Flaming Pie Lies About CNN


Well-Known Member
I am deeply concerned that TRUMP! is planning on moving the press out of the White House in order to be better able to control their access. He is lying and saying that it is to give more access by allowing more members of the press in. Of course these "members of the press" will be bloggers and alt-right trolls who will only give him positive spin.

Donald Trump has declared war on democracy and the institutions that keep us free.
We the People must fight his war, then. We must fight it TO WIN.

Those who have worked for the Federal Government for any length of time already know they can run roughshod over our civil rights at will, with impunity.

It's only our freedom at stake.


Well-Known Member
How about just talking against him? He's telling media he doesn't wish to be critiqued..his truth is the only truth.

What the hell is that? We're in some deep shit with this..the barring of media..he already refused them entrance on government property this past week.
Then it's time to start a campaign against the White House by reminding senators and congressmen that they still need OUR votes to remain in office and that supporting anything he does will be seen as a fundamental breach of trust with their constituents.