Auto Flower No-Till

I have a question, more so my wife's question (she's taking the leap and starting her own little grow!). In my facility, I will have Marionberry Kush, Agent Orange, Grease Monkey, and sour banana sherbet while she will be starting her first grow with some sour diesel autos from dinafem. My question is: Where I'll be stirring up super soil and no tilling, I'll be letting it inoculate about two months but she wants to start sooner than that. Without letting it inoculate, say she lets it set only two weeks or not at all and uses it immediately, how will that effect the plants (autos specifically)? I have never grown autos so I for one have no clue if it may burn them or not work well but I do know we both want to keep it organic no matter what. Also, using non inoculated soil for the autos or two weekssetting, is that soil a good candidate for no till on round two or should it be put back into cans and set the proper time to inoculate? Thanks
I have a question, more so my wife's question (she's taking the leap and starting her own little grow!). In my facility, I will have Marionberry Kush, Agent Orange, Grease Monkey, and sour banana sherbet while she will be starting her first grow with some sour diesel autos from dinafem. My question is: Where I'll be stirring up super soil and no tilling, I'll be letting it inoculate about two months but she wants to start sooner than that. Without letting it inoculate, say she lets it set only two weeks or not at all and uses it immediately, how will that effect the plants (autos specifically)? I have never grown autos so I for one have no clue if it may burn them or not work well but I do know we both want to keep it organic no matter what. Also, using non inoculated soil for the autos or two weekssetting, is that soil a good candidate for no till on round two or should it be put back into cans and set the proper time to inoculate? Thanks
If u want to use it before the month u can but just don't plant straight into the hot supersoil. Get a 5 gallon pot and fill the bottom half with the supersoil and then the top half with seed starting potting soil. Dont plant straight into the supersoil or u will kill them. GL
I have a question, more so my wife's question (she's taking the leap and starting her own little grow!). In my facility, I will have Marionberry Kush, Agent Orange, Grease Monkey, and sour banana sherbet while she will be starting her first grow with some sour diesel autos from dinafem. My question is: Where I'll be stirring up super soil and no tilling, I'll be letting it inoculate about two months but she wants to start sooner than that. Without letting it inoculate, say she lets it set only two weeks or not at all and uses it immediately, how will that effect the plants (autos specifically)? I have never grown autos so I for one have no clue if it may burn them or not work well but I do know we both want to keep it organic no matter what. Also, using non inoculated soil for the autos or two weekssetting, is that soil a good candidate for no till on round two or should it be put back into cans and set the proper time to inoculate? Thanks

Inoculate-a : to introduce a microorganism into <inoculate mice with anthrax> <beans inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria>b : to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth

you mean cooking the soil, inoculating would be something like adding mycchorizzhae to the mix.

yea... itll burn the shit out of them. the whole reason you cook "super soils" is to make them less "hot" and not totally torch the plants you throw in it. autos arent all that much different in there nutritional requirements than regular photo plants so to answer your question, theyll also get the shit burned out of them except you wont be able to fix them because they have a finite life cycle and will be stunted by your "super soil" mix.

no till doesnt really work in pots bro... thats an outdoor method for building soil. in a pot just replace the soil, if you feel you MUST do no till then okay but your gunna have a shit load of issues after your first grow is done.

wanna keep it organic and get good yields without unnecessary bullcrap? learn to make aerobic teas. a source of oxygen (air pump), container (bucket), food source (sugar or molasses) and source of beneficial microbes (vermicompost) and youve got yourself one of the most potent soil building, organic amendments on earth.
I have a question, more so my wife's question (she's taking the leap and starting her own little grow!). In my facility, I will have Marionberry Kush, Agent Orange, Grease Monkey, and sour banana sherbet while she will be starting her first grow with some sour diesel autos from dinafem. My question is: Where I'll be stirring up super soil and no tilling, I'll be letting it inoculate about two months but she wants to start sooner than that. Without letting it inoculate, say she lets it set only two weeks or not at all and uses it immediately, how will that effect the plants (autos specifically)? I have never grown autos so I for one have no clue if it may burn them or not work well but I do know we both want to keep it organic no matter what. Also, using non inoculated soil for the autos or two weekssetting, is that soil a good candidate for no till on round two or should it be put back into cans and set the proper time to inoculate? Thanks
I never had problems wit any of the autos I grew in hot soil from start. I think they are more resistant than photo, dk for sure though...
Maybe it was just genetics ... Try to use one of the seeds directly in the SS and see if she will go bad!
Not ideal but just did a transplant of autos that were in solos for 3 wks or something . Planted 3 of each strain 9 in all in 7gals Not good but not stressed about doing what I did, the plants are already and will be behind but so far after 1-1/2 days I think it will be interesting.

