Well-Known Member
As far as the Cree reference vs the Gavita this could very easily have a different outcome if they installed the SR reflector insert into the Gavita. Or one could check out Nanolux. They have a square reflector made to target a 4X4 area.
As far as quantum boards vs the reference design. I tend to think if the same amounts of money was invested in a Quantum boards build they would be superior.
IDK, I think those 5w diodes w/ optics will hold their par value at greater depths. Plus they can add a few key colors for enhancement. Maybe the QB would be a cheaper build but I'm not sure it will outperform the Refferrnce design.
Guess time will tell.
DIY QB are pretty affordable I hear. What do you plan on selling yours for manufactured? Will you offer it on different currents or just make it powerful w/ a dimmer? Can those QB be enhanced? Any optics chosen yet?
They sound great. Have you chosen the diodes you want yet?