Canada is building a wall, and the U.S. is going to pay for it


Well-Known Member
To list that many homes and have them managed by a firm would cost about 2k a month. Why would I give that away? Its not like its that time consuming to collect rent once a month and arrange for repairs on the homes as needed. For what little time we put into it, we still save enough to more than offset the repairs needed and have done many upgrades along the way as well.
To list that many homes and have them managed by a firm would cost about 2k a month. Why would I give that away? Its not like its that time consuming to collect rent once a month and arrange for repairs on the homes as needed. For what little time we put into it, we still save enough to more than offset the repairs needed and have done many upgrades along the way as well.

Who's we, oh your wife does all the work, I get it. Riding her coat tails, Tsk Tsk. That's is why she was coming home so late last night, hard day's work, huh?

Have you figured out which employee she is fucking?

PS: people that really own properties don't refer to managing them as another job.