Well-Known Member
We can agree that people being harassed and imprisoned over growing a plant needs to stop. Where we might part ways is that Republican lawmakers/officials will move us any closer to that goal.
In order to get to a point where people aren't being locked up over weed we need to get corporate money out of politics. Both parties are largely in bed with corporate America, so I don't see any real advocates in DC right now save for perhaps Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. Others pay it some lip service, but I don't know that it goes beyond that.
At some point I hope you'll realize that parroting political platitudes and talking points literally impedes your ability to truly understand reality along with your ability to be a productive part of solving any problem/conversation

At some point you're just licking windows here

At some point you'll realize that praying to the progressive lawyer Gods and obediently following the establishment Democratic religion has some real world costs that no one in Michigan should be able to deny ...
or have they (you)