Canada is building a wall, and the U.S. is going to pay for it


Well-Known Member
I think Israel is demonstrably a bloodthirsty imperialist GOVERNMENT that hides behind a Jewish identity. Regular Jews are the biggest losers in all of this, a government acting to secure defense contracts and foreign aid has nothing to do with them, and they're saddled with the reputation. I greatly admire Jews like Gideon Levy that are outspoken against continued hostilities.

a good watch:

Way to pivot though, you saying tariffs are a consumer burden doesn't make it true. If customers aren't willing to pay, something has to give, and it's going to be profit on margin. It's something or nothing, I think they'll take what they can get, especially considering their economy isn't looking so good right now (being really generous).
@Flaming Pie

do you share this hatred for israel that your fellow trump supporters harbor?


Well-Known Member
u are def. 1 one those children i posted about last week or so…..really calling names……your are 1 naive little boy!!!
Right. My family has a combined 30+ years of experience in politics and yet you're a genius calling me stupid for pointing out that you voted in direct opposition to your own best interest.

Moron is the term that fits.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably get banned if I posted cartel intimidation photos of women skinned alive and mass graves.

Hey what did ever happen to those Mexican students?
is this a daily concern for you? getting skinned alive by the cartel and thrown into a mass grave?

is that really something you have to dodge?

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
so then why are you so frightened by foreigners?
Was is it always a phobia with you liberals? I think our country needs work, we don't need to import people to fill job openings while people are unemployed. Sort of a simple concept. Obama creates 7 million McJobs, meanwhile population grows by 20 million in the same time frame. Don't be dumb dude.


Well-Known Member
Was is it always a phobia with you liberals? I think our country needs work, we don't need to import people to fill job openings while people are unemployed. Sort of a simple concept. Obama creates 7 million McJobs, meanwhile population grows by 20 million in the same time frame. Don't be dumb dude.
damn those foreigners, getting jobs and paying taxes and whatnot.

obama created 15.8 million new jobs, BTW.

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
americans can have those jobs if they are as well or better qualified than those scary foreigners who make you shit your pants.

you should get an adult diaper, like trump wears.
Or we could educate Americans until they qualify for those jobs? You can go ahead and outsource your wife's sex life all you want man, that's none of my business.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Frankly I don't even care who pays for it, I just know it makes you mad, so I want it built. You don't seem to understand, I didn't vote for Trump because I wanted him to be president, I voted for Trump because you hate him. I got exactly what I wanted. Your only path to victory is to stop hating Trump, until then I'm happy as a little clam making pearls out of your salty tears.
Schadenfreude is the weapon of the impotent and ineffective.

You're pathetic.