Are you interested?
I never had problems wit any of the autos I grew in hot soil from start. I think they are more resistant than photo, dk for sure though...
Maybe it was just genetics ... Try to use one of the seeds directly in the SS and see if she will go bad!
please dont spread misinformation, if you dont know just dont say anything.

not being a dick just bein real
please dont spread misinformation, if you dont know just dont say anything.

not being a dick just bein real
I said I dk for sure! Blind?
And thanks for this info. Now I know too, but I didn't ever had any problems. First problems I had with hot soil was with photoperiods last spring, first time I did photos too.
Not being a dick!
@Momsboy thats terrible advice, you shouldnt tell someone to do something thats going to hurt their plants just because you didnt have any issues one time. Autos are not more resistant than photos whatever thats supposed to mean, if anything theyre more delicate.

bf82055 gave good advice, Id listen to him
It's a seed dude ... R u guys kidding me? I didn't told him to cut his fingers. He looses one seed, worse thing that could happen. And isn't practice the mother of learning?
And it's up to him if he does it or not, if he is willing to take the loss.
Inoculate-a : to introduce a microorganism into <inoculate mice with anthrax> <beans inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria>b : to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth

you mean cooking the soil, inoculating would be something like adding mycchorizzhae to the mix.

yea... itll burn the shit out of them. the whole reason you cook "super soils" is to make them less "hot" and not totally torch the plants you throw in it. autos arent all that much different in there nutritional requirements than regular photo plants so to answer your question, theyll also get the shit burned out of them except you wont be able to fix them because they have a finite life cycle and will be stunted by your "super soil" mix.

no till doesnt really work in pots bro... thats an outdoor method for building soil. in a pot just replace the soil, if you feel you MUST do no till then okay but your gunna have a shit load of issues after your first grow is done.

wanna keep it organic and get good yields without unnecessary bullcrap? learn to make aerobic teas. a source of oxygen (air pump), container (bucket), food source (sugar or molasses) and source of beneficial microbes (vermicompost) and youve got yourself one of the most potent soil building, organic amendments on earth.
This guy doesn't know what he is talking about. I do no till in pots for over 9 cycles now. You just need a minimum of 15gallon fabric for 1 plant at 4-6 week veg. Longer than 6 bump up to 20 and so on(so the microorganisms are plentiful and able to break down root mass[worms too])

Cooking is an outdated term and has no science behind it at all lol

You're taking time to allow the nutrients to be bio available, microorganisms break down amendments through chelation, that's why you want to wait. I don't like to wait to long though, because I want my plant to return the favor to the microorganisms by releasing exudates into rhizosphere, including acids, sugars, polysaccharides and ectoenzymes. Feeding them in return for feeding the plant. Never more than 2 months no less than 4 weeks.
It pretty basic hot soil will kill any phenos whether its auto photos sativa indica real basic when freshly made soil and amendment added to your soil. It takes a couple weeks to COOK so thats NOT outdated science that IS science. and if you need to put each other down over cannabis seeds well maybe this shouldnt be a hobby or your main source of income in either case its not FUN and loses its appeal,, so hjealthy debate are generally one over without insults being hurled at one lack of knowledge
From my experience, cannabis have serious root growth (mainly point to bottom). It's always surprise me how those tiny 2 leafs plants have a root pooping out in the bottom. Transplant auto after 3 weeks is not good, when you harvest you will notice the root ball hardly grow from the old pot. For photo on other hand I see massive root growth durring flowering, first month mainly. (still transplant before flowering is almost a must)
If u want to use it before the month u can but just don't plant straight into the hot supersoil. Get a 5 gallon pot and fill the bottom half with the supersoil and then the top half with seed starting potting soil. Dont plant straight into the supersoil or u will kill them. GL
I am a vegetable farmer. I play with too hot all the time. Sometimes I loose!

Autos need to have uninterrupted vegetative growth. They don't have time to wait out hot soil.

1. Make sure it has cooked (generating heat for at least a few weeks.
2. Put it in the bottom of at least a 5 gallon pot. Cut the top half with less hot mix.
IMO, if the veg is stunted, don't waste electricity, and just start over.

(I've burned entire 60 foot greenhouses with too hot of soil. Slow growth is the symtom, which equates to tiny autos.)