Mmma - stay away!!!

We can agree that people being harassed and imprisoned over growing a plant needs to stop. Where we might part ways is that Republican lawmakers/officials will move us any closer to that goal.

In order to get to a point where people aren't being locked up over weed we need to get corporate money out of politics. Both parties are largely in bed with corporate America, so I don't see any real advocates in DC right now save for perhaps Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. Others pay it some lip service, but I don't know that it goes beyond that.

At some point I hope you'll realize that parroting political platitudes and talking points literally impedes your ability to truly understand reality along with your ability to be a productive part of solving any problem/conversation :confused:

At some point you're just licking windows here

At some point you'll realize that praying to the progressive lawyer Gods and obediently following the establishment Democratic religion has some real world costs that no one in Michigan should be able to deny ...

or have they (you) :confused:

At some point I hope you'll realize that parroting political platitudes and talking points literally impedes your ability to truly understand reality along with your ability to be a productive part of solving any problem/conversation :confused:

At some point you're just licking windows here

At some point you'll realize that praying to the progressive lawyer Gods and obediently following the establishment Democratic religion has some real world costs that no one in Michigan should be able to deny ...

or have they (you) :confused:


Blah blah blah. You sit at home on your ass doing nothing, suck on the government tit collecting tax payers dollars, pontificate on a weed forum....and expect everyone to believe that you've got it all figured out.

You're "the man" alright! :lol:
I know right, until I got my card every person I ever met from childhood up that used mj was good people. When they got older they were Peaceful folks with loving families, always calm and happy. These bastard medical cards messed up every thing, might be in the ink:o
It's all the these damned 20-somethings. Monster energy drinking, family Guy pajama pants wearing, heavy metal listening arse holes named Dustin. Ffs who raised these kids!? I don't know where the anger comes from, chem, but it's astonishing. They are so educated and so very right all the time. I wonder to myself if they are experts on machiavelli, the behavioral science work of Watson and skinner? I wonder if the understand the Prussian model of compulsory education? Do they know this was all just a giant system of mind control? A system that our great state was the first to adopt here in the usa? The answer is clearly no to all of those. It's a scary world when the automatons believe that this silly fight is their own. Its insane that some can't step back and see that ALL the ruling elite are controlling us. The system is designed this way. Most are happy to ignore the fact and race from friday each week. It's been this way for hundreds of years. We're all so smart and on top of this angle or that sides argument, yet none us ever bought the annotated textbooks. We never had that access. Somehow we all know all the asnwers....we're fucked...always were
It's all the these damned 20-somethings. Monster energy drinking, family Guy pajama pants wearing, heavy metal listening arse holes named Dustin. Ffs who raised these kids!? I don't know where the anger comes from, chem, but it's astonishing. They are so educated and so very right all the time. I wonder to myself if they are experts on machiavelli, the behavioral science work of Watson and skinner? I wonder if the understand the Prussian model of compulsory education? Do they know this was all just a giant system of mind control? A system that our great state was the first to adopt here in the usa? The answer is clearly no to all of those. It's a scary world when the automatons believe that this silly fight is their own. Its insane that some can't step back and see that ALL the ruling elite are controlling us. The system is designed this way. Most are happy to ignore the fact and race from friday each week. It's been this way for hundreds of years. We're all so smart and on top of this angle or that sides argument, yet none us ever bought the annotated textbooks. We never had that access. Somehow we all know all the asnwers....we're fucked...always were
i drink redbull, would not be caught dead drinking that sugar water in an oversized can.
I'm the guy who, in the 80/90's would make serious faces at the people wearing pajama pants all day, to the store even. I sold out, I now wear similar as much of every damned day I can. I got flannels, jean looking jammies, and my favorite the karate pants. I got them in blue, white black, so cool and comfy too. I wore them only at the farm here at first, then, I packed them for the vacations, why not nobody else wears clothes anymore right. Now I wear em at home, and at the lakehouse, even in front of the neighbors, on the beach too. I'm a fukkin rebel I know. but I fear more sell out, peer pressure even, will finally see me wearing them to the store, fukkem. My wife calls them my duds, and my 501's= dress up. perfect! no more suits for me. life is grande
Blah blah blah. You sit at home on your ass doing nothing, suck on the government tit collecting tax payers dollars, pontificate on a weed forum....and expect everyone to believe that you've got it all figured out.

You're "the man" alright! :lol:

Is that more slander you POS? I have never applied for or received a dime from the government, not even the fucking VA benefits I've earned protecting your right to run your ingnorant mouth. As usual you have no clue what you are talking about and believe if you just keep saying it it'll be true. Take a good look in the mirror motherfucker, suck up the reality and STFU ...
Is that more slander you POS? I have never applied for or received a dime from the government, not even the fucking VA benefits I've earned protecting your right to run your ingnorant mouth. As usual you have no clue what you are talking about and believe if you just keep saying it it'll be true. Take a good look in the mirror motherfucker, suck up the reality and STFU ...

Cry me a river.

Are you going to leave again forever? :lol:
It's all the these damned 20-somethings. Monster energy drinking, family Guy pajama pants wearing, heavy metal listening arse holes named Dustin. Ffs who raised these kids!? I don't know where the anger comes from, chem, but it's astonishing. They are so educated and so very right all the time. I wonder to myself if they are experts on machiavelli, the behavioral science work of Watson and skinner? I wonder if the understand the Prussian model of compulsory education? Do they know this was all just a giant system of mind control? A system that our great state was the first to adopt here in the usa? The answer is clearly no to all of those. It's a scary world when the automatons believe that this silly fight is their own. Its insane that some can't step back and see that ALL the ruling elite are controlling us. The system is designed this way. Most are happy to ignore the fact and race from friday each week. It's been this way for hundreds of years. We're all so smart and on top of this angle or that sides argument, yet none us ever bought the annotated textbooks. We never had that access. Somehow we all know all the asnwers....we're fucked...always were


Cry me a river.

Are you going to leave again forever? :lol:

Are you talking about your willingness to slander your neighbor (Steven Sanderson, a raid victim) in the name of law enforcement?

I never said I was leaving, I said I would stop my victim advocacy in this forum due to your willingness (and the like) to say anything. I believe, just as here, your lack of integrity and character speaks for itself ...
are you hating on an age group?

last guy that did that was fuckin nixon hating on the kids of the 60s.
dont be nixon.
Not sure, you took the quote out of context. I think the group I dislike is the 20 something, pajama pants wearing, energy drinking shit starters. The name doesn't have to be Dustin. There are others that work. Daryl, Rod, Todd, Tyler, whoever the shoe fits. The know-it-all youngsters were the target of my hyperbolic statements. No worries.

Now, as far as nixon, come on, man! Troll better! First, most of his years were in the 70's, second you're fucking stoned out of your head if you think the 1970's was the last time we saw age descrimination. I'd suggest that cheetoh Hitler is engaged in plenty of discrimination. I'm sure age is considered when he goes grabbing pussies. Thats age descrimitation, the liar-in-chief! But for real, even the humanend society does it. Old pussies are cheaper. Even by one get one if they have 5+ years on 'em! Besides all that, bruv, comparing someone to Nixon while cheetoh Hitler is around is sort of almost a compliment.

Blah blah blah. You sit at home on your ass doing nothing, suck on the government tit collecting tax payers dollars, pontificate on a weed forum....and expect everyone to believe that you've got it all figured out.

You're "the man" alright! :lol:
You don't talk to people like that in person, so why do it here?

Little man syndrome?
:roll:Look who's calling the kettle black.You don't have the balls to call out anyone in person.:finger: