The hearing protection act

You're calling me sensitive? I'm not the one that needs big brother to keep me safe with his loving red tape.

I think it's silly that there's a $200 tax and a nine month wait for a ten inch corrugated metal tube with a hole through it. Criminals can already make pretty decent ones out of oil filters, you might as well let legitimate businesses make money. And I think suppressors are just cool, arguably anyone that doesn't is kind of a sissy.

I never understood making suppressors illegal for purchase without the ATF waiver, you aren't making the gun any more deadly. If you can already own the gun, why is a suppressor suddenly more dangerous? You can kill someone with an unsuppressed primer fired .22 that's way quieter than a 9mm with a tube on it.

and yet you are still a virgin that jerks off to anime.
then why did you claim more jobs?
It's called supply and demand, don't be thick. You remove the obstacle of government overreach and you instantly create a market. You think that everyone that wants a suppressor gets one regardless of the wait period, tax stamp, and ATF application? Of course not.

Spike in demand = someone has to make them = someone has to hire people. It has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with basic economics.

When has a new product coming online with a guaranteed market ever created less jobs?
Yeah, nothing says manly like a guy that's so afraid of everything that he has to walk around with a gun 24/7. :roll:
No one ever said you have to walk around with a gun 24/7. Getting caught unarmed by a guy with a gun sure does sound manly though. It isn't about being manly, it's about not going out like a mark and trusting other people with your own protection.

then why did you credit trum with more jobs, virgin boi?
Because the Trump administration would be removing the barrier to entry. Do you cross the street by yourself?
No one ever said you have to walk around with a gun 24/7. Getting caught unarmed by a guy with a gun sure does sound manly though. It isn't about being manly, it's about not going out like a mark and trusting other people with your own protection.

Because the Trump administration would be removing the barrier to entry. Do you cross the street by yourself?

He never leaves the house.
No one ever said you have to walk around with a gun 24/7. Getting caught unarmed by a guy with a gun sure does sound manly though. It isn't about being manly, it's about not going out like a mark and trusting other people with your own protection.

you're 40 times more likely to end up shooting yourself or a loved one than stopping an armed intruder.

hence why i am a full supporter of the second amendment. everyone gets a little sad sometimes. make sure you have your gun around.
No one ever said you have to walk around with a gun 24/7. Getting caught unarmed by a guy with a gun sure does sound manly though. It isn't about being manly, it's about not going out like a mark and trusting other people with your own protection.

Because the Trump administration would be removing the barrier to entry. Do you cross the street by yourself?

I'll take my chances without a gun. Statistics suggest that your gun is more likely to be used in an accidental killing than a justifiable homicide. You've got a better chance of winning the lotto twice than finding yourself in a crazed gunman scenario. That's just right wing paranoia.

If you want to own a gun, rock on. Suggesting that it makes you more manly is absurd though.
you're 40 times more likely to end up shooting yourself or a loved one than stopping an armed intruder.

hence why i am a full supporter of the second amendment. everyone gets a little sad sometimes. make sure you have your gun around.

If you're a loser and play with your guns all day like a kook. I don't sit around racking slides like some Dylan Roof character, but I'd rather have something and not ever need it than need it and not have it. I don't trust a guy in a police station fifteen minutes away with my immediate protection, that's just naive.

I'll take my chances without a gun. Statistics suggest that your gun is more likely to be used in an accidental killing than a justifiable homicide. You've got a better chance of winning the lotto twice than finding yourself in a crazed gunman scenario. That's just right wing paranoia.

If you want to own a gun, rock on. Suggesting that it makes you more manly is absurd though.

Statistics are irrelevant. People win the lottery and get struck by lightning, albeit rare, it definitely happens. Some people just like guns. Personally, I've gotten into precision machining and CAD/CAM pretty heavily over the past couple years. Guns and accessories are fun to design and interesting mechanically, and small businesses can be successful as marginal producers in that market. It isn't always about defense, I'm personally into larger caliber long range target shooting because I grew up on a 500 acre farm. Liking or disliking a hobby doesn't say anything about your masculinity; wanting to strip rights away from someone for a sweeping generalization and perceived threat does, however.
I wonder what our law enforcement officers think about it. It s has to make their job safer, right.
How would it make thier job harder.

I don't even own a suppressor. That's what it is. Not a silencer. Any gun besides a .22 is still very audible.

So the gun can be heard still. It makes the gun bulkier and harder to hide. Be harder to conceal on the body.

Would make the gun easier for law enforcement to grab in a struggle.

Its not something I'm into but anyone thinking that a bunch of criminals will buy suppressors and walk around in the shadows robbing and killing watch too many 007 movies.

So they start making sub sonic ammo, that just makes the bullet slower and weaker.
How would it make thier job harder.

I don't even own a suppressor. That's what it is. Not a silencer. Any gun besides a .22 is still very audible.

So the gun can be heard still. It makes the gun bulkier and harder to hide. Be harder to conceal on the body.

Would make the gun easier for law enforcement to grab in a struggle.

Its not something I'm into but anyone thinking that a bunch of criminals will buy suppressors and walk around in the shadows robbing and killing watch too many 007 movies.

So they start making sub sonic ammo, that just makes the bullet slower and weaker.

Because I think if someone was going to shoot a cop from their vehicle during a traffic stop, it would be be more inconspicuous with a silencer especially with flash suppression at night. This is common sense, and I don't think you'll see many departments supporting the bill.
so you keep yours safely locked away then?

"just wait one second, intruder, while i go to my safe and get my gun. is it 42 left, or 42 right to start?"

yeah, we can tell from the avatar.

Emotionally potent oversimplifications, don't be so basic. Gun safes have numeric key pads and rfid dongles, btw. Grew up in Waterford, Virginia. I could post my 4-H metals if you'd like.
Emotionally potent oversimplifications, don't be so basic. Gun safes have numeric key pads and rfid dongles, btw. Grew up in Waterford, Virginia. I could post my 4-H metals if you'd like.

the intruder just shot you dead while you were frantically pounding numbers.

did your family own slaves? last shitheel virginian we had on this forum from that area owned slaves according to census records.

or maybe he was just having a really big house party on the day the census came through there.
the intruder just shot you dead while you were frantically pounding numbers.

did your family own slaves? last shitheel virginian we had on this forum from that area owned slaves according to census records.

or maybe he was just having a really big house party on the day the census came through there.

My family are Greek, you dingus. And you can lock more than one door in most houses, if someone breaks in the front door, they aren't magically teleported into your bedroom.
My family are Greek, you dingus. And you can lock more than one door in most houses, if someone breaks in the front door, they aren't magically teleported into your bedroom.

you splurged for bulletproof doors?

plenty of greek immigrant families owned slaves. did yours? the last virginian from your area on this forum did.
you splurged for bulletproof doors?

plenty of greek immigrant families owned slaves. did yours? the last virginian from your area on this forum did.

They immigrated to Montana in the 30s and my grandfathers were both military officers.

Hitler, Himmler, Heimat und Holocaust?

OH HE'S GOT JOKES, DOES HE? Loudoun County heavyweight cock champion three years running, thank you.