The hearing protection act

Right wing idiot propaganda.
Did you remember to pay your NRA fees this year, simpleton?

Suppressors are regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, which falls under the purview of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). To legally purchase or possess a suppressor you must:

  • Be at least 21 years of age to purchase a suppressor from a dealer.
  • Be at least 18 years of age to purchase a suppressor from an individual on a Form 4 to Form 4 transfer (contingent on state laws).
  • Be at least 18 years of age to possess a suppressor as a beneficiary of a trust or as a member of a corporation (contingent on state laws).
  • Be a resident of the United States.
  • Be legally eligible to purchase a firearm.
  • Pass a BATFE background check with a typical process time of 4 to 9 months.
  • Pay a one time $200 Transfer Tax.
  • Reside in one of the 41 states that currently allows civilian ownership of suppressors.


I didn't ask what the law was, I asked why 200 dollars and what good it does anyone having any restrictions.

What if firearms didn't go boom in the first place? Would we be required to put devices on making them loud?

Never given the NRA a dime or moment of my time.

I didn't ask what the law was, I asked why 200 dollars and what good it does anyone having any restrictions.

What if firearms didn't go boom in the first place? Would we be required to put devices on making them loud?

Never given the NRA a dime or moment of my time.

You implied liberals made the law. You couldnt be any dumber.
You implied liberals made the law. You couldnt be any dumber.

Deflecting again. You still cant answer why 200 dollars and why silencers are restricted in the first place, aside from midnight ninja snipers head hunting our childrens.

Who gives a fuck who made the law when you cant even tell me why its a good idea aside from hyperbole and fantasy situations.
Deflecting again. You still cant answer why 200 dollars and why silencers are restricted in the first place, aside from midnight ninja snipers head hunting our childrens.

Who gives a fuck who made the law when you cant even tell me why its a good idea aside from hyperbole and fantasy situations.

I don't have a problem with people owning a silencer, but I do enjoy listening to the NRA snivel about not getting their way with everything... so, it's a good law.
I don't have a problem with people owning a silencer, but I do enjoy listening to the NRA snivel about not getting their way with everything... so, it's a good law.

I can relate. Everything anti Trump makes laugh my ass off because no one can do shit about it now.

But I already own a few silencers, and Trump will be president shortly, so win win.
I can relate. Everything anti Trump makes laugh my ass off because no one can do shit about it now.

But I already own a few silencers, and Trump will be president shortly, so win win.
yeah but you're still a victim of all this horrible multiculturalism and we're not going anywhere. white people are still going extinct too.

so win win. and we get to vote again in 4 years.

win win win.
Deflecting again. You still cant answer why 200 dollars and why silencers are restricted in the first place, aside from midnight ninja snipers head hunting our childrens.
:dunce::dunce: let me know if you need me to underline the important parts.

Gun Taxes and State Revenues - Governing magazine
Governing › columns › public-finance
Feb 14, 2013 - The other, introduced by Assemblyman Rob Bonta, is a similar tax, but would aid law enforcement in cities with the highest violent crime rates. In New Jersey, two Bergen County legislators have introduced legislation in the state assembly to impose an additional 5 percent sales tax on guns and ammunition.

US Court Ruled You Can Be “Too Smart” to Be a Cop | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Global Research › ca › us-court-ruled-yo...
Dec 18, 2014 - US Court Ruled You Can Be “Too Smart” to Be a Cop ... Because New London Police Department applied the same standard to everyone who applied to be a cop there. And the theory behind it?