Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

I have not purposefully ignored anything in their respective backgrounds. I did not say that I agree or disagree with either of them and what I know of their beliefs. Obama went through a number of cabinet positions during his tenure, who is to say, beyond Trump himself, why they are "really" there and how long they will serve in his cabinet. To say that either of the two have the power to be "calling the shots" is delusional. There is only ONE person who has National Command Authority and neither of them are it. The Military would take great pleasure, and I derive great security, from the fact that they would inform them both of this with little to no respect as they told them no.

How do I feel about Benghazi? I feel it is a sad commentary on the state of our country. I say that because a man was arrested without charge, detained without due process, and incarcerated for a number of years because he made a video exercising his right to free speech to cover up a tragic loss of life. Neither party chose to recognize this or if they did, they chose not to do anything about it beyond using him to further their own agenda and narrative while he sat in a cell. I did not go through the list of pardons President Obama made to see if he was on the list, but since he was never charged he may not have been pardoned. If he has been freed I hope it was with more than a "sorry about that incarceration thing, we good"?

How do you know who advised Trump on this decision? You may know who was in the room at the time the order was given, but you do not know who was conferenced in through video and phone to give him counsel on this decision as well or who else he may have sought out before reaching a conclusion. Until the transcripts of the recordings are declassified it is all supposition on your part. Do you know the exact reasons why Obama decided not to proceed beyond the generic answers that were given? Was it weather, was it circumstances, was it a low chance of capturing prisoners and collecting data? How do you even know whether Trump reached out to Obama to ask him for counsel and the "why" behind him scrubbing the mission? How do you know the "40" were not enemies of the US? They were killed during a raid on a "heavily fortified terrorist base" why were they there? Its hard to mistake what was described by the media as "heavy machine gun fortifications" for Uncle Bob showing off and making some noise while good timing with his AK. Are you not forgetting that just by living and breathing in the "free" world you are a recruiting bonanza for Al Queda? Why not exhibit some intelligence and ask yourself what an 8yr old American Citizen was doing in a heavily fortified terrorist base in Yemen and HOW did she get there? Or do the answers to those questions not fall in line with what you are pushing through supposition and innuendo?

All I asked was that we not dishonor this young mans' service and sacrifice by calling the mission a failure when none of us, with out all the facts, can say one way or another.
Nope, I know what I know about Trump. We've all been watching and listening the shit head for more than a year. This is very consistent of him. He jumped the gun, didn't have a clue what his military advisers were telling him and sent a mission out unprepared. Cmon, man, this hacked job sucked the moment it got started. It has Trump's fingerprints all over it. Just like the absolute mess he created with his travesty of a travel ban. He even botched his own Republican convention. The unprepared narcissist we saw in the debates is who he is. Nobody should be surprised that he's now sending soldiers out on poorly thought out missions.

You are deluded about Islam. Al Queda continues to exist because of military adventures like this. What do you think is the outcome in the minds and hearts of people when innocents in their community die in a raid like that? You use pretzel logic anyway. First you ask how I know all 40 were not enemies of the US, then ask why an 8-year old child was allowed to be there. Answer: It was a compound where families lived. Yemen is in civil war and the men had family near where they could protect them. So, now Trump is also acting as promised. He's ordering the death of men's families as well as the men themselves.

Your entire argument is based on not knowing anything. Do you start believing the sun will rise in the morning only when you see the first rays of the sun's rise? The right wing has been so sucked in to alternative reality they no longer able to live without right wing propaganda telling them how to do it. Right wing propaganda makes people stupid, dummy.

Get educated:
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Nope, I know what I know about Trump. We've all been watching and listening the shit head for more than a year. This is very consistent of him. He jumped the gun, didn't have a clue what his military advisers were telling him and sent a mission out unprepared. Cmon, man, this hacked job sucked the moment it got started. It has Trump's fingerprints all over it. Just like the absolute mess he created with his travesty of a travel ban. He even botched his own Republican convention. The unprepared narcissist we saw in the debates is who he is. Nobody should be surprised that he's now sending soldiers out on poorly thought out missions.

You are deluded about Islam. Al Queda continues to exist because of military adventures like this. What do you think is the outcome in the minds and hearts of people when innocents in their community die in a raid like that? You use pretzel logic anyway. First you ask how I know all 40 were not enemies of the US, then ask why an 8-year old child was allowed to be there. Answer: It was a compound where families lived. Yemen is in civil war and the men had family near where they could protect them. So, now Trump is also acting as promised. He's ordering the death of men's families as well as the men themselves.

