will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
^^True, this. Politics is not a game, although we've been treating it as if it were one.
politicians play for support and they play to get things done
life can be a game too. politicians are supposed to make that game more fair just and more inclusive they are supposed to make the game easier but there are those that fail and those that believe the game should not be fair or easy. Those later mentioned politicians are largely in control a.t.m . it is now up to the people to set down some rules for these "leaders" to follow.


Well-Known Member
politicians play for support and they play to get things done
life can be a game too. politicians are supposed to make that game more fair just and more inclusive they are supposed to make the game easier but there are those that fail and those that believe the game should not be fair or easy. Those later mentioned politicians are largely in control a.t.m . it is now up to the people to set down some rules for these "leaders" to follow.
I don't think we are disagreeing about anything important. I think that when people's lives are affected by actions of politicians, it ceases to be a game. That is, unless by game, you mean this:

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Try fiallo v bell
whats that your proof some dirty banker was jewish?
The Supreme Court held that it was constitutional for Congress to grant special preference immigration status to legitimate children and their parents, or illegitimate children and their mothers, while excluding illegitimate children and their fathers. (Read the opinion here.)

whats your point troll


Well-Known Member
88% of americans support a pathway to citizenship.

probably only 2% or so support your nazi ideation.

you can mention broken promises all you want. it's hilarious that you hold me to a higher standard than the guy you voted for to be president. but as we all know, you'll be happy so long as he hurts brown people. that's all you voted for.
USA takes in far more people than anyone in the world annually. But somehow, not wanting to fly Syrian refugees across the world and relocate them here or take in more makes you a Nazi?



Well-Known Member
it helps to know the lie as well as the truth.
the trick is to learn to identify the hype before you start believing in it like coldfloor or chillyrock or whoever
Trump repeats lies as a means to influence. Its a salesman's trick to affect choices. Like his nicknames for his political opponents. There is quite a bit of science behind this. The brain is affected by repeated statements that appeal to the emotional parts of the brain regardless if they are known to be true or known to be a lie. He is an expert at this. Trump's a liar and what he says can affect you even when you know this. I don't listen to him. Your choice, of course is your own to make.
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esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
fiallo v bell

The Court stressed that Congress, not the courts, has the sole power to decide who to admit and exclude for immigration purposes, noting, “[t]his Court has repeatedly emphasized that ‘over no conceivable subject is the legislative power of Congress more complete than it is over’ the admission of aliens.” While finding it unnecessary for Congress to meet any constitutional standard of review

thats either a mistake or an example of how shit seeps in when it comes to politicitions working


Well-Known Member
USA takes in far more people than anyone in the world annually. But somehow, not wanting to fly Syrian refugees across the world and relocate them here or take in more makes you a Nazi?

what makes spaghetti noodle a nazi is the fact that he posts jews with hitler's star of david then laughs it off.

i support bringing in refugees, which are much different than migrants because it is the humanitarian thing to do.

not to mention it is safer than living next to any random right wing christian. those right wing christians are deadly, violent people, refugees are not.


Well-Known Member
USA takes in far more people than anyone in the world annually. But somehow, not wanting to fly Syrian refugees across the world and relocate them here or take in more makes you a Nazi?

Umm, wow this is really dumb. The US is host to the most migrants. What does this have to do with the 60,000 refugees that Rump just refused access even though they have been going through vetting and waiting years? Did you confuse "migrant" with "refugee"?

Immigrants to this country are part of the reason this country has been growing the economy. Without them, we would still be in recession. Are you against economic growth?

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
USA takes in far more people than anyone in the world annually. But somehow, not wanting to fly Syrian refugees across the world and relocate them here or take in more makes you a Nazi?

your reaction to that chart will indicate your level of tolerance. see i read that and say "well alright" you read that and think its a problem. That shows you are predisposed to anti immigrant sentiment. That doesn't mean you are a nazi it means you are possibly susceptible to the kind of propaganda such as you are supporting so no your not a nazis but you are just as anti American.


Well-Known Member
we've taken in 700,000 refugees since 9/11.

not one single act of terror from any of them.

and these brave patriots piss their pants in horror at the prospect of taking in more.

they make us look so weak and scared to the entire world.


Well-Known Member
we've taken in 700,000 refugees since 9/11.

not one single act of terror from any of them.

and these brave patriots piss their pants in horror at the prospect of taking in more.

they make us look so weak and scared to the entire world.
The illegitimate interim manager is weak and scared of the world.

It's too bad he never thought he'd win and came in so utterly unprepared.


Well-Known Member
It's too bad he never thought he'd win and came in so utterly unprepared.
Whaddya mean? He's doing FANTASTIC.


Gallup poll shows Trump's Approval In Free Fall after first week in office

By Lefty Coaster
Sunday Jan 29, 2017 · 4:10 PM EST



Hundreds of thousands sign petition to impeach Trump for violating constitution, corruption
January 29, 2017 by yalibnan



Well-Known Member
i support bringing in refugees, which are much different than migrants (you dumb fuck) because it is the humanitarian thing to do.
Really? I supposed you getting welfare and government assistance makes you think your opinion on the matter is somehow more important?
Also, how many Syrian refugees do you live with? Certainly you have opened your home and volunteered to take in refugees personally because you are so compassionate for humanity?