Calling All Racists and Bigots

I didn't.

Now here the part where you demonstrate what's wrong with RIU politics........ready?

You can't quote me saying I applied for food stamps, but here you are doing it....................go.

My family made exactly 50 cents too much monthly to qualify for food stamps. We relocated to a better area with jobs. Ever eat potatoes for a month straight? Two months? Three? Had a potato pancake?
Mustard sandwich?
Why are you so sensitive about the exact version of history being the only correct one? If you're afraid of critique, you're probably so for a reason. It's no secret that Israel leverages western guilt to continue it's bloodthirsty imperialism in the middle-east. I'm not denying that Hitler committed a pogrom against Jews, that definitely happened, but some of the numbers don't add up, and there were much larger contemporary pogroms that are completely ignored due to the morbid glamorization of the Holocaust. I don't advocate people totally ignore the Holocaust and think Hitler did nothing wrong, but I'd like to see the same visceral reaction to Marxism/communism, as both ideologies are historically murderous and should be regarded with the same contempt.

Thinking Nazis are the ultimate evil in the world is detrimental, that's like saying we already figured out the worst political ideology and, sans Nazism, we're forever safe from large scale bureaucratic genocides. Meanwhile we've got 15-year-olds wearing Che t shirts and self-identifying as communists.

Well said. Naturally though, most people are afraid to be wrong about anything. Its instinctive. However, being afraid of being wrong must be disregarded in critical thought. The most accurate truth is all that matters when being 100% objective. Its difficult to take a source seriously when objectivity is not present.
Well said. Naturally though, most people are afraid to be wrong about anything. Its instinctive. However, being afraid of being wrong must be disregarded in critical thought. The most accurate truth is all that matters when being 100% objective. Its difficult to take a source seriously when objectivity is not present.
so you think historians are lying about how many jews were killed in the holocaust to rile sympathy for israel?