Your entire argument is based on not knowing anything. Do you start believing the sun will rise in the morning only when you see the first rays of the sun's rise? The right wing has been so sucked in to alternative reality they no longer able to live without right wing propaganda telling them how to do it. Right wing propaganda makes people stupid, dummy.

Get educated:

The mission was indeed staged in order to make headlines. The Chump is obsessed with coverage and ratings. The only stage bigger than television is politics.

Ok, he's a dream come true for xenophobic, ultranationalist, white supremacist racists. Please tell me that's not the outcome Chump supporters were really hoping for?

Because America really needs to get its act together. We need EVERYONE, and not just to 'act white'. Frankly, we need the different backgrounds, perspectives and attitudes of everyone of every background, so we can have an honest discussion about how to solve our problems. We have the solutions; we just need to listen to each other.

Instead, the Chump sets us one against the other, creates chaos and in so doing is able to manipulate the narrative we see, and the smoke filled rooms we don't.

Rural folks are going hungry, losing their farms and unable to make ends meet. That's what they want recognised in Washington DC. Rural poverty isn't a euphemism and it isn't a small problem.

Urban dwellers can't make a living or get ahead. Their standard of living has been slipping for decades, all while they see more and more symbols of outrageous wealth driving by or built in the hills. Fuck, I've personally watched people get sideways in traffic doing burnouts in million dollar Ferrari Enzos. They're rich enough not to care if something goes wrong... They won't be held accountable, nevermind accountability for the loss of security and prosperity of the once greatest economic power history has ever seen.

Instead of solving these problems, he's telling you to blame one another. Wanna guess how THAT'S gonna turn out?! o_O

So We the People, and ONLY We the People, must gather and decide what we want our nation to look like going forward.

Personally, I think ill of corporations who feel like they have a corporate responsibility to evade taxes while selling shoddy goods to their customers and underpaying their workers while wrecking their unions and raiding their pensions...

And then turn around and pay their CEOs an average of some 350 times the salary of the average line worker, nevermind amazing benefits afforded to preferred stockholders.

And this is all made possible by their perceived right through 'corporate personhood' and 'money is equivalent to free speech' decisions by our Supreme Court to purchase our political system with (tax deductible!) campaign contributions.

A mouthful, sorry. But there's the money. If you ever wondered where it went, now you know. That's how they steal the entire economy for themselves and leave anyone not making a million or more yearly subsist on scraps. And that certainly includes the vast majority of US.

Sooooooo, what are We the People going to do about it? The next 4 years holds the answer.
sooooo, you completely glossed over who is really running the world and presidents ar mere puppets. And trump MAY be one too, but he's doing good things to bring back industry ad jobs. Even the Chicago gangs are willing to listen, as he has already done more to brig them together than either of your big O or Rahm Emanuel. Where were all the liberal bleeding hearts?
This reads as comic relief; the parrot in the corner regurgitating random words it hears, lol
why don't you want me to mention the insane amounts of corruption and criminality that trump invited into the white house to advise him and get American Navy Seals killed?

What makes you think I don't want you to mention those things? I asked why did you use profiling and age discrimination as proof of your point. It seems finding discrimination, bigotry, and profiling in others comes easily to you. Not so much, when it comes to your own prejudices?

That's not how he does things. He's smarter than the Generals, remember?

Who were the Generals when he made that comment? None of the retired ones he hired to over see our National Defense and the current advisors to the President. Admiral is a rank too and one of those is the head of US Cyber Command among other duties. Did he say he was smarter than them too or was it just Generals in general?

I'm going to say it again; the Chump White House murdered an American Navy Seal, not to mention dozens of other innocent human beings, FOR NOTHING.


I'm a big supporter of our military. The Chump is not. Everyone in uniform now knows this. Morale is not at an all time high.

ROFLMAO. You can say it as much as you like it doesn't make it the truth. I can say the sun isn't coming up tomorrow does that make it so? You have no basis to say Trump murdered an American Navy Seal nor of determining any ones innocence in that heavily fortified terrorist base. Further your assumptions on the value of what was recovered are baseless as well.

You site an article from NPR did you read it? and I quote..."But defense officials declined to release any other, newer intelligence they said was in computers recovered by the American and allied special operations troops who attacked the Yemeni town." So they refused to release the newer intell and look, there were "allied special operations troops" as well. That means you have no idea what was recovered and that Trump DID consult with allies before going in and they thought it a worthy mission to join as well.

