2.5 hrs ago I hosed everything down including younger seedlings. They were all bent over from the foliar, many touching the ground. Went up to shut off light and everything standing up, smells like tabasco, hope a few more of those will clean out these pita whitefilies
White flies fucked me hard one year. It was my first year trying to get a real perpetual going and had no idea wtf. Sounds like you got them under control. Even just organic castile soap with water will fuck them up good. Make sure u spray the creeping plants up there too, the little shits will hide in everything that they can suck sugars out of. My whitefilies where coming from my beans plants like 40 feet away outside lol. Smart little fuckers for such simple creatures. They have one hell of a communication and breeding network cause they establish really fast.
When is a good time frame to start applying pollen to females for optimum seeds growth? I was thinking around 2 to 3 weeks strain depending when the buds have set and pistils have emerged?

The double bucks gonna bust open real soon. His flowers are straight purple it's the coolest shit I've seen in awhile lol. They are nice tight little clusters too. I'm super happy with this dude. He seems to have alot of the check marks of a good male. Even growth, great branching, didnt sex fast at all, hollow stem, sticky, and nice trich coverage. Only downside is the floral smell he has. Maybe floral with a bit of berry. I wish he smelled more but I'll take what I can get.
@Vnsmkr is on the money! Usually 4-6 weeks however, I've noticed that the seeds ripen depending on how fast the strain finishes. If the pollinated female finishes in 8 weeks, the seeds are usually done then too. My jack herer really should've gone another week but the others had to come down as they were all a week or two over and ready. That's my experiences with them anyway!
@Vnsmkr is on the money! Usually 4-6 weeks however, I've noticed that the seeds ripen depending on how fast the strain finishes. If the pollinated female finishes in 8 weeks, the seeds are usually done then too. My jack herer really should've gone another week but the others had to come down as they were all a week or two over and ready. That's my experiences with them anyway!
Alright. Yeah that makes sense about finishing times on seeds. I'm gonna make a few crosses with the pollen and see what happens, probably dust docs tpr female and a csi old family purple first. I took a couple clones of the male just in case I want some more pollen or fuck up the pollen I get.
This is the double buck female. I been training her awhile now and finally almost have the 6 leads to and even canopy. She looks pretty poodled now but she will regenerate her foliage fast enough. I hope out of the double buck seeds I make I can find a faster growing better branching female to work with. I'm pretty sure I will be able too.


