I don't care what you say dragon, a doctor jamming a needle in your crotch and then slashing it open with a scalpel can't compare to someone squeezing your balls. Don't forget after they slash your crotch open they have to sew it back up. Nothing like having to sit directly on an insision for 2 weeks. And try to take a pee after that. It's like pouring ammonia into and open wound. It's extremely painful. After all that, don't forget that bowel movements are a daily occurance. If you were cut and restitched from your asshole to the head of your penis I'm sure that is more painful than a little ball squeeze.
I just don't think men see the bigger picture when it comes to child birth, the wreckage of the female body right afterwards.
...a doctor jamming a needle in your crotch and then slashing it open with a scalpel can't compare to someone squeezing your balls...
Not pain wise, your right, what I meant is that it doesn't really happen that often unless there is something going on down there all the time, so they are comparable in the fact that they don't happen often.
If you were cut and restitched from your asshole to the head of your penis I'm sure that is more painful than a little ball squeeze.
I just don't think men see the bigger picture when it comes to child birth, the wreckage of the female body right afterwards.
OK.... you have obviously never had your balls squeezed. It is unbearable. I have had my hands smashed, been cracked in the head with huge rocks, I cut myself on a daily basis of branches of trees and tools, and pour salt into the wounds and laugh, I can take those things no problem, you squeeze my balls and I will be immobilized until you let go. A mans balls are key to the CNS, as it is them that is at the other end of the spinal cord (if people didn't notice how all those nerve endings get down there).
O.K. .... I just got through talking about how my wife had a baby, right? She had stitches, they were in for a month, they ripped out twice. I saw her pain when she peed. Thats why I did all the housework, stayed home with the kids, made her meals in bed, kept her nicely medicated on the ganja, gave her nothing but love and smiles,

. Her stomach and all of her insides was adjusting back to size, and that was painful too. And there was no longer that life growing in there, and that was emotionally painful too, and I saw it. All this and the little baby was always hungry and always wanted that sweet fresh milk... sometimes mommy would be really soar, so I would make a bottle for the baby to let mommy rest. I got the picture, the Big picture, all the way down to the last detail. And Im telling you, if I could have taken the burden of pain unto myself, I would have.