I am not so sure everyone in uniform knows you are a big supporter by what you say or that Trump is not. Morale my not be at an all time high, but its not at an all time low either. Sure, the 4 years and out and off to college types as well as National Guard may actually share that point of view or not, I can't say. In my opinion though, the career military personnel have a more pragmatic "I will believe it when I see it" attitude, and I do not think they would have any questions about the innocence of the dozens you mentioned. You know...Accessory after the fact statute....we do know they lost their lives in a "heavily fortified terrorist base" Right?

Nope, I know what I know about Trump. We've all been watching and listening the shit head for more than a year. This is very consistent of him. He jumped the gun, didn't have a clue what his military advisers were telling him and sent a mission out unprepared. Cmon, man, this hacked job sucked the moment it got started. It has Trump's fingerprints all over it. Just like the absolute mess he created with his travesty of a travel ban. He even botched his own Republican convention. The unprepared narcissist we saw in the debates is who he is. Nobody should be surprised that he's now sending soldiers out on poorly thought out missions.

You are deluded about Islam. Al Queda continues to exist because of military adventures like this. What do you think is the outcome in the minds and hearts of people when innocents in their community die in a raid like that? You use pretzel logic anyway. First you ask how I know all 40 were not enemies of the US, then ask why an 8-year old child was allowed to be there. Answer: It was a compound where families lived. Yemen is in civil war and the men had family near where they could protect them. So, now Trump is also acting as promised. He's ordering the death of men's families as well as the men themselves.

Your entire argument is based on not knowing anything. Do you start believing the sun will rise in the morning only when you see the first rays of the sun's rise? The right wing has been so sucked in to alternative reality they no longer able to live without right wing propaganda telling them how to do it. Right wing propaganda makes people stupid, dummy.

Why do you assume the mission was unprepared. I doubt very seriously any "Team" goes out unprepared. If you had a clue you would know every job (I assume you mean mission) sucks the moment it gets started. The first thing to go IS the plan. It then comes down to accomplishing mission objectives through superior training and being a sneaky cheating bastard. None of us will ever know enough facts so far as determining success or failure. You have no basis for saying it was a poorly thought out mission or drawing any other conclusions of success or failure based on the information available.

Deluded about Islam? Al Queda continues to exist because of the type of apathy you express here. What do I think the community felt about the raid? I am sure some thought they are martyrs, no doubt, I also think some thought "it sure will be peaceful around here without the heavily fortified terrorist base right next door anymore and all those crazy ass people trying to make us follow their rules because they have the guns". Oh, I get it now, you think we are the only ones who understand freedom? You think they only export their terrorism? Who is the delusional one? I am not talking about you....maybe someone you know? So you are actually saying that the people in the heavily fortified terrorist base are in reality freedom fighters embroiled in Yemen's Civil War for Sovereignty trying to rid the country of terrorists? Ok it makes sense now why an 8yr old American Citizen and her parents or guardians were in a heavily fortified terrorist base, not compound, but BASE. On second thought maybe I AM talking to you about being delusional. Could it possibly be that this intelligence of American Citizens and/or Visa holders being in a heavily fortified terrorist base in Yemen is the reason for the TEMPORARY TRAVEL BAN? Ironic don't you think, that moderate Muslim's all over the world understood the soundness of this decision, but you and the left can not.

It least you got this part right, my entire argument is based on not knowing and because I don't know all the facts I don't make assumptions about the success or failure of the mission and what was and was not planned . At least have enough intelligence to realize that you do not KNOW shit either, except for the gossiping of un-named sources put into print for your consumption so you can regurgitate it as fact. You are not even intelligent enough to grasp the fact that you do not even know what you don't know and allow your hatred for Trump to have you coming to conclusions that are ignorant and woefully naïve. That same naivety is the reason the world is in the shape it is in now.

The right wing/left wing has been so sucked in to alternative reality they are no longer able to live without right wing/left wing propaganda telling them how to do it. Right wing/left wing propaganda makes people stupid, dummy. NOW, that statement is correct.

I will say this AGAIN (sorry ttystykk) ...please do not dishonor this young mans' service or sacrifice by calling the mission a failure. None of us will ever know if it was a success or failure, but the ones who actually do know, will one day tell this mans' children how their father lived and since he was a Navy Seal I doubt failure will be part of that story. Or would you also accuse them of being swayed by right wing propaganda....Get over yourself already.
What makes you think I don't want you to mention those things? I asked why did you use profiling and age discrimination as proof of your point. It seems finding discrimination, bigotry, and profiling in others comes easily to you. Not so much, when it comes to your own prejudices?