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That's what I was wondering also, some cultivars finish seeds faster than others. I'm imaging pure sativas take longer and pure indica take less with hybrids being in between.
I wish my damn book would get here already. Everyone says that book u recommended about breeding is one of the best to own out of them all. Most lightly brief you into breeding basics which is really common sense. Male meets female and u have seeds.....that's about where George Cervantes left me lmao.
LOL thats funny to hear that about Jorge Cervantes, I always wondered about him after seeing him on some of those Emerald Cup panels, seems like a dumb shit.
That Rob Clarke Book is the shit and another good one (though I prefer the first) is Cannabis Breeders Bible by Greg Green...I have those 2 plus a few more of Rob Clarkes workups.
LOL thats funny to hear that about Jorge Cervantes, I always wondered about him after seeing him on some of those Emerald Cup panels, seems like a dumb shit.
That Rob Clarke Book is the shit and another good one (though I prefer the first) is Cannabis Breeders Bible by Greg Green...I have those 2 plus a few more of Rob Clarkes workups.
George Cervantes wrote a few books. Well I'm not sure if he wrote them or what but I have found that he briefly touches on subjects and never gets full into the subject at hand. I know he is well known for outdoor gorilla garden shit so his knowledge on indoors isn't too in depth imo. I was given his indoor marijuana horticulture book that's like 200 pages and not to be a dick but dj shorts book cultivating exceptional cannabis is half the pages with maybe triple the information. I'm waiting on my Robert clarke book still to arrive. It shipped and is in the twighlight zone as of now. Gotta love amazon. The arrival date of my book is between the 6th and 24th of this month lmfao wtf.
Yeah a long time ago when I didnt know wtf I was doing (I still don't, but Ive made progress lmao), I watched some of his youtube videos and he does have some good ideas about gardening in general, but he has no idea about organic gardening and I definitely wouldnt pick him as breeder of the year lol. Theres alot better information out there from better informed and practiced people like DJ Short, Rob Clarke, Mel Frank, etc. Yip I used to use Amazon alot and that was irritating as fck.
I need to make something like that. I wish a company would start selling something like a mix of dried powdered chilis intended for garden use. Same with that carp fertilizer. I dunno why there aren't more carp fertilizer companies with all the carp epidemic going on. Seems like a good way to dispose of them in a useful way imo. Any who I need to find a chili recipe. I use azomax, castile, and neem atm and it works but I don't like the oily slime residue it leaves behind on the walls.
I need to make something like that. I wish a company would start selling something like a mix of dried powdered chilis intended for garden use. Same with that carp fertilizer. I dunno why there aren't more carp fertilizer companies with all the carp epidemic going on. Seems like a good way to dispose of them in a useful way imo. Any who I need to find a chili recipe. I use azomax, castile, and neem atm and it works but I don't like the oily slime residue it leaves behind on the walls.
1/2 tspn Superhot chili powder + 1 tspn of LAB + enough water to fill spray bottle + 2 drops of dish soap. Shake and spray immediately. Ruby sent me a couple packets of powder with his chili salts. I bet he would send some across if you asked nicely.
Next line up of clones. There are 2 clones of the male double buck in there too. The more I look the more I like him. He is starting to coat his leaves in trichs. I guess I never really paid enough attention to males in flower. In cali we kept them down the mountain about a 1/4 mile hike down and then back up so needless to say my fat ass didn't venture to the male patches very often. I'm a flat lander lol.


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1/2 tspn Superhot chili powder + 1 tspn of LAB + enough water to fill spray bottle + 2 drops of dish soap. Shake and spray immediately. Ruby sent me a couple packets of powder with his chili salts. I bet he would send some across if you asked nicely.
Is it ok wihout LAB?
I dont have any nor plan to buy anytime soon as its another expense I cant afford.
Any dish soap or that Castile soap?
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I made the LAB. You just need rice, milk, molasses. Yes it's OK without but LAB helps with disease control, as its effective microorganisms
I have all those including Grandmas unsulphurated molasses
I don't have Castile soap here just dawn or whatever available. Soap is the emulsifier
Ok I was thinking of getting that, but which Bronners soap is the one to get is the question?
For the LAB, follow the directions here, www.theunconventionalfarmer.com (wash some dry rice, take that water and cover it loosely for about a week and layers will form, strain the layers off and mix that liqud with milk, a week later you will have cheese on top, separate the cheese which is just taking the lump on top out, then mix molasses in and store, or you can just store and add molasses later for activation before using.) I use it mixed in with everything, it does alot of different things for the plants, mainly helps with nutrient uptake, like it opens things right up allows up take to seriously increase. Any soaps will work as carrier, but if I were purchasing Dr Bronners I'd go with the peppermint one, eucalyptus second
For the LAB, follow the directions here, www.theunconventionalfarmer.com (wash some dry rice, take that water and cover it loosely for about a week and layers will form, strain the layers off and mix that liqud with milk, a week later you will have cheese on top, separate the cheese which is just taking the lump on top out, then mix molasses in and store, or you can just store and add molasses later for activation before using.) I use it mixed in with everything, it does alot of different things for the plants, mainly helps with nutrient uptake, like it opens things right up allows up take to seriously increase. Any soaps will work as carrier, but if I were purchasing Dr Bronners I'd go with the peppermint one, eucalyptus second
Does it matter if its white or brown rice or generic rice?