Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

his cabinet picks are just his top donors. it is pay for play. classic corruption.

This guy is completely brainwashed by the right wing, isn't he?

It would be comical if it weren't so sad- nevermind collectively dangerous.

All you are saying is innuendo. Name one corrupt pick, not with innuendo. All you guys are saying is innuendo. Nothing more. If it wasn't they would already be doing the perp walk. You are basically saying the whole justice is department is corrupt.

I'm sorry I thought this was America innocent until PROVEN guilty.
All you are saying is innuendo. Name one corrupt pick, not with innuendo. All you guys are saying is innuendo. Nothing more. If it wasn't they would already be doing the perp walk. You are basically saying the whole justice is department is corrupt.

I'm sorry I thought this was America innocent until PROVEN guilty.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet...

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia?
All you are saying is innuendo. Name one corrupt pick, not with innuendo. All you guys are saying is innuendo. Nothing more. If it wasn't they would already be doing the perp walk. You are basically saying the whole justice is department is corrupt.

I'm sorry I thought this was America innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Betsy DeVos for Department of Education - Heiress (which means she's a trust fund baby lik The Dumpster) never set foot in a public school pay for play candidate to the tune of $5M to The Dumpster.

Family estimates $200M to The Reptilian Cause.

Absolutely NO experience in education sector.

Better suited for Department of Energy.

Drain the Swamp..indeed.
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All you are saying is innuendo. Name one corrupt pick, not with innuendo. All you guys are saying is innuendo. Nothing more. If it wasn't they would already be doing the perp walk. You are basically saying the whole justice is department is corrupt.

I'm sorry I thought this was America innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Jeff Sessions for Attorney General never met a Dumpster rally he didn't like and was seen chanting 'lock her up..lock her up' while using arm to mimic 'Tomahawk chop' FSU Seminoles War Chant.

Turned down for past Supreme Court appointment due to long standing support of Alt Right including but not limited to Grand Wizards, Midnight rides and stringing up the darkies.

I'm going out on a limb, but I'm willing to place money on the fact that he can't be trusted to govern given personal impartiality.
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Jeff Sessions for Attorney General never met a Dumpster rally he didn't like and was seen chanting 'lock her up..lock her up' while using arm to mimic 'Tomahawk chop' FSU Seminoles War Chant.

Turned down for past Supreme Court appointment due to long standing support of Alt Right including but not limited to Grand Wizards, Midnight rides and stringing up the darkies.

I'm going out on a limb, but I'm willing to place money on the fact that he can't be trusted to govern given personal impartiality.

Referring to these bigots as the alt right gives them to much validity. They are neo Nazis and should be referred to as such.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet...

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia?
Or appointing DeVos to head the DofEd due to her family's hundreds of millions of dollars given to Republicans. No pay for play there. Nope.
These will be the very few of the minority of Democrat Senators to be re-elected. I will let the secret out and clue you folks in on something. The retired people of America, the people who actually put Trump in office, that's right the 4pm Supper, blue hair crowd are engaged in a massive letter writing campaign letting Senators know they have been PUT ON NOTICE.

Horse fucking shit.

I'm retired and think both Trump and you suck bags.

You fucking idiots are acting like the asshole won in a landslide.

He got 46.1% and barely sqeaked by.

The majority oppose him. When's the last time you had this much resistance to an incoming regime?

Never. Because this guy is the worst ever.

The resistance will be unrelenting. The regime will never have peace and will be called out daily.

Alternative facts suck. Those who pretend alt facts are truth are demented.

Your whole premise is based on lies.

Stupid bastards.
Jeff Sessions for Attorney General never met a Dumpster rally he didn't like and was seen chanting 'lock her up..lock her up' while using arm to mimic 'Tomahawk chop' FSU Seminoles War Chant.

Turned down for past Supreme Court appointment due to long standing support of Alt Right including but not limited to Grand Wizards, Midnight rides and stringing up the darkies.

I'm going out on a limb, but I'm willing to place money on the fact that he can't be trusted to govern given personal impartiality.
You hold basically the same views as Sessions:

• Black women should name their children "less black" names or you wouldnt hire them
• You called black girls monkeys
• You told a black man he's not really black because of the part of country he comes from

Seriously, youre a hypocrite of the worst kind, I'm embarrassed you think of yourself as a liberal.

I guess you being Republican all your life before going Independent (but never Democrat) will do that to you.

Mark Warner (VA)


Heidi Heitkamp (ND)


Joe Manchin (WV)


Angus King (I-ME)

Add each of them to the list of enemies against Justice Democrats
Lol Your not even tolerant of your own party maybe you should go riot and burn their houses down......
Lol Your not even tolerant of your own party maybe you should go riot and burn their houses down......
Why burn their houses down?

I'd rather watch them go into foreclosure because they got voted the fuck out.

See? Democracy.

Votes matter, except in the Presidential election where the loser can still win.

Trump is a LOSER so own it, bitch.

How fucking stupid are you that you'd give your senators and reps a free pass even when they vote directly against your interests?