Who were the Generals when he made that comment? None of the retired ones he hired to over see our National Defense and the current advisors to the President. Admiral is a rank too and one of those is the head of US Cyber Command among other duties. Did he say he was smarter than them too or was it just Generals in general?

ROFLMAO. You can say it as much as you like it doesn't make it the truth. I can say the sun isn't coming up tomorrow does that make it so? You have no basis to say Trump murdered an American Navy Seal nor of determining any ones innocence in that heavily fortified terrorist base. Further your assumptions on the value of what was recovered are baseless as well.

You site an article from NPR did you read it? and I quote..."But defense officials declined to release any other, newer intelligence they said was in computers recovered by the American and allied special operations troops who attacked the Yemeni town." So they refused to release the newer intell and look, there were "allied special operations troops" as well. That means you have no idea what was recovered and that Trump DID consult with allies before going in and they thought it a worthy mission to join as well.

I am not so sure everyone in uniform knows you are a big supporter by what you say or that Trump is not. Morale my not be at an all time high, but its not at an all time low either. Sure, the 4 years and out and off to college types as well as National Guard may actually share that point of view or not, I can't say. In my opinion though, the career military personnel have a more pragmatic "I will believe it when I see it" attitude, and I do not think they would have any questions about the innocence of the dozens you mentioned. You know...Accessory after the fact statute....we do know they lost their lives in a "heavily fortified terrorist base" Right?

Why do you assume the mission was unprepared. I doubt very seriously any "Team" goes out unprepared. If you had a clue you would know every job (I assume you mean mission) sucks the moment it gets started. The first thing to go IS the plan. It then comes down to accomplishing mission objectives through superior training and being a sneaky cheating bastard. None of us will ever know enough facts so far as determining success or failure. You have no basis for saying it was a poorly thought out mission or drawing any other conclusions of success or failure based on the information available.

Deluded about Islam? Al Queda continues to exist because of the type of apathy you express here. What do I think the community felt about the raid? I am sure some thought they are martyrs, no doubt, I also think some thought "it sure will be peaceful around here without the heavily fortified terrorist base right next door anymore and all those crazy ass people trying to make us follow their rules because they have the guns". Oh, I get it now, you think we are the only ones who understand freedom? You think they only export their terrorism? Who is the delusional one? I am not talking about you....maybe someone you know? So you are actually saying that the people in the heavily fortified terrorist base are in reality freedom fighters embroiled in Yemen's Civil War for Sovereignty trying to rid the country of terrorists? Ok it makes sense now why an 8yr old American Citizen and her parents or guardians were in a heavily fortified terrorist base, not compound, but BASE. On second thought maybe I AM talking to you about being delusional. Could it possibly be that this intelligence of American Citizens and/or Visa holders being in a heavily fortified terrorist base in Yemen is the reason for the TEMPORARY TRAVEL BAN? Ironic don't you think, that moderate Muslim's all over the world understood the soundness of this decision, but you and the left can not.

It least you got this part right, my entire argument is based on not knowing and because I don't know all the facts I don't make assumptions about the success or failure of the mission and what was and was not planned . At least have enough intelligence to realize that you do not KNOW shit either, except for the gossiping of un-named sources put into print for your consumption so you can regurgitate it as fact. You are not even intelligent enough to grasp the fact that you do not even know what you don't know and allow your hatred for Trump to have you coming to conclusions that are ignorant and woefully naïve. That same naivety is the reason the world is in the shape it is in now.

The right wing/left wing has been so sucked in to alternative reality they are no longer able to live without right wing/left wing propaganda telling them how to do it. Right wing/left wing propaganda makes people stupid, dummy. NOW, that statement is correct.

I will say this AGAIN (sorry ttystykk) ...please do not dishonor this young mans' service or sacrifice by calling the mission a failure. None of us will ever know if it was a success or failure, but the ones who actually do know, will one day tell this mans' children how their father lived and since he was a Navy Seal I doubt failure will be part of that story. Or would you also accuse them of being swayed by right wing propaganda....Get over yourself already.
And I'm going to say AGAIN that such a mission that killed so many civilians is a terrorist act in itself, carried out in our name- and that such massive fuck ups have serious consequences in terms of engendering hatred and resentment in people who had nothing to do with whatever the objective was. That they won't divulge. Because they know there wasn't shit there.

