious that the most important thing for you is to protect there public image. Off course you would never admit it though.
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That 20 cents means shit to me or to most others who want what they want. It nearly shows Amare is not the most expensive, offers more then other chassis cob lights, & is in the price range of Timber while costing more to produce. So, you can't say they don't offer very fair pricing for what they are.
Hidden discount? It was plastered all overthr bill-boards here & well talked about for 2 years prior. Especially the last year.
25% is just a touch of what they offer.
Prices were compared to what was available for info.
Again, splitting hairs.
Every person here jerked off to CXB-3590's just 2 months ago. N now they made a cob slightly more efficient (if that) n cheaper by a few bucks. ADuhh! Isn't that what technologies about.
Funny part is, many of those who built w/ 3590's, creaming their pants, now feel they need to upgrade when they planned on having them for years to come. All over minor shit. Again, redic.
Maybe he's waiting On the new Cree, maybe he's using Veros on his new builds.
Who knows. Well I know a little but you'll all see soon enough.

The Timber 300w CXB-3590 is $589.
Seeing how we should be comparing CXB to CXB until the new model comes out in all fairness.
Amare Pro-4 using 3590's & Ex-G3 & E2 monos.
$1.67/w & just about equally as efficient. Add in the reflectors & option to contain phitons to only the canopy via lens, up to 40% more efficient at keeping all the light on the canopy if so chose.

Again I will say, both are top-choices I'd imagine. I've never held a Timber to compare. For all I know, there could be a wire mess, flimsy framework (not that I'm saying there is) just that I don't know just as many of you don't know about the Amare build quality, how well they perform or even much of anything apparently, but only through selective hearing as its all been stated repeatedly. Even direct quotes via e-mails. But still some choose to ignore the facts & post false speculations of what they think is wrong w/ a light only to be wrong most times & post false info so to try and shine w/ their recommendation.

The LEDs/cobs used in all Amare fixtures were of the very best & first utilized by a cob light comp. And are still considered amongst the best to this day.
Now, we'll see what's next.
I am willing to betchu anything, they're onto of it.

Id love to do a direct side by side.
I'm only presenting the facts here & think both companies have something special to offer. It's preference.
Does anybody do research (those who liked his post) or do you just follow blindly? Now, that aside, I have no problems with people buying Timber. Show me where i ever did, but let's compare near apples... $569
Amare P 3 (300w) $695, but has ring of mono diodes surrounding each Cree CoB With RIU 25% d= $521

OR, maybe you want to compare to the P4, which uses the same Cree CoBs @ $895 BUT is 100 more watts, including 25% d=$671 or ~ $100 for an additional 100 watts= $1/w for the extra 100 w

Is any of this getting through?

And again, I am not slamming Timber in a any way. Personally I love their frame design

You however...
Oh god, back up has been recruited.

Not only are these price comparisons unfair but they are also irrelevant.
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Since the lights are both built in a linear fashion this seems like a relatively fair comparison

SolarPRO SP400 (Pro4)
895$ - 25% = 671.25$
671.25 /400 = $1.68/w

400 Watt Vero29 V7 Linear Framework
559/400 = $1.38w

Now we know that the Amare uses less efficient LEDs/COBSs (also driven hard) and also uses fans. Not sure what Meanwell drivers they use but since its not mentioned I don't think it's HLG's which means further driver losses, and I can almost guarantee the optics have more of loss than the Ledil ANGELINA.

As for spectrum we have seen by many members that added mono's have had very little to no influence on yields or quality. And in my opinion its been proven that spectrum comes second to photon density (to a certain extent). I mean look at a HPS with its shitty spectrum still pulling fat frosty nugz which usually only pull 1-2% less THC in lab tests. So imagine an HPS being 50% efficient.

Amare is still a top quality light, I have a friend who imported one from the US, When I saw the thing in person I was very impressed with the build quality. So the extra money paid for Amare is not necessarily wasted if you're looking for something with good build quality and a 5 year warranty.

That said the added mono's seem like a waste in cost price and are more of a gimmicky thing to attract newbies. Maybe it would be worth it if they where all SSL 660's driven at between 350-500ma.

^^^ Recruited? lol

AFAIK, I am the original RIU user of Amare, and took a ton of shit for it, as I did the BML SPYDR 600 that I was doing a thread on riu when Amare started posting in that thread, pointing out its' flaws. I had to shut him up, but he offered to send lights, putting his money and his future reputation where his mouth was (all were sent back after reports)

Back to the 600, I love its canopy covering design, however, it's execution left a lot to be desired. Still, I am finishing a plant with it now that outgrew the P3 coverage. Pic taken a few days ago. Tomorrow will be 30 days from first pistils

Was going to post 2 pics here, but photo loader not cooperating yet)

Overall this is a good post, for a change (to a point). However, it is based on manufacturers data (data sheets can be over-hyped- see Volkswagen diesel emissions law suit, settled at 14.7 BILLION

From day one Amare was slammed in these pages for using Epistars (even though Cree was an option, but an unproven one, but the naysayers were all up in Cree). BTW, Cree says it's silly to run their CoBs soft just to increase efficiency.

The light engines you mention as superior may well be, but have no long term track record to the growing community. For DIYers, I say proceed, but with caution. Should they not live up to their data sheets, at least you can pull/replace the chips in the field. Amare provides a 5 year warranty
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Can you provide links to support this statement?

I don't recall the exact quote, It had something to do with them (CREE) introducing their own horticulture lights

Maybe someone reading this will have it

Think owning a 400 hp vehicle but never driving it above the speed limit- what's the point
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DankaD, I edited my post that you 'liked'. you may want to reread and decide whether you still like it
AFAIK, I am the original RIU user of Amare, and took a ton of shit for it, as I did the BML SPYDR 600 that I was doing a thread on riu when Amare started posting in that thread, pointing out its' flaws. I had to shut him up, but he offered to send lights, putting his money and his future reputation where his mouth was (all were sent back after reports)

Back to the 600, I love its canopy covering design, however, it's execution left a lot to be desired. Still, I am finishing a plant with it now that outgrew the P3 coverage. Pic taken a few days ago. Tomorrow will be 30 days from first pistils
I would never give someone shit for what light they use. I am giving shit to people that constantly promote one brand as being the almighty king when it's simply not.
(data sheets can be over-hyped- see Volkswagen diesel emissions law suit, settled at 14.7 BILLION
Yes they can be and when they are , they will be caught out just like Volkswagen diesel emissions law suit.
From day one Amare was slammed in these pages for using Epistars
That seems like a fair slamming.
Cree says it's silly to run their CoBs soft just to increase efficiency.
Thats why majority run them at 1,4 amps

The reason Cree cant understand it is because just like HPS was designed for street and industrial lighting ,so where cobs and most commercial lights and street lights are designed to house one cob, and since hundreds of thousand of cobs are needed to light up highways, roads and cities, it would be stupid to have to use 2 or 3 times the amount of cobs and/or street lights for a relatively small increase in efficiency on lights that are run at less hours compared to horticultural lighting cycles.

The light engines you mention as superior may well be, but have no long term track record to the growing community. For DIYers, I say proceed, but with caution. Should they not live up to their data sheets, at least you can pull/replace the chips in the field. Amare provides a 5 year warranty
What aspects of what have the possibility of not living up to the datasheet's.