
Well-Known Member
You can do that or you can just store your pollen in a dry dark place and not worry about that....Let it dry after you collect it before use and keep it in a dark cabinet and it will be fine. I never did that with flour....I ran that by Doc and what I just said is what he told me.
I know doc tried flour and didn't like it from what I read. I'll probably try both since I'll be having alot of pollen around anyway. A little pollen goes a long way anyway. A q tip dipped in it can dust at least 2 bud sites if not more I believe. It only takes one males pollen to stick to the female pistol to create a seed I'm pretty sure I may be wrong. I'll have my book here soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Yeah things are going ok man! Havent started the move yet, still waiting on administrative shit and a possible promotion to be finalised so doesnt look like the move will happen until June hey. I sold all my indoor gear now so only got some outdoorys going!!
Yeah I know the waiting game all too well. Well at least it sounds like ur ready for when the move happens. Moving is always a pain in the ass whether it be one block or 500 miles. Hopefully you get that promotion! Then you can buy back that indoor gear for the new pad lol!
I remember working construction and everyone would get a 2g or 1g bonus for christmas. I never got a fucking penny! Then they wondered why I wouldn't show up to work Mondays lmao. "Your gonna have to start showing up Mondays" and if I dont? "Well we might have to find someone else" go for it, when u find someone that does the bullshit I do for the shit pay I take lemme know boss. "Well I'm sure we can figure something out" yeah its called a raise/bonus or you can kiss my ass come every Monday. The final line was a job in Chicago I worked. I was pretty experienced at this point and was promised 25$/hr from the fore man and boss to go suffer on the Gold Coast which is a ways for me like 1.5 hrs one way. Well after 2 weeks I get my check and it was like 1g+ short so I ask the fore man. He tells me "i didnt give u a raise, i didn't think u were ready for that kinda money". That jag off made 50/hr while i made 15. That was when I said fuck this and my construction days rapidly converted into growing cannabis days. I remembered they asked me back and I just laughed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know the waiting game all too well. Well at least it sounds like ur ready for when the move happens. Moving is always a pain in the ass whether it be one block or 500 miles. Hopefully you get that promotion! Then you can buy back that indoor gear for the new pad lol!
I remember working construction and everyone would get a 2g or 1g bonus for christmas. I never got a fucking penny! Then they wondered why I wouldn't show up to work Mondays lmao. "Your gonna have to start showing up Mondays" and if I dont? "Well we might have to find someone else" go for it, when u find someone that does the bullshit I do for the shit pay I take lemme know boss. "Well I'm sure we can figure something out" yeah its called a raise/bonus or you can kiss my ass come every Monday. The final line was a job in Chicago I worked. I was pretty experienced at this point and was promised 25$/hr from the fore man and boss to go suffer on the Gold Coast which is a ways for me like 1.5 hrs one way. Well after 2 weeks I get my check and it was like 1g+ short so I ask the fore man. He tells me "i didnt give u a raise, i didn't think u were ready for that kinda money". That jag off made 50/hr while i made 15. That was when I said fuck this and my construction days rapidly converted into growing cannabis days. I remembered they asked me back and I just laughed.
Thanks brother, yeah we are definitely well prepped if it does happen and as soon as I work out where we are living, I'll be sussing out a grow space for sure. Looking to get a little cob setup going!!
That's the bullshit thing about construction hey, you got all these foreman and power people that do fuck all, get paid the big bucks and the people making them look good get sweet FA. I've done nearly every job in construction from bricklaying, carpentry to roofing and the most I ever got paid was $25 p/h for bricklaying cos it was a tough gig! Sounds like you did the right thing getting away hey! If I can nail this promotion though, my mrs wont have to work, that would be ideal hey!


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother, yeah we are definitely well prepped if it does happen and as soon as I work out where we are living, I'll be sussing out a grow space for sure. Looking to get a little cob setup going!!
That's the bullshit thing about construction hey, you got all these foreman and power people that do fuck all, get paid the big bucks and the people making them look good get sweet FA. I've done nearly every job in construction from bricklaying, carpentry to roofing and the most I ever got paid was $25 p/h for bricklaying cos it was a tough gig! Sounds like you did the right thing getting away hey! If I can nail this promotion though, my mrs wont have to work, that would be ideal hey!
I hope the promotion works out for ya mate! Enough money can make life easier and less stressful!


Well-Known Member
When is a good time frame to start applying pollen to females for optimum seeds growth? I was thinking around 2 to 3 weeks strain depending when the buds have set and pistils have emerged?

The double bucks gonna bust open real soon. His flowers are straight purple it's the coolest shit I've seen in awhile lol. They are nice tight little clusters too. I'm super happy with this dude. He seems to have alot of the check marks of a good male. Even growth, great branching, didnt sex fast at all, hollow stem, sticky, and nice trich coverage. Only downside is the floral smell he has. Maybe floral with a bit of berry. I wish he smelled more but I'll take what I can get.



Well-Known Member
When is a good time frame to start applying pollen to females for optimum seeds growth? I was thinking around 2 to 3 weeks strain depending when the buds have set and pistils have emerged?

The double bucks gonna bust open real soon. His flowers are straight purple it's the coolest shit I've seen in awhile lol. They are nice tight little clusters too. I'm super happy with this dude. He seems to have alot of the check marks of a good male. Even growth, great branching, didnt sex fast at all, hollow stem, sticky, and nice trich coverage. Only downside is the floral smell he has. Maybe floral with a bit of berry. I wish he smelled more but I'll take what I can get.
Seeds typically need 4-6 weeks to finish so any time in there after pistils have poked their heads.


Well-Known Member
2.5 hrs ago I hosed everything down including younger seedlings. They were all bent over from the foliar, many touching the ground. Went up to shut off light and everything standing up, smells like tabasco, hope a few more of those will clean out these pita whitefilies


Well-Known Member
Yeah sounds good, some cultivars dont take as long and at 4 would have beans poking, but some take the full 6
That's what I was wondering also, some cultivars finish seeds faster than others. I'm imaging pure sativas take longer and pure indica take less with hybrids being in between.
I wish my damn book would get here already. Everyone says that book u recommended about breeding is one of the best to own out of them all. Most lightly brief you into breeding basics which is really common sense. Male meets female and u have seeds.....that's about where George Cervantes left me lmao.