Wave your flag all you want; the body count was unacceptable. That's failure.

Your whole argument boils down to 'no matter what, it's okay if WE did it'. No, it fucking isn't!

And I'm tired of it being done in my name- 'national security'- when I know damn good and well it was not. And instead of enhancing our national security, it's made the world and our place in it less stable, less secure and certainly less friendly to our cause and interests.

That's failure. That soldier (and I note you haven't mentioned the need to show respect to anyone ELSE who died there, so you must not care) died doing his job and as far as it goes, that's honorable. That does not change the outcome of the mission and you are clearly conflating the two intentionally.
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The mission was indeed staged in order to make headlines. The Chump is obsessed with coverage and ratings. The only stage bigger than television is politics.

Ok, he's a dream come true for xenophobic, ultranationalist, white supremacist racists. Please tell me that's not the outcome Chump supporters were really hoping for?

Because America really needs to get its act together. We need EVERYONE, and not just to 'act white'. Frankly, we need the different backgrounds, perspectives and attitudes of everyone of every background, so we can have an honest discussion about how to solve our problems. We have the solutions; we just need to listen to each other.

Instead, the Chump sets us one against the other, creates chaos and in so doing is able to manipulate the narrative we see, and the smoke filled rooms we don't.

Rural folks are going hungry, losing their farms and unable to make ends meet. That's what they want recognised in Washington DC. Rural poverty isn't a euphemism and it isn't a small problem.

Urban dwellers can't make a living or get ahead. Their standard of living has been slipping for decades, all while they see more and more symbols of outrageous wealth driving by or built in the hills. Fuck, I've personally watched people get sideways in traffic doing burnouts in million dollar Ferrari Enzos. They're rich enough not to care if something goes wrong... They won't be held accountable, nevermind accountability for the loss of security and prosperity of the once greatest economic power history has ever seen.

Instead of solving these problems, he's telling you to blame one another. Wanna guess how THAT'S gonna turn out?! o_O

So We the People, and ONLY We the People, must gather and decide what we want our nation to look like going forward.

Personally, I think ill of corporations who feel like they have a corporate responsibility to evade taxes while selling shoddy goods to their customers and underpaying their workers while wrecking their unions and raiding their pensions...

And then turn around and pay their CEOs an average of some 350 times the salary of the average line worker, nevermind amazing benefits afforded to preferred stockholders.

And this is all made possible by their perceived right through 'corporate personhood' and 'money is equivalent to free speech' decisions by our Supreme Court to purchase our political system with (tax deductible!) campaign contributions.

A mouthful, sorry. But there's the money. If you ever wondered where it went, now you know. That's how they steal the entire economy for themselves and leave anyone not making a million or more yearly subsist on scraps. And that certainly includes the vast majority of US.

Sooooooo, what are We the People going to do about it? The next 4 years holds the answer.

Except for the first sentence this is on target. Mattis would not allow Trump to stage anything. He would resign before agreeing to do anything that would dishonor the American military.
Who were the Generals when he made that comment? None of the retired ones he hired to over see our National Defense and the current advisors to the President. Admiral is a rank too and one of those is the head of US Cyber Command among other duties. Did he say he was smarter than them too or was it just Generals in general?

No one is smarter than Donald Trump, according to Donald Trump.
Could it possibly be that this intelligence of American Citizens and/or Visa holders being in a heavily fortified terrorist base in Yemen is the reason for the TEMPORARY TRAVEL BAN?

what temporary muslim ban? that thing got nixxed as unconstitutional, it no longer exists dummy.
And I'm going to say AGAIN that such a mission that killed so many civilians is a terrorist act in itself, carried out in our name- and that such massive fuck ups have serious consequences in terms of engendering hatred and resentment in people who had nothing to do with whatever the objective was. That they won't divulge. Because they know there wasn't shit there.

Wave your flag all you want; the body count was unacceptable. That's failure.

Your whole argument boils down to 'no matter what, it's okay if WE did it'. No, it fucking isn't!

And I'm tired of it being done in my name- 'national security'- when I know damn good and well it was not. And instead of enhancing our national security, it's made the world and our place in it less stable, less secure and certainly less friendly to our cause and interests.

That's failure. That soldier (and I note you haven't mentioned the need to show respect to anyone ELSE who died there, so you must not care) died doing his job and as far as it goes, that's honorable. That does not change the outcome of the mission and you are clearly conflating the two intentionally.

