Calling All Racists and Bigots

So what exactly is the point of calling someone racist? If you're actually racist, it's not exactly an astute observation, nor is it hurtful. What a stupid purity spiral this thread has become, "OH WOW WHAT A GOOD PERSON, HE REALLY CALLED OUT THAT RACISM". You call Trump and his supporters racists because you have no depth to attack them on a policy/issue basis. It's a childish tactic, and it just lost you the presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Might want to think of something that actually works before 2020.

"HALF THE COUNTRY IS RACIST OMG!!!!!" is a patently absurd position to defend, you're going to keep losing and you've got only yourselves to blame.

Read the posts between myself and uncle fuck and you will have some context in regards to obama. You'd have to read the cnn thread first because it all started there. I'm not gonna splain it all again. You can thank him for my 'insane question' about obama's blackness.

By the way, hey uncle fuckface... You're a homophobe, a bigot, a hater, and a god damn nasty horrible person. And you're a racist.

He's also a Holocaust denier.
So what exactly is the point of calling someone racist? If you're actually racist, it's not exactly an astute observation, nor is it hurtful. What a stupid purity spiral this thread has become, "OH WOW WHAT A GOOD PERSON, HE REALLY CALLED OUT THAT RACISM". You call Trump and his supporters racists because you have no depth to attack them on a policy/issue basis. It's a childish tactic, and it just lost you the presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Might want to think of something that actually works before 2020.

"HALF THE COUNTRY IS RACIST OMG!!!!!" is a patently absurd position to defend, you're going to keep losing and you've got only yourselves to blame.

He's also a Holocaust denier.
Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.
You asked some inane question about Obama's blackness and I basically said if Obama says he's black then it's his choice to make. You somehow object to this line of thought. I'm just asking if you can explain. Why does my asking you this question upset you so much?

Seems like you have deep issues to deal with.
The question I'd ask:

Why does it matter what he identifies as? It doesn't affect you, me or anyone else.
Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.

Not everyone with a grievance against a culture with a racial identity is racist. You're allowed to hate black and Mexican gangs, I don't hate them because they're black and Mexican, I hate them because they're violent gangs.

People confuse Trump supporters for racists because Trump supporters generally hate big-government liberals. Pretty much every minority group is overwhelmingly liberal. We don't hate you because you're not white, we hate you because you are liberal.

And furthermore, from what I've gathered, we don't even hate you, we just think you're wrong. Liberals, on the other hand, have "othered" conservatives to the point that they're committing acts of unprovoked violence against them and threatening their children. Everyone knows who the violent and unreasonable side is. The majority of violent crime and chaos happens in urban areas, almost all of which are eternal liberal strongholds. We just want to be left alone, you liberals are hell-bent on taking away the rights of everyone to protect yourselves from your own intellectual coalition.
Not everyone with a grievance against a culture with a racial identity is racist. You're allowed to hate black and Mexican gangs, I don't hate them because they're black and Mexican, I hate them because they're violent gangs.

People confuse Trump supporters for racists because Trump supporters generally hate big-government liberals. Pretty much every minority group is overwhelmingly liberal. We don't hate you because you're not white, we hate you because you are liberal.

And furthermore, from what I've gathered, we don't even hate you, we just think you're wrong. Liberals, on the other hand, have "othered" conservatives to the point that they're committing acts of unprovoked violence against them and threatening their children. Everyone knows who the violent and unreasonable side is. The majority of violent crime and chaos happens in urban areas, almost all of which are eternal liberal strongholds. We just want to be left alone, you liberals are hell-bent on taking away the rights of everyone to protect yourselves from your own intellectual coalition.

Very well conveyed points. Thank you.
Not everyone with a grievance against a culture with a racial identity is racist. You're allowed to hate black and Mexican gangs, I don't hate them because they're black and Mexican, I hate them because they're violent gangs.

People confuse Trump supporters for racists because Trump supporters generally hate big-government liberals. Pretty much every minority group is overwhelmingly liberal. We don't hate you because you're not white, we hate you because you are liberal.

And furthermore, from what I've gathered, we don't even hate you, we just think you're wrong. Liberals, on the other hand, have "othered" conservatives to the point that they're committing acts of unprovoked violence against them and threatening their children. Everyone knows who the violent and unreasonable side is. The majority of violent crime and chaos happens in urban areas, almost all of which are eternal liberal strongholds. We just want to be left alone, you liberals are hell-bent on taking away the rights of everyone to protect yourselves from your own intellectual coalition.
Shit post.

And you basically just let slip that you hate black people and Mexicans.

This night just keeps getting better.

  1. GreenthumbQCWell-Known Member
    Calling him dumb was stupid. I apologize. That was personal and I have NOTHING personal. I have strong morals you see.

    Dec 9, 2014Report

I do see you have morals. Strong ones too.

He goes through old posts.... Yes I did apologize once. How does this show I have no morals?

You consider yourself a Nazi. And you wonder why I don't have respect for you. This has nothing to do with morals. It's you bringing up and claiming to believe in the most horrendous act ever committed. My grandfather is shell shocked from your beliefs and yes. I consider if you believe my people to be lesser and you will attack then I will defend and beat the living fuck out of you.

You just equated all black people and Mexicans to gang members. Who's the racist here again?

You are, Holocaust denier.

He goes through old posts.... Yes I did apologize once. How does this show I have no morals?

You consider yourself a Nazi. And you wonder why I don't have respect for you. This has nothing to do with morals. It's you bringing up and claiming to believe in the most horrendous act ever committed. My grandfather is shell shocked from your beliefs and yes. I consider if you believe my people to be lesser and you will attack then I will defend and beat the living fuck out of you.


Cancer is slowly killing him. Being a racist troll is all he has left, pathetic huh.
You would think one would want their last words on this planet to be full of kindness understanding and love, but I imagine he is selfishly feeling cheated and chooses to display it the only way he knows how.
I tend to agree with you about the race card thing. It's tossed around way too casually, BUT your quote're kidding right? Trump has given people more substantive ammo to attack him on in 3 days than most presidents do in an entire term.
example of race card being tossed around to casually. You must really enjoy not having to face racism.
Read the posts between myself and uncle fuck and you will have some context in regards to obama. You'd have to read the cnn thread first because it all started there. I'm not gonna splain it all again. You can thank him for my 'insane question' about obama's blackness.

By the way, hey uncle fuckface... You're a homophobe, a bigot, a hater, and a god damn nasty horrible person. And you're a racist.
Why is it so complex for you? Obama's parents had different skin color and Obama said he's black. Why is that not the end of the discussion? You seem to think that if I take his word for his self identification, I'm racist. This makes no sense at all to me.

Why does asking you these questions make you so angry?