
I don't think there's anything wrong with porn

On the contrary, I think it actually helps individuals as well as society in many different ways

Although I also believe there can be a danger aspect to it, just like anything else that induces the pleasure chemicals inside the brain. Moderation is key to enjoyment.

Funny, this is one of the few jobs where women earn more than men, and yet they're shamed for it throughout large segments of society..

Given the fact that the internet is so available today, and kids will likely gain access well before they're 18, how do you think we as a society should approach the topic of porn being readily available to minors at a very young age? How do you think this might affect views on sexuality?
I'm sure a lot of virgins skip missionary and start with a good ass pounding rite out of the gate .....which IMO would take a lot of the fun out of learning those things without porn .....I think people should bone down at least three or four times before picking up ideas/positions from porn ......but I could honestly care less ...I just wanted to say ass pounding and debbie does Dallas on VHS was hot shit when I was young ......fuck I'm old ....oh well
How old were you the first time you saw porn?

At what age do you think it's OK for people to see it?
Well I was maybe 11 or 12 when I first noticed it.

I don't think there should be an age limit on nudity, that's just some Puritan bullshit.

Hard core porn like anal, bondage, S&M and the like is for older kids, I'm thinking NC17 rated kind of thing.

I think there should be more non sexual nudity at young ages, specifically to destigmatize it. Sex ed can happen as early as 10, because that's when kids are beginning to really wake up to their sexuality.

Keeping children in the dark and feeding them guilt about it 'until marriage' is a nasty power play practiced on young minds by those with an agenda. Like religions. I'm not a big fan of organized religion and the garbage that's historically gone with it.
Well I was maybe 11 or 12 when I first noticed it.

I don't think there should be an age limit on nudity, that's just some Puritan bullshit.

Hard core porn like anal, bondage, S&M and the like is for older kids, I'm thinking NC17 rated kind of thing.

I think there should be more non sexual nudity at young ages, specifically to destigmatize it. Sex ed can happen as early as 10, because that's when kids are beginning to really wake up to their sexuality.

Keeping children in the dark and feeding them guilt about it 'until marriage' is a nasty power play practiced on young minds by those with an agenda. Like religions. I'm not a big fan of organized religion and the garbage that's historically gone with it.

I believe there was a movie called blue lagoon or something ...where a guy and girl were on an island running around butthole naked ...that kinda nudity isn't a big deal IMO as far as age goes you said there's nudity and then there's hardcore shit that lil kids IMO don't need to see's like the kids who's parent are preachers and super strict ....NO SEX NO DRINKING...and when you put so much effort into telling a young person not to do something ,,,,it's almost like it turns it into some kind of mystical beast that they just have to try soley because mommy and daddy said not to .........I'm not dissing anyone's beliefs or religion ...I was raised in church as a lil guy and got kicked out of the public school program for good behavior and had to do my fair share of years in Christian private school .....which was fun in and of itself ....a school filled with good kids that there parents didn't want in public school,and kids like me who had no choice .......lots of horny chicks in those places that are just as freaky if not more freaky than the normal girl .......fine by me ....still can't believe my pops paid for me to have that much fun .....I feel even older now
I believe there was a movie called blue lagoon or something ...where a guy and girl were on an island running around butthole naked ...that kinda nudity isn't a big deal IMO as far as age goes you said there's nudity and then there's hardcore shit that lil kids IMO don't need to see's like the kids who's parent are preachers and super strict ....NO SEX NO DRINKING...and when you put so much effort into telling a young person not to do something ,,,,it's almost like it turns it into some kind of mystical beast that they just have to try soley because mommy and daddy said not to .........I'm not dissing anyone's beliefs or religion ...I was raised in church as a lil guy and got kicked out of the public school program for good behavior and had to do my fair share of years in Christian private school .....which was fun in and of itself ....a school filled with good kids that there parents didn't want in public school,and kids like me who had no choice .......lots of horny chicks in those places that are just as freaky if not more freaky than the normal girl .......fine by me ....still can't believe my pops paid for me to have that much fun .....I feel even older now
You and I are saying the same thing.

I hear a lot of stories about freaky girls in religious schools lol
Further elaboration on this topic: YES i AM a fucked up pervert, but as long as no one is being taken advantage of, I am OK with porn, but I know this is rarely the case. Unfortunately, people often get taken advantage of in the real world. I didn't want to think about it for a long time, but I think it's why I have become less interested as time goes on.
The violent stuff in porn makes me sick to my stomach, I don't want to see people getting humiliated because they have to make a living. A lady friend asked me to slap her ass once, I could barely bring myself to do that. If people are into it, I say all the power to you man, just not my thing. (I am ok with this stuff in art/illustrations)
I think the religious and moral points people have brought up in the thread are interesting. I am NOT a supporter of religion AT ALL myself, but I can respect people's beliefs all the same, how you want to live and raise your children is up to you, as long as you understand that not everyone has the same belief structure, but most people rarely understand this. I WAS raised in a no alcohol, no sex, no girlfriends even, type of religious household, fuck dude, certain people even made me feel like drawing anything was wrong, I had to keep everything to myself and it just kept getting weirder. Possibly one of the reasons why I looked to alcohol as an escape and why I was OBSESSED with porn for years. Not trying to judge or give advice, but if you guys have kids, maybe think twice about being so strict. :peace:
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Thanks DAT, I will share my honest thoughts on porn here, you understand me, I hope you get a good chuckle out of this.

I admit I am a crazy person in certain ways and one way is porn. For a LONG time, I loved it. However, over the past year my interest has been diminishing slowly. I still look at it from time to time, but nothing like before.

Been fascinated ever since seeing that spice channel on tv when i was like 12, even though i could barely see anything.
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We got the internet around that time too, looked at porn a lot. Never got into any really weird shit. Couple of weird things I suppose:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE trans porn! And Hairy women!!! I know you guys will think its fucked up but whatever, I like chicks with hairy armpits and legs, and a fulll natural bush :)
I used to download it a lot, couple of hard drives worth, I like streaming but I like how I've got stuff organized more.
best site for everything: evilangel (they have a LOT of WEIRD anal stuff on there! Like women shitting out LONG dildos, and HUGE insertions) there's plenty of incredible trans porn on there as well!!

DAT, you wanted me to post the censored version of this drawing, im glad you enjoyed this as a political statement:
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Very socio-sexual....fantastic....
Whoa whoa, lost me on the porn stuff, lol...sites and channels and whatnot. Sure, I watch videos, read erotica, and ogle pics while I beat off, but I'm not so into 'online stuff' on that level, I suppose.

Besides, I had a few ROCKIN years between wives, and my current wife is hotter than the oven door and great in the sack.

giphy (11).gif
lol. Awe robot. That was a great post. Looks like lou saved it. Lol. I think censoring any drawing or painting or sculpture of sexual documentation is ridiculous. So when I saw what you did with your drawing with the blackouts I thought it was absurdly fitting today of how fucked we are with censorship and getting reported... and who is reporting and allowed to decide what is appropriate. I picked up this dollar bill Amsterdam a while ago. Europeans aren't as uptight about sex as Americans are.
lol. Awe robot. That was a great post. Looks like lou saved it. Lol. I think censoring any drawing or painting or sculpture of sexual documentation is ridiculous. So when I saw what you did with your drawing with the blackouts I thought it was absurdly fitting today of how fucked we are with censorship and getting reported... and who is reporting and allowed to decide what is appropriate. I picked up this dollar bill Amsterdam a while ago. Europeans aren't as uptight about sex as Americans are.
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I actually posed for a few of these bills....