I guess you missed this part earlier?

"To assume that I think that the other people who lost their lives do not matter and that ANY loss of life is not indeed a tragedy is frankly offensive. To try and profile me into some category that does not place value on all life through the use of inferred bigotry is a cheap shot to delegitimize the real questions everyone should be asking."

I have never said "no matter what its ok if WE did it". There are Military court martials and American courts that clearly state it is not.

What part of attack of a heavily fortified Al Queda base did you miss? Do you really think Navy Seals get off on killing civilians and non combatants? Think about that for a second, that is Al Queda's and ISIS's M.O. not the US Military. If it wasn't a terrorist base, the whole world would be crying out for justice and RIGHTLY SO.

"And instead of enhancing our national security, it's made the world and our place in it less stable, less secure and certainly less friendly to our cause and interests". Were you asleep or in a coma the last 40 years? Do you really think Trump caused all this in the last 3 weeks? Refusal to deal with real issues has caused all this and the cure is going to be painful for all of us, no doubt about it.

By definition anything that causes terror is terrorism. Be it police or gangs in our inner cities, violent protesters, the bullies at school and on the internet, or any one who uses fear to make some one submit to the behavior they want.

and I WILL wave my flag all I want, its an American flag.
I guess you missed this part earlier?

"To assume that I think that the other people who lost their lives do not matter and that ANY loss of life is not indeed a tragedy is frankly offensive. To try and profile me into some category that does not place value on all life through the use of inferred bigotry is a cheap shot to delegitimize the real questions everyone should be asking."

I have never said "no matter what its ok if WE did it". There are Military court martials and American courts that clearly state it is not.

What part of attack of a heavily fortified Al Queda base did you miss? Do you really think Navy Seals get off on killing civilians and non combatants? Think about that for a second, that is Al Queda's and ISIS's M.O. not the US Military. If it wasn't a terrorist base, the whole world would be crying out for justice and RIGHTLY SO.

"And instead of enhancing our national security, it's made the world and our place in it less stable, less secure and certainly less friendly to our cause and interests". Were you asleep or in a coma the last 40 years? Do you really think Trump caused all this in the last 3 weeks? Refusal to deal with real issues has caused all this and the cure is going to be painful for all of us, no doubt about it.

By definition anything that causes terror is terrorism. Be it police or gangs in our inner cities, violent protesters, the bullies at school and on the internet, or any one who uses fear to make some one submit to the behavior they want.

and I WILL wave my flag all I want, its an American flag.
We're the terrorists. We've become the Empire of the Star Wars series, in real life, complete with robots that kill by remote control with no rhyme or reason, and no accountability.

Think about that while you wave that flag.

I'm not suggesting we shouldn't love our country and the flag that stands for it, I'm saying we need it to actually live up to the principles we say we stand for. We haven't been doing such a hot job of that for at least the past half century. Once ya'll flag wavers figure that out, maybe we can finally get to the business of doing something to fix it.
We're the terrorists. We've become the Empire of the Star Wars series, in real life, complete with robots that kill by remote control with no rhyme or reason, and no accountability.

Think about that while you wave that flag.

I'm not suggesting we shouldn't love our country and the flag that stands for it, I'm saying we need it to actually live up to the principles we say we stand for. We haven't been doing such a hot job of that for at least the past half century. Once ya'll flag wavers figure that out, maybe we can finally get to the business of doing something to fix it.

I thought about it.....and I guess you didn't get the memo, the "flag wavers" did figure it out. By calling the US," terrorists" you are suggesting we shouldn't love our country and what it stands for. Furthermore, I have determined you are ignorant and any opinion you have about our countries' safety and world policy is infantile at best. You and your ilk are exactly what our forefathers warned us about in their journals as they wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Nice try though.........

Rule 4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Finding an eight year old American Citizen and her Parents and/or Guardians in a, to quote ALL MEDIA SOURCES, "heavily fortified Al Queda Terrorist base" was the reason for the TEMPORARY TRAVEL BAN......oh yeah that doesn't matter because "We're the terrorists".
oh I am sorry PCXV.....I didn't realize the only perfect person on earth who has not ever done anything wrong was reading apologies. Grow Up
and you are ignorant only on days that end in "y" *yawns*

lol what is that weak shit? Oh ok you are literally falling asleep, now your babbling posts make more sense, and the sensitivity. I was digging at Trump more than you, unless you're a Trump die hard. Nobody can say what the flag means to other people. There's nothing to disagree with there.