Well-Known Member
Who cares about Ron Paul right now except you?
your years long obsession with him informs your viewpoint on this subject.
Who cares about Ron Paul right now except you?
your years long obsession with him informs your viewpoint on this subject.
I've been reading for a couple days laying low, a lot of you're buddies are telling you to stop fucking up their threads with your nonsense. I watched you doxx someone a couple days ago that used to be your buddy.
I'm not your buddy though, so whatever.
nice meltdown.
lol, even puts it in his sig. didn't think it was gonna have such an effect.
You left a trail of breadcrumbs that lead straight to your front door, literally. Don't try to blame it on me.
You also exposed @schuylaar with your sloppiness. At the very least, you should apologize to her.
In what way? since you've made the claim please back it up.
How do you think it is that everyone knows your name? You can thank Buck.
He said he didn't say anything. You saw his post. Did he lie to me?
He said he didn't say anything. You saw his post. Did he lie to me?
At the start of your post you said "you're" friends, you were corrected correctly.Take your drunk ass to bed.
At the start of your post you said "you're" friends, you were corrected correctly.
And here people are, shitting all over the floor, derailing yet another thread and off topic- as usual.
And y'all wonder why I wish for adult discourse.
I'm not expecting everyone to agree but can we please stick with the subject, FFS?!
It's an important question; WHY are the needs of the middle class being so roundly ignored, now even by themselves? Is this country so self deluded that the average voter can't decide what's in his/her own best interest?
I think it's because the middle class has been abandoned by BOTH sides. Otherwise, Mr Sanders would never have made the impact he did, and he wouldn't have the clout on Capitol Hill that he does.
Occupy Wall Street was a great start, but they did not come up with a plan of action and that was their biggest failure.