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example of race card being tossed around to casually.
The politics forum of rollitup.
example of race card being tossed around to casually.
So what exactly is the point of calling someone racist? If you're actually racist, it's not exactly an astute observation, nor is it hurtful. What a stupid purity spiral this thread has become, "OH WOW WHAT A GOOD PERSON, HE REALLY CALLED OUT THAT RACISM". You call Trump and his supporters racists because you have no depth to attack them on a policy/issue basis. It's a childish tactic, and it just lost you the presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Might want to think of something that actually works before 2020.
"HALF THE COUNTRY IS RACIST OMG!!!!!" is a patently absurd position to defend, you're going to keep losing and you've got only yourselves to blame.
He's also a Holocaust denier.
People confuse Trump supporters for racists
good job at virtue signalling how much you hate virtue signalling, little boy.
Do you even know what you're talking about man? Sometimes I envy you, I've always wanted to be able to unhinge my brain like that. You see my avatar and you've just GOTTA respond, even if you've got absolutely nothing to say.
Also ask any "neo nazi" (regular conservative) what they think of Richard Spenser and that whole Alt-right crowd. They're all basically gay, or very pro gay, bleeding heart Israel-firsters, and all they do is say edgy shit in rooms full of teenagers. The Alt-right is a really bad cointelpro psyop and Spenser should have been hit with a truck rather than a fist.
you should really stick to playing with leggos.
you should really stick to playing with leggos.
Ohhh sick burn u cheeky manyou should really stick to playing with leggos.
I never denied the Holocaust happened, the numbers are what I'm disputing
Why are you so sensitive about the exact version of history being the only correct one? If you're afraid of critique, you're probably so for a reason. It's no secret that Israel leverages western guilt to continue it's bloodthirsty imperialism in the middle-east. I'm not denying that Hitler committed a pogrom against Jews, that definitely happened, but some of the numbers don't add up, and there were much larger contemporary pogroms that are completely ignored due to the morbid glamorization of the Holocaust. I don't advocate people totally ignore the Holocaust and think Hitler did nothing wrong, but I'd like to see the same visceral reaction to Marxism/communism, as both ideologies are historically murderous and should be regarded with the same contempt.that's called holocaust denial.
Israel leverages western guilt to continue it's bloodthirsty imperialism in the middle-east....the numbers don't add up...the morbid glamorization of the Holocaust.
How is that denial? I'm not denying the it happened, it's like saying that Jesus existed but didn't walk on water. You don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. And you're missing the point, I'm saying that the racial left is every bit if not more murderous than the radical right (I'm pretty sure Nazis were leftists though).that's called holocaust denial too.
How is that denial?
ok...cite.The politics forum of rollitup.
Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is an exaggeration and/or a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.[8]
That's one opinion, it doesn't necessarily make it any more correct than any other opinion.
Ohhh sick burn u cheeky man
And for the record, I never denied the Holocaust happened, of course Jews died in those camps, to say otherwise is absurd. The numbers are what I'm disputing, and the historical whitewashing of the Bolshevik Party's mass murders and soviet death camps, both of which have undeniably killed more people than Germany ever could have. It's really just taking the position of one version of revisionism over the current heavily revised version of history. And that isn't to say that one genocide was more relevant than any other genocide, they're all horrible and by ignoring the communist genocides (killed way more people than the Holocaust undeniably), you're just subverting common decency. When the American Radical Communist party thinks they have the moral high-ground when confronting neo-nazis, something has gone terribly wrong. It's perfectly fine to espouse Marxist and communist sensibilities in public and academia, that's terrifying. I don't advocate fascism, nazism, libertarianism, communism, any of it. I don't like any ideology, especially political ideology. I'm actually a pretty hard left constitutional republican, that is to say a pragmatist, political ideologies are all cancers that need eradicated.
How is that denial? I'm not denying the it happened, it's like saying that Jesus existed but didn't walk on water. You don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. And you're missing the point, I'm saying that the racial left is every bit if not more murderous than the radical right (I'm pretty sure Nazis were leftists though).
That's one opinion, it doesn't necessarily make it any more correct than any other opinion.
To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?
I think Voltaire said that. So why are you so terrified of any critique? I'm not saying that he Holocaust didn't happen, I'm just curious as to why the targeted killing of 6 million Jews is somehow more historically relevant than the targeted killing of 100 million plus under communism?